在接受的答案中将当前定理类项目的名称/编号放在标题中,显示了如何在页面标题中放置(页面上的最后一个)定理、引理等的标签。例如,如果最后一个这样的项目是“定理 3.2”,那么它就会出现在页面标题中。
包一起使用的,因此此类项目在页面正文中显示为“3.2 Theorem”。但相应的标题仍显示为“Theorem 3.2”。
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Not necessary, but recommended.
\usepackage{amsthm} % comment or uncomment as you prefer
\usepackage{amsfonts} % for "\mathbb"
\fancyhead[RE,LO]{\myBotmark} % "RE" just for testing purposes
\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section] % or "[chapter]", or whatever
\newtheorem{lemma} {Lemma} [section]
% A little trick to make this example work both with amsthm and without it;
% once you've made your choice, you do not need this code.
\let \IfAmsThm = \@firstoftwo
\let \IfAmsThm = \@secondoftwo
\newtheorem*{spclaim}{Special Claim}
%%%%%%%% BEGIN WIZARDRY %%%%%%%%
\newcommand*\myMark[1]{% <<< MODIFIED
\let\label\relax \let\index\relax \let\glossary\relax
\thmnumber{\thmname{\ }#2}%
\thmnote{\ (#3)}%
\thmname{\thmnumber{\ }#1}%
\thmnote{\ (#3)}%
\patchcmd{\@begintheorem}{% search for:
\thm@swap\swappedhead\thmhead % more specific than before
}{% replace with:
}{% execute if succeeded:
\typeout{>>> Made patch specific for amsthm.}
}{% execute if failed:
\typeout{>>> Patch specific for amsthm FAILED!}
\apptocmd{\@begintheorem} {\myMark{#1\ #2}\ignorespaces}{}{}
#1\ #2%
\ (#3)% comment this line to leave Mickey Mouse out
\typeout{>>> Made generic patch.}
%%%%%%%% END WIZARDRY %%%%%%%%
\section{First section}
This is the first theorem of the first section.
This is the second theorem of the first section.
\begin{theorem}[Donald Duck and~$\mathbb{Q}$]
The third theorem of the first section.
This is a special claim.
% \begingroup
% \showboxbreadth = 1000
% \showboxdepth = 10
% \tracingonline = 1
% \showlists
% \endgroup
This is the fourth theorem of the first section.
\begin{defin}[Something new]
This is the first definition of the first section.
This is the second definition of the first section.
This is the first lemma of the first section.
This is the fifth theorem of the first section.
\begin{lemma}[Uncle Scrooge and~$\mathbb{R}$]
The second lemma of the first section.
This is the sixth theorem of the first section.
This is the seventh theorem of the first section.
This is the third lemma of the first section.
\begin{theorem}[Mickey Mouse and~$\mathbb{C}$]
The eighth theorem of the first section.
This is the ninth theorem of the first section.
This is the third definition of the first section.
\begin{theorem}[The last one]
This is the tenth theorem of the first section.
This is the fourth lemma of the first section.
This is the fifth lemma of the first section.
This is the sixth lemma of the first section.
This is the seventh lemma of the first section.
This is the eighth lemma of the first section.
This is the ninth lemma of the first section.
\begin{lemma}[Deep breath]
This is the tenth lemma of the first section.
This is the eleventh lemma of the first section.
This is the twelfth lemma of the first section.
This is the thirteenth lemma of the first section.
This is the fourteenth lemma of the first section.
This is the fifteenth lemma of the first section.
\begin{lemma}[Hexadecimal deep breath]
This is the sixteenth lemma of the first section.
% \lipsum[85-96]
\apptocmd{\@begintheorem} {\myMark{#1\ #2}\ignorespaces}{}{}
#1\ #2%
\ (#3)% comment this line to leave "Mickey Mouse" out