

我正在使用 amsthm 和 fancyhdr 包以及书籍 LaTeX 文档类。所有定理类项目(定理、引理、定义、练习等)在每个章节内按顺序编号(通过通常的声明\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[chapter])。


例如,如果页面上最后一个编号的定理类项目是“命题 2.11”,那么它就会出现在标题中。

[如果正面页面没有编号项,则页眉应为前一页的最后一个编号项 - 或者,如果前一页(反面页面)没有编号项,则为前一页(正面页面)。(我不需要比这更深的递归!)]



也许最简单的方法就是使用“并行”\mark系统;我们已经学会了如何表现良好,所以我们现在用 分配\marks数字\newmarks

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Not necessary, but recommended.

% \usepackage{amsthm} % doesn't call "\@opargbegintheorem", though


\fancyhead[RE,LO]{\myBotmark} % "RE" just for testing purposes

\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section] % or "[chapter]", or whatever
\newtheorem{lemma}  {Lemma}  [section]



\apptocmd{\@begintheorem}     {\myMark{#1\ #2}\ignorespaces}{}{}
                #1\ #2%
                \ (#3)% comment this line to leave "Mickey Mouse" out



\section{First section}


    This is the first theorem of the first section.


    This is the second theorem of the first section.

\begin{theorem}[Donald Duck]
    This is the third theorem of the first section.


    This is the fourth theorem of the first section.


    This is the first lemma of the first section.


    This is the fifth theorem of the first section.


\begin{lemma}[Uncle Scrooge]
    This is the second lemma of the first section.


    This is the sixth theorem of the first section.


    This is the seventh theorem of the first section.

    This is the third lemma of the first section.

\begin{theorem}[Mickey Mouse]
    This is the eighth theorem of the first section.


    This is the ninth theorem of the first section.


\begin{theorem}[The last one]
    This is the tenth theorem of the first section.


    This is the fourth lemma of the first section.

    This is the fifth lemma of the first section.

    This is the sixth lemma of the first section.

    This is the seventh lemma of the first section.

    This is the eighth lemma of the first section.

    This is the ninth lemma of the first section.

\begin{lemma}[Deep breath]
    This is the tenth lemma of the first section.


    This is the eleventh lemma of the first section.

    This is the twelfth lemma of the first section.

    This is the thirteenth lemma of the first section.

    This is the fourteenth lemma of the first section.

    This is the fifteenth lemma of the first section.

\begin{lemma}[Hexadecimal deep breath]
    This is the sixteenth lemma of the first section.

% \lipsum[85-96]





出于这个原因以及其他原因,最好设计另一个特别适合该amsthm包的补丁,该补丁在宏的参数中提供标记\deferred@thm@head,该宏在 内部排版;更准确地说,它是在或\box\@labels调用 之前发出的,就在 的最开始处。请注意,此框随后被编辑,因此标记将出现在包含定理头的水平列表的最开始处,后跟定理声明;从那里,它将移动到同一段落的第一行之后,也就是它所属的确切位置。\swappedhead\thmhead\box\@labels\unhbox



  1. 确保etoolbox在序言中尽早加载该软件包;

  2. 将两个注释之间的代码复制BEGIN WIZARDRYEND WIZARDRY你的序言中,在两个都 包裹etoolboxamsthm包裹已经装载;

  3. 在您的页面样式的定义中,放置\myBotmark您希望定理引用出现的任何位置(类似于放置 \thepage您希望页码出现的任何位置)。


\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Not necessary, but recommended.

\usepackage{amsthm} % comment or uncomment as you prefer


\fancyhead[RE,LO]{\myBotmark} % "RE" just for testing purposes

\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section] % or "[chapter]", or whatever
\newtheorem{lemma}  {Lemma}  [section]

% A little trick to make this example work both with amsthm and without it;
% once you've made your choice, you do not need this code.
        \let \IfAmsThm = \@firstoftwo
        \let \IfAmsThm = \@secondoftwo

    \newtheorem*{spclaim}{Special Claim}


%%%%%%%% BEGIN WIZARDRY %%%%%%%%



    \patchcmd{\@begintheorem}{% search for:
        \thm@swap\swappedhead\thmhead % more specific than before
    }{% replace with:
        \myMark{#1\@ifnotempty{#2}{\ #2}\@ifnotempty{#3}{\ (#3)}}%
        \typeout{>>> Made patch specific for amsthm.}
        \typeout{>>> Patch specific for amsthm FAILED!}
    \apptocmd{\@begintheorem}     {\myMark{#1\ #2}\ignorespaces}{}{}
                    #1\ #2%
                    \ (#3)% comment this line to leave "Mickey Mouse" out
    \typeout{>>> Made generic patch.}


%%%%%%%%  END WIZARDRY  %%%%%%%%


\section{First section}


    This is the first theorem of the first section.


    This is the second theorem of the first section.

\begin{theorem}[Donald Duck]
    This is the third theorem of the first section.

        This is a special claim.

% \begingroup
%   \showboxbreadth = 1000
%   \showboxdepth = 10
%   \tracingonline = 1
%   \showlists
% \endgroup


    This is the fourth theorem of the first section.

\begin{defin}[Something new]
    This is the first definition of the first section.

    This is the second definition of the first section.


    This is the first lemma of the first section.


    This is the fifth theorem of the first section.


\begin{lemma}[Uncle Scrooge]
    This is the second lemma of the first section.


    This is the sixth theorem of the first section.


    This is the seventh theorem of the first section.

    This is the third lemma of the first section.

\begin{theorem}[Mickey Mouse]
    This is the eighth theorem of the first section.


    This is the ninth theorem of the first section.


\begin{theorem}[The last one]
    This is the tenth theorem of the first section.


    This is the fourth lemma of the first section.

    This is the fifth lemma of the first section.

    This is the sixth lemma of the first section.

    This is the seventh lemma of the first section.

    This is the eighth lemma of the first section.

    This is the ninth lemma of the first section.

\begin{lemma}[Deep breath]
    This is the tenth lemma of the first section.


    This is the eleventh lemma of the first section.

    This is the twelfth lemma of the first section.

    This is the thirteenth lemma of the first section.

    This is the fourteenth lemma of the first section.

    This is the fifteenth lemma of the first section.

\begin{lemma}[Hexadecimal deep breath]
    This is the sixteenth lemma of the first section.

% \lipsum[85-96]




