我正在尝试将新闻稿的左侧内容放在我的页面上。查看了许多 stackexchange 页面,我尝试使用 wrapfigure+minipage,但无法让文本换行!
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% Table of Contents
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\hypertarget{contents}{\textbf{{\large In This Issue\ldots}}}}
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% define \prefix@section
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\section{First section} \lipsum[1-2]
\section{Second section} \lipsum[3-4]
\section{Third section} \lipsum[5-6]
\section{Fourth section} \lipsum[7-8]
\section{Fifth section} \lipsum[9-10]
\section{Final section} \lipsum[11-12]
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% Table of Contents
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\hypertarget{contents}{\textbf{{\large In This Issue\ldots}}}}
\ifcsname prefix@#1\endcsname
\csname prefix@#1\endcsname
\csname the#1\endcsname\quad
% define \prefix@section
{\vskip 0.5ex}%
{\scshape}% numbered sections formattin
{\itshape}% unnumbered sections formatting
\begin{mdframed}[style=sidebar,frametitle={}] % Sidebar box
\section{First section} \lipsum[1-2]
\section{Second section} \lipsum[3-4]
\section{Third section} \lipsum[5-6]
\section{Fourth section} \lipsum[7-8]
\section{Fifth section} \lipsum[9-10]
\section{Final section} \lipsum[11-12]