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分两步展示使用 编写的图片。
\draw[gray, thick] (-3,2) -- (3,2);
\draw[gray, thick, dotted] (-3.5, 2) -- (-3,2);
\draw[gray, thick, dotted] (3, 2) -- (3.5,2);
\draw[gray, thick] (-3,0) -- (3,0);
\draw[gray, thick, dotted] (-3.5, 0) -- (-3,0);
\draw[gray, thick, dotted] (3, 0) -- (3.5,0);
\draw[gray, thick] (-2,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (-1,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (0,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (-2.5,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (-1.5,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (-0.5,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[red, very thick] (0.5,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (1,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (1.5,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (2,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (2.5,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw (3.5, 1) node [anchor = west]{$M$};
\draw (0.5, 0) node [anchor = north, red]{$N$};
\draw[red, very thick] (-3.3,1.7) -- (2.6,1.7);
\draw[red, very thick, dotted] (-3.8, 1.7) -- (-3.3,1.7);
\draw[red, very thick, dotted] (2.6, 1.7) -- (3.1,1.7);
\draw[gray, thick] (-3,2) -- (3,2);
\draw[gray, thick, dotted] (-3.5, 2) -- (-3,2);
\draw[gray, thick, dotted] (3, 2) -- (3.5,2);
\draw[gray, thick] (-3,0) -- (3,0);
\draw[gray, thick, dotted] (-3.5, 0) -- (-3,0);
\draw[gray, thick, dotted] (3, 0) -- (3.5,0);
\draw[gray, thick] (-2,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (-1,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (0,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (-2.5,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (-1.5,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (-0.5,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[red, very thick] (0.5,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (1,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (1.5,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (2,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw[gray, thick] (2.5,1) ellipse (0.6 and 1);
\draw (3.5, 1) node [anchor = west]{$M$};
\draw (0.5, 0) node [anchor = north, red]{$N$};
\draw[red, very thick] (-3.3,1.7) -- (2.6,1.7);
\draw[red, very thick, dotted] (-3.8, 1.7) -- (-3.3,1.7);
\draw[red, very thick, dotted] (2.6, 1.7) -- (3.1,1.7);