bib 文件存在问题(参考文献中全部为粗体)

bib 文件存在问题(参考文献中全部为粗体)

Hi! I have a problem with my references. The half of them is in total bold and the other half not. I use \bf command but only for the year, for example \bf{2016}. Could you please have any idea why there is this problem?

这是我的 bib 文件的一个例子:


  author = {...},

  journal = {...},

  year = {{\bf 2016}},

  volume = {...},

  pages = {1}}


最有可能的是,您有一个\bf不在{}bib 文件中范围内的,但\bf无论如何您都不应该在 latex 中使用,并且年份字段应该只是没有格式的年份。任何格式都应该由 bibtex 样式应用,而不是在 bib 文件中,
