tabularx 表格太长时格式不好

tabularx 表格太长时格式不好

我正在处理的文档中有一张很长、多列的 tabularx 表格。我发现在某些情况下表格的格式会中断。


\documentclass[paper=letter, fontsize=10pt]{article}




    \multicolumn{6}{p{11cm}}{\textbf{A Heading}} \\

    1     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Foo} \\
    & 1.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequetum in farfarbar foobraz do congraftsh thing stuff wrap need enough to make you wrap} \\
    2     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Bar} \\
    & 2.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{More lorem ipsum, or stuff with numbers, that doesn't quite wrap as far end} \\
    &       & 2.1.1 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Random words words and more words in a fairly long line} \\
    &       & 2.1.2 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Other random words in a line} \\
    1     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Foo} \\
    & 1.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequetum in farfarbar foobraz do congraftsh thing stuff wrap need enough to make you wrap} \\
    2     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Bar} \\
    & 2.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{More lorem ipsum, or stuff with numbers, that doesn't quite wrap as far end} \\
    &       & 2.1.1 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Random words words and more words in a fairly long line} \\
    &       & 2.1.2 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Other random words in a line} \\
    1     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Foo} \\
    & 1.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequetum in farfarbar foobraz do congraftsh thing stuff wrap need enough to make you wrap} \\
    2     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Bar} \\
    & 2.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{More lorem ipsum, or stuff with numbers, that doesn't quite wrap as far end} \\
    &       & 2.1.1 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Random words words and more words in a fairly long line} \\
    &       & 2.1.2 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Other random words in a line} \\
    1     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Foo} \\
    & 1.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequetum in farfarbar foobraz do congraftsh thing stuff wrap need enough to make you wrap} \\
    2     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Bar} \\
    & 2.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{More lorem ipsum, or stuff with numbers, that doesn't quite wrap as far end} \\
    &       & 2.1.1 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Random words words and more words in a fairly long line} \\
    &       & 2.1.2 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Other random words in a line} \\
    1     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Foo} \\
    & 1.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequetum in farfarbar foobraz do congraftsh thing stuff wrap need enough to make you wrap} \\
    2     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Bar} \\
    & 2.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{More lorem ipsum, or stuff with numbers, that doesn't quite wrap as far end} \\
    &       & 2.1.1 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Random words words and more words in a fairly long line} \\
    &       & 2.1.2 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Other random words in a line} \\
    1     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Foo} \\
    & 1.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequetum in farfarbar foobraz do congraftsh thing stuff wrap need enough to make you wrap} \\
    2     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Bar} \\
    & 2.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{More lorem ipsum, or stuff with numbers, that doesn't quite wrap as far end} \\
    &       & 2.1.1 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Random words words and more words in a fairly long line} \\
    &       & 2.1.2 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Other random words in a line} \\
    1     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Foo} \\
    & 1.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequetum in farfarbar foobraz do congraftsh thing stuff wrap need enough to make you wrap} \\
    2     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Bar} \\
    & 2.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{More lorem ipsum, or stuff with numbers, that doesn't quite wrap as far end} \\
    &       & 2.1.1 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Random words words and more words in a fairly long line} \\
    &       & 2.1.2 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Other random words in a line} \\
    %1     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Foo} \\
    %& 1.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequetum in farfarbar foobraz do congraftsh thing stuff wrap need enough to make you wrap} \\
    %2     & \multicolumn{5}{X}{Bar} \\
    %& 2.1   & \multicolumn{4}{X}{More lorem ipsum, or stuff with numbers, that doesn't quite wrap as far end} \\
    %&       & 2.1.1 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Random words words and more words in a fairly long line} \\
    %&       & 2.1.2 & \multicolumn{3}{X}{Other random words in a line} \\








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  • 我们对表格行的格式相当满意,因为在实际使用中,这是一个从 Excel 导出的很长的表格,我们需要对它进行的编辑越少越好
  • 该问题与使用无关ltablex;如果没有该包,表格将表现出相同的症状,只是它会从页面末尾延伸
  • 我可以通过降级tabularx到 2.07 版来解决这个问题。但是我不太愿意将其作为长期解决方案,因为我不想使用这个软件包 17 年前的版本。
  • 虽然我只展示了输出的前几页,但无论是损坏的还是正常工作的,表格都跨越了多页






将产生不必要的结果,X这里并不意味着“跨越 3 或 4 列并制作一个该宽度的 parbox”,而是意味着“跨越 3 或 4 列,然后将 X 宽度的 parbox 置于该跨度的中间。

除此之外,该ltablex软件包是 longtable 和 的一个相当古怪的合并,tabularx通常我只会坚持longtable,或者这里的一个列表。




\setlength\leftmarginii  {2.2em}
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\section*{A Heading}

   \item Foo
     \item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequetum in farfarbar foobraz do congraftsh thing stuff wrap need enough to make you wrap
    \item Bar
    \item More lorem ipsum, or stuff with numbers, that doesn't quite wrap as far end
    \item Random words words and more words in a fairly long line
    \item Other random words in a line
\item Foo
    \item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequetum in farfarbar foobraz do congraftsh thing stuff wrap need enough to make you wrap
 \item Bar
    \item More lorem ipsum, or stuff with numbers, that doesn't quite wrap as far end
    \item Random words words and more words in a fairly long line
    \item Other random words in a line
\item Foo
    \item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequetum in farfarbar foobraz do congraftsh thing stuff wrap need enough to make you wrap
\item Bar
    \item More lorem ipsum, or stuff with numbers, that doesn't quite wrap as far end
   \item Foo
     \item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequetum in farfarbar foobraz do congraftsh thing stuff wrap need enough to make you wrap
    \item Bar
    \item More lorem ipsum, or stuff with numbers, that doesn't quite wrap as far end
    \item Random words words and more words in a fairly long line
    \item Other random words in a line
\item Foo
    \item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequetum in farfarbar foobraz do congraftsh thing stuff wrap need enough to make you wrap
 \item Bar
    \item More lorem ipsum, or stuff with numbers, that doesn't quite wrap as far end
    \item Random words words and more words in a fairly long line
    \item Other random words in a line
\item Foo
    \item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequetum in farfarbar foobraz do congraftsh thing stuff wrap need enough to make you wrap
\item Bar
    \item More lorem ipsum, or stuff with numbers, that doesn't quite wrap as far end

