\foreach \i in {11,10,...,0}{% This one doesn't matter
\foreach \j in {5,4,...,0}{% This will crate a membrane
% with the front lipids visible
% top layer
\pgfmathsetmacro{\dx}{rand*0.1}% A random variance in the x coordinate
\pgfmathsetmacro{\dy}{rand*0.1}% A random variance in the y coordinate,
% gives a hight fill to the lipid
\pgfmathsetmacro{\rot}{rand*0.1}% A random variance in the
% molecule orientation
\shade[ball color=red] ({\i+\dx+\rot},{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=gray] (\i+\dx,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-0.9}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=gray] (\i+\dx-\rot,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-1.8}) circle(0.45);
% bottom layer
\shade[ball color=gray] (\i+\dx+\rot,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-2.8}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=gray] (\i+\dx,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-3.7}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=red] (\i+\dx-\rot,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-4.6}) circle(0.45);
\foreach \i in {11,10,...,0}{% This one doesn't matter
\ifthenelse{\i = 0 \OR \i = 11}{\newcommand{\colore}{red}}{\newcommand{\colore}{gray}}
\foreach \j in {5,4,...,0}{% This will crate a membrane
% with the front lipids visible
% top layer
\pgfmathsetmacro{\dx}{rand*0.1}% A random variance in the x coordinate
\pgfmathsetmacro{\dy}{rand*0.1}% A random variance in the y coordinate,
% gives a hight fill to the lipid
\pgfmathsetmacro{\rot}{rand*0.1}% A random variance in the
% molecule orientation
\shade[ball color=\colore] ({\i+\dx+\rot},{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=\colore] (\i+\dx,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-0.9}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=\colore] (\i+\dx-\rot,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-1.8}) circle(0.45);
% bottom layer
\shade[ball color=\colore] (\i+\dx+\rot,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-2.8}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=\colore] (\i+\dx,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-3.7}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=\colore] (\i+\dx-\rot,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-4.6}) circle(0.45);
无需加载任何其他包,因为 TikZ 已经允许您在循环中有条件地设置颜色\foreach
\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \k using {\i == 11 ? "red" : (\i == 0 ? "blue" : "gray") }] in {11,10,...,0}{%
\foreach \j in {5,4,...,0}{% This will crate a membrane
% with the front lipids visible
% top layer
\pgfmathsetmacro{\dx}{rand*0.1}% A random variance in the x coordinate
\pgfmathsetmacro{\dy}{rand*0.1}% A random variance in the y coordinate,
% gives a hight fill to the lipid
\pgfmathsetmacro{\rot}{rand*0.1}% A random variance in the
% molecule orientation
% molecule orientation
\shade[ball color=mycolour] ({\i+\dx+\rot},{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=mycolour] (\i+\dx,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-0.9}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=mycolour] (\i+\dx-\rot,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-1.8}) circle(0.45);
% bottom layer
\shade[ball color=mycolour] (\i+\dx+\rot,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-2.8}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=mycolour] (\i+\dx,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-3.7}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=mycolour] (\i+\dx-\rot,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-4.6}) circle(0.45);
\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \k using {\i > 0 ? "red" : (\i < 0 ? "blue" : "gray") }, evaluate=\i as \m using {abs(\i)*20}] in {-5,...,5}{%
\foreach \j in {5,4,...,0}{% This will crate a membrane
% with the front lipids visible
% top layer
\pgfmathsetmacro{\dx}{rand*0.1}% A random variance in the x coordinate
\pgfmathsetmacro{\dy}{rand*0.1}% A random variance in the y coordinate,
% gives a hight fill to the lipid
\pgfmathsetmacro{\rot}{rand*0.1}% A random variance in the
% molecule orientation
\shade[ball color=mycolour] ({\i+\dx+\rot},{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=mycolour] (\i+\dx,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-0.9}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=mycolour] (\i+\dx-\rot,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-1.8}) circle(0.45);
% bottom layer
\shade[ball color=mycolour] (\i+\dx+\rot,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-2.8}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=mycolour] (\i+\dx,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-3.7}) circle(0.45);
\shade[ball color=mycolour] (\i+\dx-\rot,{0.5*\j+\dy+0.4*sin(\i*\nuPi*10)-4.6}) circle(0.45);