\tikzset{conc/.style={rectangle, white, draw=red, fill=red, rounded corners=20pt}}
\path[mindmap,concept color=black,text=white]
node[concept] (mmm) {Neurocognitive robotic brain}
[clockwise from=0]
child[level distance=260, minimum size=4cm, concept color=green!50!black] {
node[concept] (biomech) {Biomechatronics}
child[level distance=200, minimum size=4cm, concept color=blue] {
node[concept] {DNF-manipulated cognitive matters}
[clockwise from=15]
child[level distance= 180, minimum size=4cm] { node[concept] {Introduction to neuroinformatics} }
child[level distance= 180, minimum size=4cm] { node[concept] {Neural control of movement \& Motor Learning} }
child[level distance= 180, minimum size=4cm] { node[concept] {Signal \& information processing: modeling, filtering, learning} }
child[level distance=200, minimum size=4cm, concept color=red] {
node[concept] {Supplementary perspective}
[clockwise from=-90]
child[level distance= 180, minimum size=4cm] { node[concept] {Probabilistic Artificial Intelligence} }
child[level distance= 180, minimum size=4cm] { node[concept] {Dynamic Programming \& Optimal Control} }
child[level distance=135, minimum size= 3cm] { node[conc] {Optimal \& Learning Control for Autonomous Robots} }
child[level distance= 260, minimum size=4cm, concept color=orange] {
node[concept] (morph) {Neuromorphic engineering I \& II}
\path (mmm)--node[sloped, green, above=0.5cm, align=center]{\bfseries Mechanical \& integration \\ \bfseries aspects}(biomech);
\path (mmm)--node[sloped, orange, above=0.5cm, align=center]{\bfseries Electrical \& implementation \\ \bfseries facets}(morph);
想法是向思维导图添加一个半径与圆角相同的空心圆,然后覆盖包含文本的节点。棘手的是 的(place holder.south east)
位置与 的位置不同(place holder.south -| place holder.east)
\tikzset{conc/.style={rectangle, text=white, draw=red, fill=red, rounded corners=20pt}}
\path[mindmap,concept color=black,text=white]
node[concept] (mmm) {Neurocognitive robotic brain}
[clockwise from=0]
child[level distance=260, minimum size=4cm, concept color=green!50!black] {
node[concept,text width=4cm] (biomech) {Biomechatronics}
child[level distance=200, minimum size=4cm, concept color=blue] {
node[concept,text width=4cm] {DNF-manipulated cognitive matters}
[clockwise from=15]
child[level distance= 180, minimum size=4cm] { node[concept,text width=4cm] {Introduction to neuroinformatics} }
child[level distance= 180, minimum size=4cm] { node[concept,text width=4cm] {Neural control of movement \& Motor Learning} }
child[level distance= 180, minimum size=4cm] { node[concept,text width=4cm] {Signal \& information processing: modeling, filtering, learning} }
child[level distance=200, minimum size=4cm, concept color=red] {
node [concept] {Supplementary perspective}
[clockwise from=-90]
child[level distance= 180, minimum size=4cm] { node[concept,text width=4cm] {Probabilistic Artificial Intelligence} }
child[level distance= 180, minimum size=4cm] { node[concept,text width=4cm] {Dynamic Programming \& Optimal Control} }
child[level distance=110, minimum size=40pt] {node (place holder) [circle,fill=red]{} }
child[level distance= 260, minimum size=4cm, concept color=orange] {
node[concept,text width=4cm] (morph) {Neuromorphic engineering I \& II}
\path (mmm)--node[sloped, green, above=0.5cm, align=center]{\bfseries Mechanical \& integration \\ \bfseries aspects}(biomech);
\path (mmm)--node[sloped, orange, above=0.5cm, align=center]{\bfseries Electrical \& implementation \\ \bfseries facets}(morph);
\node[conc,align=center,text width=2cm,inner sep=5mm,above left] at (place holder.south -| place holder.east)
{Optimal \& Learning Control for Autonomous Robots};