如何在页眉中添加如下所示的图形,其中页眉底部的线从左侧开始,长 1 厘米,图形之间有 3 厘米的间隙,并且线继续延伸剩余长度:
- 数字 - - - - - - - - -
我的 .cls 中有一行使用此代码运行:
%% Fancy style for the main matter.
%% Page numbers on the top left and top right.
%% The mainmatter style is default for normal pages.
%% Print the current chapter and section at the top of the page in cyan.
\renewcommand*\chaptermark[1]{\markboth{\thechapter.\ \color{title}#1}{}}
\renewcommand*\sectionmark[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ \color{title}#1}}
%% The setheader command can be used to print the title of unnumbered chapters
%% in the page header.
%% Change the headrule command (from fancyhdr.sty) to draw the line below the
%% header in the title color.
some text
ps. 我使用的是 sharelatex
%% Fancy style for the main matter.
%% Page numbers on the top left and top right.
%% Chapter name on the left (even) page.
%% Section name on the right (odd) page.
%% The mainmatter style is default for normal pages.
%% Print the current chapter and section at the top of the page in cyan.
\renewcommand*\chaptermark[1]{\markboth{\thechapter.\ \color{title}#1}{}}
\renewcommand*\sectionmark[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ \color{title}#1}}
%% The setheader command can be used to print the title of unnumbered chapters
%% in the page header.
%% Change the headrule command (from fancyhdr.sty) to draw the line below the
%% header in the title color.
%% enlarge headsep and headheight
\noindent some text
%% Fancy style for the main matter.
%% Page numbers on the top left and top right.
%% Chapter name on the left (even) page.
%% Section name on the right (odd) page.
%% The mainmatter style is default for normal pages.
%% Print the current chapter and section at the top of the page in cyan.
\renewcommand*\chaptermark[1]{\markboth{\thechapter.\ \color{title}#1}{}}
\renewcommand*\sectionmark[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ \color{title}#1}}
%% The setheader command can be used to print the title of unnumbered chapters
%% in the page header.
%% Change the headrule command (from fancyhdr.sty) to draw the line below the
%% header in the title color.
%% enlarge headheight
\noindent some text