我目前正在修改代尔夫特理工大学 (TUD) 的论文模板 (找到这里) 来满足我的需求。除了章节之外,我还会包含部分。TUD 模板的引用假设它是章节中的一个部分,但是,我希望它是部分中的一个章节(没有编号)。
% To remove the section title
% that \references automatically makes
这给了我章节“# 参考”,标题名称将位于该章节页面的右上角/左上角。但是,使用
.cls 文件中对应的 \references 部分如下
%% Create an unnumbered reference section.
除此之外,TUD 模板还会在每章的页面上印上章节号的小指纹。使用上述代码(即带有编号的章节)时,不会相应地打印参考章节号。当有参考章节号时,它会跳转到“0”,而它应该是“5”。
%% The lthumb command prints the current chapter number in a thumb index on the
%% left (even) page.
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\coordinate (top margin) at (0pt,1in+\topmargin+\headheight+\headsep);
\coordinate (left margin) at (1in+\evensidemargin,0pt);
%% Calculate the corners of the thumb index based on the current
%% chapter number.
\coordinate (top left) at ($(current page.north west)-(top margin)-(0pt,\value{chapter}\thumbvspace-\thumbvspace)$);
\coordinate (bottom right) at ($(top left)+(left margin)-(\thumbhspace,\thumbheight)$);
%% Shift the left edge to prevent the rounded corner from showing.
\coordinate (top left) at ($(top left)-(\thumbedge,0pt)$);
%% Draw the thumb index.
\fill[fill=thumb,rounded corners=\thumbedge](top left) rectangle (bottom right);
%% Print the chapter number at the center right in the thumb index.
\coordinate (center right) at ($(bottom right)+(0pt,0.5\thumbheight)$);
\node at (center right)[anchor=east,inner sep=2\thumbedge]{
%% Use Roman numerals for the page numbers of the title pages and table of
%% contents.
%% Uncomment following 19 lines for a cover with a picture on the lower half only
%\subtitle[tudelft-cyan]{Optional subtitle}
%\author[tudelft-white]{J.\ Random Author}
%\affiliation{Technische Universiteit Delft}
% \textbf{Cover Text} \\
% possibly \\
% spanning
% multiple
% lines
% \vfill
% ISBN 000-00-0000-000-0
%% Uncomment following 16 lines for a cover with a picture on the lower half only
\title[tudelft-white]{The amazing journey of Walter Wombat in the
Land of Candy Sticks}
\subtitle[tudelft-black]{Optional subtitle}
\author[tudelft-white]{J.\ Random Author}
\affiliation{Technische Universiteit Delft}
\textbf{Cover Text} \\
possibly \\
ISBN 000-00-0000-000-0
%% Include an optional title page.
%% Use Arabic numerals for the page numbers of the chapters.
\part{I am a Wombat}
\chapter{A Wombat?}
No, i am just making fun, i am a
\part{I am not a Walrus}
\chapter{Well, that is obvious}
Soy un peng\"uino.\cite{ctan,doody}
%% Use letters for the chapter numbers of the appendices.
%% Turn off page numbering for the propositions and make the margins on both
%% sides equal and symmetrical.
%% Specify the title and author of the thesis. This information will be used on
%% both the English and Dutch side and in the metadata of the final PDF.
\title[Optional Subtitle]{Title}
{\Large\titlefont\bfseries Propositions}
accompanying the dissertation
%% Print the title.
%% Print the optional subtitle.
%% Print the full name of the author.
{\large\titlefont\bfseries\@firstname\ {\titleshape\@lastname}}
%% Apart from the name and title of the supervisor, the following text is
%% dictated by the promotieregelement.
These propositions are regarded as opposable and defendable, and have been approved as such by the promotor prof.\ dr.\ A.\ Kleiner.
{\Large\titlefont\bfseries Stellingen}
behorende bij het proefschrift
%% Print the title.
%% Print the optional subtitle.
%% Print the full name of the author.
{\large\titlefont\bfseries\@firstname\ {\titleshape\@lastname}}
\part{I am a Wombat}
\chapter{A Wombat?}
No, i am just making fun, i am a
\part{I am not a Walrus}
\chapter{Well, that is obvious}
Soy un peng\"uino.\cite{ctan,doody}