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我曾使用过此代码,但我找不到如何在 Kpss 测试列中添加多列



 \textbf{Sector}& \textbf{t-Statistic}& \textbf{Probability}&\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{KPSS Test}}\\


  \textbf{AGRICULTURE}& 0.31028&    0.0326 \\

  \textbf{CONSTRUCTION}&-1.3716&    0.1562& \\

  \textbf{ENERGY}&  -2.0059&    0.0438 \\

    \textbf{HOUSEHOLD}& -1.99411&   0.0450 \\

     \textbf{MANUFACTURE}&  -1.7018&    0.0178\\

    \textbf{MINING}&    -2.3856&    0.0176\\

    \textbf{TOURISM}&   -2.3251&    0.0206\\

    \caption{Augmented DickeyFuller and KPSS Test Statistics for Transformed Indices}
    \label{tab:Augmented DickeyFuller and KPSS Test Statistics for Transfor med Indices}



\usepackage[left = 2.5cm, right = 2.5cm]{geometry}

        &&&\multicolumn{4}{|c|}{\textbf{KPSS Test}}\\ \cline{4-7}

        \textbf{Sector}& \textbf{t-Statistic}& \textbf{Probability}& LM Stat& \% 1 Level&\% 5 Level&\% 10 Level \\


        \textbf{AGRICULTURE}& 0.31028&    0.0326&&&& \\

        \textbf{CONSTRUCTION}&-1.3716&    0.1562&&&& \\

        \textbf{ENERGY}&  -2.0059&    0.0438&&&& \\

        \textbf{HOUSEHOLD}& -1.99411&   0.0450&&&& \\

        \textbf{MANUFACTURE}&  -1.7018&    0.0178&&&&\\

        \textbf{MINING}&    -2.3856&    0.0176&&&&\\

        \textbf{TOURISM}&   -2.3251&    0.0206&&&&\\

    \caption{Augmented DickeyFuller and KPSS Test Statistics for Transformed Indices}
    \label{tab:Augmented DickeyFuller and KPSS Test Statistics for Transfor med Indices}
