我的 tex 文件在这里:
\def\newblock{\ }%
I would like to cite \citep[]{Balasubramanian2004}.
\bibliographystyle{ormsv080} % outcomment this and next line in Case 1
\bibliography{LiteratureSust} % if more than one, comma separated
这是与上面的 .tex 文件位于同一文件夹中的 .bib 文件:
AUTHOR = "Aoki, R. and T.J. Prusa",
TITLE = "Sequential versus simultaneous choice with endogenous quality",
JOURNAL = "International Journal of Industrial Organization",
YEAR = "1997",
volume = "15",
number = "1",
pages = "103--121",
AUTHOR = "Balasubramanian, S. and P. Bhardwaj",
TITLE = "When not all conflict is bad: Manufacturing-Marketing conflict and strategic incentive design",
JOURNAL = "Management Science",
YEAR = "2004",
volume = "50",
number = "4",
pages = "489--502",