并非所有 .bib 文件的条目都转换为 .bbl

并非所有 .bib 文件的条目都转换为 .bbl

我是 LaTeX 新手。到目前为止,我可以通过搜索互联网来处理所有问题。但现在我陷入困境!我使用 TeXmaker 作为编辑器。

我的文件中有 332 个条目.bib,并且包含在一个main.tex文件中。当我通过pdflatex-- bibtex-- pdflatex--进行编译时pdflatex,我看到了直到 bib 条目编号 312 的所有文本引用!有趣的是,我还得到了最后一条条目。但 312 和 331 之间的所有条目在 PDF 中都带有 (?) 符号。结果发现,在我的.bbl文件中,这些条目(312-331)完全丢失了,我不明白为什么。这些条目在文件中按应有的方式显示,.aux\citation{312},但我确实在log文件中收到错误:

"Package natbib Warning: Citation `312' on page 38 undefined on input line 136."



   author = {Altschul, S. F. and Gish, W. and Miller, W. and Myers, E. W. and Lipman, D. J.},
   title = {Basic local alignment search tool},
   journal = {J Mol Biol},
   volume = {215},
   number = {3},
   pages = {403-10},
   ISSN = {0022-2836 (Print)
0022-2836 (Linking)},
   DOI = {10.1016/S0022-2836(05)80360-2},
   url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2231712},
   year = {1990},
   type = {Journal Article}

   author = {Neri, D. and Szyperski, T. and Otting, G. and Senn, H. and Wuthrich, K.},
   title = {Stereospecific nuclear magnetic resonance assignments of the methyl groups of valine and leucine in the DNA-binding domain of the 434 repressor by biosynthetically directed fractional 13C labeling},
   journal = {Biochemistry},
   volume = {28},
   number = {19},
   pages = {7510-6},
   ISSN = {0006-2960 (Print)
0006-2960 (Linking)},
   url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2692701},
   year = {1989},
   type = {Journal Article}


\bibitem[{Altschul et~al.(1990)Altschul, Gish, Miller, Myers, \& Lipman}]{311}
Altschul, S.~F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E.~W., \& Lipman, D.~J.Basic
  local alignment search tool.
\newblock t.
\newblock {\em J Mol Biol\/}, {\em 215\/}(3), 403--10.

MWE 来自评论:

asfd \citep{250} asdf2sdafasdfasdasfdadfs \citep{312} \bibliographystyle{styles/apagood} 
