

我想在我的文档中并排放置两个表格,并为它们添加 (a) 和 (b) 子标题,以及一个全局标题“表格 1. Blahblahblah”(仅跨越其中一列)。目前,我只能将表格与独立的标题一起放置(如下图所示)。我尝试了 subcaption 包和 subtable,但它声称 subtable 环境未定义。我也尝试了 subfigure 包,但它与 subfig 包冲突。

\thispagestyle{plain}   % To force page numbering when using conference IEEEtran
\pagestyle{plain}   % To force page numbering when using conference IEEEtran
\newcommand{\subfigureautorefname}{\figureautorefname}  % For autoref to name subfloats as Figure

%%%%%%%%%% FIGURES %%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage[justification=centering]{caption}   % Figures caption
\captionsetup{labelsep = period}  % Figure 2. Caption (rather than Figure 2: Caption)
\usepackage{float}  % To place figures where I want with [H]
\usepackage{subfig} % For subfigures
\renewcommand{\figurename}{Fig.}  % Fig.2 (rather than Figure 2)

                    \textbf{h [m]} & \textbf{dim [m]} \\ \hline
                    30 & 0.75 \\ \hline
                    50 & 1.25 \\ \hline
                    70 & 1.75 \\ \hline
                    100 & 2.50 \\ \hline
                \caption{Minimum dimension of an object for it to be detected by the FFT algorithm at different heights}
                    \textbf{h [m]} & \textbf{dim [m]} \\ \hline
                    30 & 0.28 \\ \hline
                    50 & 0.47 \\ \hline
                    70 & 0.66 \\ \hline
                    100 & 0.94 \\ \hline
                \caption{Minimum dimension of an object for it to be detected by the GMM algorithm at different heights}











\thispagestyle{plain} % To force page numbering when using conference IEEEtran
\pagestyle{plain} % To force page numbering when using conference IEEEtran
\newcommand{\subfigureautorefname}{\figureautorefname} % For autoref to name subfloats as Figure

%%%%%%%%%% FIGURES %%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage[justification=centering]{caption} % Figures caption
\captionsetup{labelsep = period} % Figure 2. Caption (rather than Figure 2: Caption)
%\usepackage{float} % To place figures where I want with [H]
\renewcommand{\figurename}{Fig.} % Fig.2 (rather than Figure 2)
\usepackage{caption, subcaption, floatrow}


           \captionsetup[subtable]{position = below}
                   \textbf{h [m]} & \textbf{dim [m]} \\ \hline
                   30 & 0.75 \\ \hline
                   50 & 1.25 \\ \hline
                   70 & 1.75 \\ \hline
                   100 & 2.50 \\ \hline
               \caption{Minimum dimension of an object for it to be detected by the FFT algorithm at different heights}
                   \textbf{h [m]} & \textbf{dim [m]} \\ \hline
                   30 & 0.28 \\ \hline
                   50 & 0.47 \\ \hline
                   70 & 0.66 \\ \hline
                   100 & 0.94 \\ \hline
                \caption{Minimum dimension of an object for it to be detected by the GMM algorithm at different heights}
% \begin{table*}%[H]
%             \centering
%             \floatsetup[subtable]{capposition=beside, capbesideposition=bottom, capbesidesep=none}
%             \floatsetup[table]{capposition= top}
%             \captionsetup[subtable]{justification =justified}
%             \ttabbox[\FBwidth]
%             {\begin{subfloatrow}
%                 \ttabbox[1.25\FBwidth]{\caption{Minimum dimension of an object for it to be detected by the FFT algorithm at different heights}
%                 \label{tab:dimFFT1}}%
%                 {\begin{tabular}{|c|c|}
%                     \hline
%                     \textbf{h [m]} & \textbf{dim [m]} \\ \hline
%                     30 & 0.75 \\ \hline
%                     50 & 1.25 \\ \hline
%                     70 & 1.75 \\ \hline
%                     100 & 2.50 \\ \hline
%                 \end{tabular}}
%             \ttabbox[1.25\FBwidth]{ \caption{Minimum dimension of an object for it to be detected by the GMM algorithm at different heights}
%                 \label{tab:dimGMM1}}
%                 {\begin{tabular}{|c|c|}
%                     \hline
%                     \textbf{h [m]} & \textbf{dim [m]} \\ \hline
%                     30 & 0.28 \\ \hline
%                     50 & 0.47 \\ \hline
%                     70 & 0.66 \\ \hline
%                     100 & 0.94 \\ \hline
%                 \end{tabular}}
%             \end{subfloatrow}}%
%             {\caption{Blahblah}}
%         \end{table*}

