} %to enumerate sections and put them in toc even they are not enumerated%
\newcommand{\seclabel}[1] {\numberwithin{equation}{section}\label{#1}}
\newcommand{\sseclabel}[1] {\numberwithin{equation}{subsection}\label{#1}}
\renewcommand{\thesubsubsection} {\thesubsection.\alph{subsubsection}} %to enumerate subsubsections with letters%
\newcommand{\ssseclabel}[1] {\numberwithin{equation}{subsubsection}\label{#1}}
\sect{Test not enumerated}
\pi=3.1416 \seclabel{eq:pi1}
First, this equation~\eqref{eq:pi1} is properly enumerated but not properly referenced.
\section{Test 2 enumerated}
\pi=3.1416 \seclabel{eq:pi2}
Equation ~\eqref{eq:pi2} is properly enumerated and referenced.
\sect{Test 3}
\pi=3.1416 \seclabel{eq:pi3}
This other equation~\eqref{eq:pi3} is properly enumerated and referenced, however the first equation isn't.
\subsubsection{here inside}
\pi=3.1416 \ssseclabel{eq:pi4}
Second when I do a cross-reference to equation ~\eqref{eq:pi4} I've not got the letter and right reference either.
} %to enumerate sections and put them in toc even they are not enumerated%
\renewcommand{\thesubsubsection} {\thesubsection.\alph{subsubsection}} %to enumerate subsubsections with letters%
\renewcommand\theequation{\ifnum\value{subsubsection}>0 \thesubsubsection\else
\ifnum\value{subsection}>0 \thesubsection\else
\sect{Test not enumerated}
\pi=3.1416 \label{eq:pi1}
First, this equation~\eqref{eq:pi1} is properly enumerated but not properly referenced.
\section{Test 2 enumerated}
\pi=3.1416 \label{eq:pi2}
Equation ~\eqref{eq:pi2} is properly enumerated and referenced.
\sect{Test 3}
\pi=3.1416 \label{eq:pi3}
This other equation~\eqref{eq:pi3} is properly enumerated and referenced, however the first equation isn't.
\subsubsection{here inside}
\pi=3.1416 \label{eq:pi4}
Second when I do a cross-reference to equation ~\eqref{eq:pi4} I've not got the letter and right reference either.