为什么我的 LaTeX 输出中的引用会出现“?”标记?

为什么我的 LaTeX 输出中的引用会出现“?”标记?

我已经使用 JabRef 软件创建了一个.bib名为的文件,并通过以下myreferences.bib行将其导入到我的.tex文件中:mypaper.tex








在此之前,我从未遇到过更新myreferences.bib文件和编译的问题mypaper.tex文件的问题。然而从今天开始,我注意到输出中的所有引用都标有标记任何新添加到myreferences.bib文件中的引用。我做的第一件事是禁用防病毒软件的防火墙,然后更新 MikTeX 程序,然后启用防火墙。(我这样做是因为在更新 MikTeX 时,我在禁用防火墙之前收到了错误消息)。更新 MikTex 后,我再次启用了防病毒防火墙。但问题仍未解决。非常感谢您的帮助。


mypaper.tex 文件:

\title[]{The Title of the Paper}

\author[A. Lastname et al.]{
Andrew Smith,$^{1}$\thanks{E-mail: [email protected]}
Andrea Robertson,$^{2}$\thanks{E-mail: [email protected]}
Asher Aaronson$^{2,3}$\thanks{E-mail: [email protected]}
$^{2}$Department of Astronomy/Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, 933 North Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA\\
$^{3}$Department of Physics and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona, 2381 E. Fourth Street, Phoenix, AZ 85721, USA\\
$^{1}$California Institute of Technology, 1600 East California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA}

\date{Accepted XXX. Received YYY; in original form ZZZ}


    \caption{This is taken from \citet{2016arXiv160608440M} and \citet{2016ApJ...824..110C}.}
    \label{fig:Figure 4}



myreferences2.bib 文件:(我仅包含有问题的两个新参考文献。这就是我创建仅包含这两个新参考文献的第二个 .bib 文件的原因。)

% Encoding: UTF-8

  author =        {{Crone Odekon}, M. and {Koopmann}, R.~A. and {Haynes}, M.~P. and {Finn}, R.~A. and {McGowan}, C. and {Micula}, A. and {Reed}, L. and {Giovanelli}, R. and {Hallenbeck}, G.},
  title =         {{The HI Content of Galaxies in Groups and Clusters as Measured by ALFALFA}},
  journal =       {\apj},
  year =          {2016},
  volume =        {824},
  pages =         {110},
  month =         jun,
  adsnote =       {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System},
  adsurl =        {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016ApJ...824..110C},
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  doi =           {10.3847/0004-637X/824/2/110},
  eid =           {110},
  eprint =        {1604.08862},
  file =          {:2016ApJ...824..110C.pdf:PDF},
  keywords =      {galaxies: clusters: general, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: groups: general, galaxies: ISM, galaxies: spiral, galaxies: statistics }

  author =        {{Martindale}, H. and {Thomas}, P.~A. and {Henriques}, B.~M. and {Loveday}, J.},
  title =         {{A consistent model for both the HI and stellar mass functions of galaxies}},
  journal =       {ArXiv e-prints},
  year =          {2016},
  month =         jun,
  adsnote =       {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System},
  adsurl =        {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016arXiv160608440M},
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  eprint =        {1606.08440},
  file =          {2016arXiv160608440M.pdf:2016arXiv160608440M.pdf:PDF;:2016arXiv160608440M.pdf:PDF},
  keywords =      {Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies}

并且成功以 pdf 格式创建了带有标题的输出(即图 4)。在图片的标题中,除了实际引用的文章author et al. (year)(显示为问号“?”,没有引号)外,其他所有文章都存在:

这是从“? 和?”中取出来的。


感谢大家对理解问题的贡献。我学到的第一件事是运行脚本的顺序的重要性,顺序应如下:(如用户名 cfr 所述)

1. Typsetting .tex file (e.g. pdfLatex mypaper.tex)
2. Running myreferences.bib file
3. Running pdfLatex
4. Running padfLatex

但是,只有在我从工作目录中删除了所有中间文件和辅助文件(即 .bbl、.out、.synctex、.bib.bak 等,只留下两个文件mypaper.texmyreferences.bib文件)后,我才能通过这些步骤解决问题;似乎较旧的辅助文件正在干扰myreferences.bib文件更新。)我还必须在上面的列表中添加一个步骤:。

5. Running pdfLatex+makeIndex+bibTeX all three together as the final step
