我在使用 wrapfig 显示三幅图像时遇到了问题。前两幅图像的格式很好,但第三幅图像的文本位于图像下方而不是侧面。在图像及其附带文本之后,还有另一个新段落,我想将其与第三幅图像分开,这可能会干扰第三幅图像的格式。有人能建议一种修复此问题的方法吗?代码和图像如下。
\newline\begin{wrapfigure}{l}{0.2\textwidth} \vspace{-20pt}
\textbf{fgdov} has gfd undgfduate gs, and is completing a Mastfdgfdgfdgfders degree in Bioinformatics at KU. Her thesis igfdgfdnership with gty and will fdgfd work on the rgent of our ideafdgfd, ag ighfde effects ofdgdf n different fgta. Shefd presentlfdgfdy works in g at the microbiome fdgfd gfdgfdangcompanfdy fdgfd gdfgfdg gdfgfdg dgfd gof the latest gfdge fgfdg gfdg gfdg gfd h of kge in this fiefdg gfdgfdld.
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\end{wrapfigure}\noindent \textbf{Mul Ltyargo} has uyt for su ytuytnths in a pharmaceutical microbiology lab as part of his phuytcy buytlor. Curu he iyts stuytng a combined Master inuyt andytuU in yutess Adyttion and Biouytuhip. Heyt is working at the same time in a consultant company specialized in new heauyt prtyucts uyt the market. Therefore,ueyt tu tot apply the yuntyturepuiytp theories toytety practicauytes of our start up, gutiu thyte buss eytdge.\bigbreak
\end{wrapfigure} \textbf{uytoffer Husyttad} fsd a bacuytound in micrytogy aytd fytod sytnce, comfging the nedfdssssary mifdlogy knowledge nyutd to adus oytur bufsess. ute huyts a backfgdnd from the ffustry,sdfds and experuytynce from resfdsrch in nfdsrition. Dufg dshis bflordss, he dsfd a project on fsdfdstion, specifically on how nutfdstion afftsds athletes.
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