删除 amsppt 中的日期

删除 amsppt 中的日期

当序言中使用以下内容时,如何删除“日期”? 任何帮助都值得赞赏。

\input amstex
\magnification=\magstep1                        %<====
\hsize6.5truein\vsize8.9truein                  %<====


我已经有近二十年没有编写过 AMS-TeX 文档了,但我可以说下面的代码由纯 TeX 编译…

\input amstex
\title The Gnus\endtitle
\author Arthur Uther Thor\endauthor
% \date July~17, 2016\enddate
Gnus are big.


添加:无论如何,我建议你改用 LaTeX + AMS 课程之一,例如执行如下amsart操作:

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % not actually necessary, but I use it by habit
% ... more packages as needed

\title{The Gnus}
% \date{\today} % uncomment to see where the date would wind up

\pagestyle{plain} % instead of \NoRunningHeads

% ... More declarations ...



Gnus are big.


