收到了警告There were multiply-defined labels
\usepackage[paperheight=5cm,paperwidth=10cm, margin=0.5cm]{geometry}
\parindent 0pt % no space for the first line of a paragraph
% ---------- informations to read from the file ---------
\def\chopline#1,#2,#3 \\{ % number of arguments per line
\def\salutation{#1} % Sir/Mrs
\newif\ifmore % defines a new "if" of the name "more"
\moretrue % sets more to true
\newread\source % creates a new variable "source"
\openin\source=path/datas.csv % opens a data file
\loop % runs until the end of file (EOF)
\read\source to \line % reads every line
\ifeof\source % in the case the EOF is reached
\global\morefalse % setzt more auf false
\expandafter\chopline\line\\ % breaks datas into lines
Dear \salutation \lastname,
here is the first Information\footnote{\label{fn:informations}special informations} and then we want to show another one\footnote{another information}.
After that we reference back to the first one\footref{fn:informations}.
\setcounter{footnote}{0}% resets counter for footnotes to zero
\fi % end of if-else
\ifmore\newpage\repeat % creates a new site and goes back to loop
\closein\source % closes data file
Mr., James, Bond
Mrs., Ada, Lovelace
\usepackage[paperheight=5cm,paperwidth=10cm, margin=0.5cm]{geometry}
\parindent 0pt % no space for the first line of a paragraph
% ---------- informations to read from the file ---------
\def\chopline#1,#2,#3 \\{ % number of arguments per line
\def\salutation{#1} % Sir/Mrs
\newcount\PersonNo % counter for each person, it is necessary, that no label is created twice
\PersonNo=0 % starts with zero
\newif\ifmore % defines a new "if" of the name "more"
\moretrue % sets more to true
\newread\source % creates a new variable "source"
\openin\source=path/datas.csv % opens a data file
\loop % runs until the end of file (EOF)
\read\source to \line % reads every line
\ifeof\source % in the case the EOF is reached
\global\morefalse % setzt more auf false
\expandafter\chopline\line\\ % breaks datas into lines
Dear \salutation \lastname,
here is the first Information\footnote{\Label{fn:informations}special informations} and then we want to show another one\footnote{another information}.
After that we reference back to the first one\Footref{fn:informations}.
\setcounter{footnote}{0}% resets counter for footnotes to zero
\advance\PersonNo by 1 % increases person counter by 1
\fi % end of if-else
\ifmore\newpage\repeat % creates a new site and goes back to loop
\closein\source % closes data file