在Elsevier 模板,有一个问题。它在页面的右上角和底部都创建了页码。我应该如何删除底部的页码?
\journal{Expert Systems with Applications}
\runauth{Me et al.}
%% The choice of journal logo is determined by the \jid and \jnltitlelogo commands.
%% A user-supplied logo with the name <\jid>logo.pdf will be inserted if present.
%% e.g. if \jid{yspmi} the system will look for a file yspmilogo.pdf
%% Otherwise the content of \jnltitlelogo will be set between horizontal lines as a default logo
%% Give the abbreviation of the Journal.
%% Give a short journal name for the dummy logo (if needed)
\jnltitlelogo{Expert Systems with Applications}
%% Hereafter the template follows `elsarticle'.
%% For more details see the existing template files elsarticle-template-harv.tex and elsarticle-template-num.tex.
% \patchcmd{<cmd>}{<search>}{<replace>}{<success>}{<failure>}
\title{title title title title title title }
\section{first section}