我有以下 TikZ 图片
只是没有红色箭头。我不知道如何用 LaTeX 插入那个红色箭头。
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, positioning}
mynode/.style={rectangle,rounded corners, draw=gray, top color=white,
bottom color=teal!50!gray,very thick, inner sep=1em,
minimum size=1em, text centered, minimum width=2cm,
drop shadow, text width=2cm},
myright/.style={-{Stealth[length=4mm]}, color=gray, line width=0.1cm,
draw, shorten <=0.3cm,shorten >=0.3cm, bend right},
myleft/.style={-{Stealth[length=4mm]}, color=gray, line width=0.1cm,
draw, shorten <=0.3cm,shorten >=0.3cm, bend left},
straight/.style={-{Stealth[length=4mm]}, color=gray, line width=0.1cm,
draw, shorten <=0.2cm,shorten >=0.2cm},
\node[mynode] (ex) {Exekutive Kontrolle};
\node[mynode] at ([yshift=-2.75cm] 0:3cm) (b) {B};
\node[mynode] at ([yshift=-2.75cm] 180:3cm) (em) {A};
\node[mynode] at ([yshift=-3.1cm] 90:0) (a) {{Emotions- regulation}};
\node[mynode] at ([yshift=3.5cm] 0:2.75cm) (akzeptanz) {Akzeptanz};
\node[mynode] at ([yshift=3.5cm] 90:2.75cm) (achtsamkeit) {Achtsamkeit};
\node[mynode] at ([yshift=3.5cm] 180:2.75cm) (awareness) {Awareness};
\path[straight] (ex) to (b);
\path[straight] (ex) to (a);
\path[straight] (ex) to (em);
%\path[straight] (akzeptanz) to (ex);
%\path[straight] (awareness) to (ex);
\path[straight] (achtsamkeit) to (akzeptanz);
\path[straight] (achtsamkeit) to (awareness);
\path[myleft] (akzeptanz) to (awareness);
\path[myleft] (awareness) to (akzeptanz);
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, positioning}
mynode/.style={rectangle,rounded corners, draw=gray, top color=white,
bottom color=teal!50!gray,very thick, inner sep=1em,
minimum size=1em, text centered, minimum width=2cm,
drop shadow, text width=2cm},
myright/.style={-{Stealth[length=4mm]}, color=gray, line width=0.1cm,
draw, shorten <=0.3cm,shorten >=0.3cm, bend right},
myleft/.style={-{Stealth[length=4mm]}, color=gray, line width=0.1cm,
draw, shorten <=0.3cm,shorten >=0.3cm, bend left},
straight/.style={-{Stealth[length=4mm]}, color=gray, line width=0.1cm,
draw, shorten <=0.2cm,shorten >=0.2cm},
\node[mynode] (ex) {Exekutive Kontrolle};
\node[mynode] at ([yshift=-2.75cm] 0:3cm) (b) {B};
\node[mynode] at ([yshift=-2.75cm] 180:3cm) (em) {A};
\node[mynode] at ([yshift=-3.1cm] 90:0) (a) {{Emotions- regulation}};
\node[mynode] at ([yshift=3.5cm] 0:2.75cm) (akzeptanz) {Akzeptanz};
\node[mynode] at ([yshift=3.5cm] 90:2.75cm) (achtsamkeit) {Achtsamkeit};
\node[mynode] at ([yshift=3.5cm] 180:2.75cm) (awareness) {Awareness};
\path[straight] (ex) to (b);
\path[straight] (ex) to (a);
\path[straight] (ex) to (em);
%\path[straight] (akzeptanz) to (ex);
%\path[straight] (awareness) to (ex);
\path[straight] (achtsamkeit) to (akzeptanz);
\path[straight] (achtsamkeit) to (awareness);
\path[myleft] (akzeptanz) to coordinate (x) (awareness); <-- added coordinate
\path[myleft] (awareness) to (akzeptanz);
\draw[red, shorten <=2mm, shorten >=1mm, % <-- new
line width=2mm, -{Stealth[length=6mm,width=6mm]}] (x) -- (ex);
附录: 正如在这个答案的评论中提到的那样,让我展示一下上图的另一种更简洁的代码。在其中我考虑:
- 该图片是纯 TikZ 图片,因此对于它来说包
是多余的;而应该添加 TikZ 库shodows
- 所有节点都有相同的样式,因此为每个节点定义样式是合理的
- 可以使用更大
outer sep
的节点来代替不同的缩短箭头和 - 而不是
或使用 。\pat
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, positioning, shadows}
node distance = 13mm and 0mm,
every node/.style = {rectangle, rounded corners, draw=gray, very thick,
top color=white, bottom color=teal!50!gray,
inner sep=1em, outer sep=1.5mm,
text width=20mm, align=center,
drop shadow},
myarrows/.style = {draw=#1, line width=1mm, -{Stealth[length=4mm]}},
myarrows/.default = gray
\node (ex) {Exekutive Kontrolle};
\node (a) [below left=of ex] {A};
\node (em)[below =of ex] {Emotions- regulation};
\node (b) [below right=of ex] {B};
\node (awareness) [above left=of ex] {Awareness};
\node (akzeptanz) [above right=of ex] {Akzeptanz};
\node (achtsamkeit)
[above right=of awareness] {Achtsamkeit};
\draw[myarrows] (ex) edge (a) (ex) edge (em) (ex) edge (b)
(achtsamkeit) edge (akzeptanz)
(achtsamkeit) to (awareness);
\draw[myarrows, bend left]
(awareness.north east) edge (akzeptanz.north west)
(akzeptanz.south west) to coordinate (x) (awareness.south east);%<-- added coordinate
\draw[myarrows=red,shorten <=2mm] (x) -- (ex);% <-- new