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Notes: The table reports results from regression models of future forecast errors of real estate price changes on the corresponding-region accounting profitability change. Forecast errors are actual realizations of real estate price changes minus the corresponding-period forecasts from Econoday and Zillow. Table 1 provides more details on the variables and the sample. \hrule
\captionof{table}{\textbf{How is Regional Accounting Information Processed by Real Estate Forecasters?}}
\gmc{4}{l}{Panel A. Econoday forecasts} \\\hline
& \gmc{3}{c}{Future Forecast error of regional real estate price change} \\\hline
& Estimate & Standard Error & t-statistic \\\hline
\rowcolor{gray!25}$\Delta Prof_{region}$ & 0.100& 0.046& 2.165\\
Intercept & 0.000& 0.001& 0.147 \\
Adjusted $R^2$ & 0.154 \\\\\hline
\gmc{4}{l}{Panel A. Zillow forecasts} \\\hline
&Estimate& Standard Error& t-statistic\\
\rowcolor{gray!25} $\Delta Prof_{region}$ & 0.068& 0.029& 2.389 \\
Intercept& 0.000& 0.000& 0.347\\\\
Adjusted $R^2$ & 0.145 \\
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\captionof{table}{How is Regional Accounting Information Processed by Real Estate Forecasters?}
& \multicolumn{3}{>{\hsize=3\hsize}Y}{Future forecast error of regional real estate price change}
& Estimate & Standard Error & $t$-statistic \\\midrule
\gmc{4}{l}{Panel A\@. Econoday forecasts} \\\addlinespace
$\Delta \textit{Prof}_{\textit{region}}$ & 0.100& 0.046& 2.165\\
Intercept & 0.000& 0.001& 0.147 \\[1ex]
Adjusted $R^2$ & 0.154 \\[3ex]
\gmc{4}{l}{Panel B\@. Zillow forecasts} \\\addlinespace
$\Delta \textit{Prof}_{\textit{region}}$ & 0.068& 0.029& 2.389 \\
Intercept & 0.000& 0.000& 0.347\\[1ex]
Adjusted $R^2$ & 0.145 \\
Notes: The table reports results from regression models of future forecast errors of real estate price changes on the corresponding-region accounting profitability change. Forecast errors are actual realizations of real estate price changes minus the corresponding-period forecasts from Econoday and Zillow. Table~1 provides more details on the variables and the sample. \par