\lettrine 和 quotation 之间可能存在问题 - 如何解决?

\lettrine 和 quotation 之间可能存在问题 - 如何解决?

以下或多或少最小的工作示例在排版我的免费物理文本时,会导致我的 TexLive 2014 出现乳胶问题。关于 Bernard Riemann 的行左边距错误。有人可以解释或纠正这个问题吗?


\section{What is light?}

\lettrine{T}{he}{} nature of light has fascinated explorers of nature since at
least the time of the ancient Greeks.  The answer appeared in 1848, when
{Gustav Kirchhoff} noted that the experimental values on both sides of
the following equation agreed within measurement errors:
    c = \frac { 1 }{  \sqrt{\epsilon_{0} \mu_{0}} } \;.
\noindent This equality suggested the answer to the question asked two thousand
years earlier:
 {Light is an electromagnetic wave}.
Ten years later, in 1858, {Bernhard Riemann} proved mathematically that
any electromagnetic wave in vacuum must propagate with a speed $c$ given by
the above equation.
We note that the right-hand side contains electric and magnetic quantities,
and the left-hand side is an optical quantity. 




  • \lettrine 在 'quote'、'quotation'、'abstract' 环境中有效,但在 'center' 环境中无效(选项 [lines=1] 除外);
  • \lettrine 在列表中不起作用;
  • 如果必须在以“lettrine”开头的段落中包含列表,则必须在列表末尾添加命令 \parshape=0(在列表之前或之后开始新段落也可以)。请记住,“quote”、“quotation”、“abstract”环境在 LaTeX 中以列表形式实现。


