\graph[tree layout, grow=down] % somehow make each node have a box around it by putting an option here?
Enter the tavern -> Like each other -> Go adventuring,
Enter the tavern -> Hate each other -> Fight,
Go adventuring -> Utter defeat.,
Go adventuring -> Find treasure -> Utter defeat.,
Fight -> Utter defeat.,
Find treasure <-> Sell treasure,
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={draw}]
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={draw}] % <<<<<<<<
\graph[tree layout, grow=down]
Enter the tavern -> Like each other -> Go adventuring,
Enter the tavern -> Hate each other -> Fight,
Go adventuring -> Utter defeat.,
Go adventuring -> Find treasure -> Utter defeat.,
Fight -> Utter defeat.,
Find treasure <-> Sell treasure,
\graph[tree layout, grow=down, nodes=draw] % somehow make each node have a box around it by putting an option here?
Enter the tavern -> Like each other -> Go adventuring,
Enter the tavern -> Hate each other -> Fight,
Go adventuring -> Utter defeat.,
Go adventuring -> Find treasure -> Utter defeat.,
Fight -> Utter defeat.,
Find treasure <-> Sell treasure,
根据您使用every node
- 添加
->此图中受影响的节点。 - 添加
->所有受影响的图中的节点。 - 添加
every node/.append style=draw
\graph[tree layout, grow=down, nodes=draw] % somehow make each node have a box around it by putting an option here?
Enter the tavern -> Like each other -> Go adventuring,
Enter the tavern -> Hate each other -> Fight,
Go adventuring -> Utter defeat.,
Go adventuring -> Find treasure -> Utter defeat.,
Fight -> Utter defeat.,
Find treasure <-> Sell treasure,
\graph[tree layout, grow=down] % somehow make each node have a box around it by putting an option here?
Fly a kite -> Enjoy the sunshine -> Learn Mandarin,
Fly a kite -> Hate the rain -> Hibernate,
Learn Mandarin -> Impress the Empress.,
Learn Mandarin -> Insult the Emperor -> Abandoned in jail.,
Hibernate -> Horrendous nightmares.,
Hibernate <-> Sweet dreams,
\node [font=\ttfamily, anchor=north, label=below:{as option to \ttfamily\textbackslash graph}] at ([yshift=-5mm]current bounding box.south) {nodes};
\graph[tree layout, grow=down] % somehow make each node have a box around it by putting an option here?
Enter the tavern -> Like each other -> Go adventuring,
Enter the tavern -> Hate each other -> Fight,
Go adventuring -> Utter defeat.,
Go adventuring -> Find treasure -> Utter defeat.,
Fight -> Utter defeat.,
Find treasure <-> Sell treasure,
\graph[tree layout, grow=down] % somehow make each node have a box around it by putting an option here?
Fly a kite -> Enjoy the sunshine -> Learn Mandarin,
Fly a kite -> Hate the rain -> Hibernate,
Learn Mandarin -> Impress the Empress.,
Learn Mandarin -> Insult the Emperor -> Abandoned in jail.,
Hibernate -> Horrendous nightmares.,
Hibernate <-> Sweet dreams,
\node [font=\ttfamily, anchor=north, label=below:as global option] at ([yshift=-5mm]current bounding box.south) {graphs/nodes};
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style=draw]
\graph[tree layout, grow=down] % somehow make each node have a box around it by putting an option here?
Enter the tavern -> Like each other -> Go adventuring,
Enter the tavern -> Hate each other -> Fight,
Go adventuring -> Utter defeat.,
Go adventuring -> Find treasure -> Utter defeat.,
Fight -> Utter defeat.,
Find treasure <-> Sell treasure,
\graph[tree layout, grow=down] % somehow make each node have a box around it by putting an option here?
Fly a kite -> Enjoy the sunshine -> Learn Mandarin,
Fly a kite -> Hate the rain -> Hibernate,
Learn Mandarin -> Impress the Empress.,
Learn Mandarin -> Insult the Emperor -> Abandoned in jail.,
Hibernate -> Horrendous nightmares.,
Hibernate <-> Sweet dreams,
\node [font=\ttfamily, anchor=north, label=below:but not labels] at ([yshift=-5mm]current bounding box.south) {every node};