parskip 小节标题间距

parskip 小节标题间距


  1. 在段落之间添加空格。
  2. 删除段落第一行的缩进。





编辑以采纳 Gustavo 的建议:1)实现可选参数\subsection;2)用作-\parskip调整后的垂直高度。



\section{Without Fix}

Blah blah 

\subsection{First subsection}

This is the first line of text.  Note the vertical spacing.  

\subsection{Second subsection}

Observe the spacing prior to and following the subsectioning command. Now let me
redefine a few things.




  \vspace{-\parskip}% OR ANY OTHER DESIRED VALUE

  \vspace{-\parskip}% OR ANY OTHER DESIRED VALUE

\section{With Fix}

Blah blah

\subsection[Alternate TOC title]{Next subsection}
Did this text raise parskip higher relative to the heading than the prior
subsection?  If so, we have succeeded.

\subsection*{Non-numbered subsection}

Here is some text.

\subsection{Final subsection}

And the result is permananent, as you can see.


enter image description here




% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.


\let \originalSubsection \subsection
\RenewDocumentCommand \subsection { s o m } {%



\section{With Fix}

Blah blah.

\subsection*{A starred subsection}
This subsection has no number, and is not included in the ToC\@.

\subsection{Normal subsection}
This subsection is normal in all respects: it is numbered, and appears in the 
ToC\@ with the same title as above.

\subsection[Short title]{A somewhat longer title}
Numbered subsection, but with a different title in the ToC\@.

\subsection*[Ignored argument]{This is possible too\ldots}
\ldots and it is a well-known issue; it doesn't hurt, anyway!

