您(个人)如何让 latex 源代码更具可读性?有时,如果 \section{} 或 \proposition{} 没有弹出,则可能很难进行视觉导航。TexStudio 中的语法突出显示还可以,但部分、定理、对齐等看起来都一样:大小、颜色、字体相同。我可能有 5 个嵌套环境,这在视觉上会造成问题。
Let $A:\mathcal{H}\rightarrow 2^{\mathcal{H}}$ be a monotone, set-valued operator. $A$ is $\sigma$- strongly maximally monotone if and only if $J_{\gamma A}$ is $1+\gamma\sigma$-cocoercive.
% BEGIN preamble
% The preamble gets special comment lines which Kile recognises as a bit of code which can be folded or unfolded.
% If the document gets too cluttered, I'm probably not using semantic mark-up and need to add some code here or in a custom class or package to keep format distinct from content.
% END preamble
Each sentence gets a new line to facilitate versioning.
Every sectional division gets a \verb|\label| followed by a \verb|% BEGIN <label>| and is ended by a \verb|% END <label>|.
Kile will make the result foldable, even though it is not an environment.
\section{A section}\label{sec:section}
% BEGIN sec:section
Let $A:\mathcal{H}\rightarrow 2^{\mathcal{H}}$ be a monotone, set-valued operator.
$A$ is $\sigma$- strongly maximally monotone if and only if $J_{\gamma A}$ is $1+\gamma\sigma$-cocoercive.
% END sec:section
编辑器在提高可读性方面起着至关重要的作用,但明智地使用注释有助于提高文件的可读性。我不认为存在一种最佳方法。显然,cfr 的方法效果很好。我使用以下方法已有一段时间,对我来说效果很好 --- 但我倾向于在终端仿真器(即)中使用 Emacs ,因此这可能意味着它在其他编辑器中不会那么有用。例如,“注释行”全部延伸到第 70 个字符,因为 Emacs 会在该位置emacs -nw
硬换行(例如 via )。M-q
% Fonts and Encoding ================================================
% Language settings --------------------------------------------------
% Page Layout ========================================================
% Page dimensions ----------------------------------------------------
% Headers / Footers --------------------------------------------------
\usepackage[compact, pagestyles]{titlesec}% loads titleps.sty
% commands about section-styline
% commands about headers and footers
% and so on....
% Front matter =======================================================
% Main matter ========================================================
\chapter{Above All, Use Emacs}% ==============================
Emacs offers all the usual bells and whistles that help make writing
.tex documents easier.
\section{\ldots But If You Must}% ------------------------------------
Apparently other editors offer some measure of functionality. Make
sure yours helps you with syntax highlighting, and code indenting at a
bare minimum.
\section{Make Use of Comments}% --------------------------------------
I like to distinguish between comments that use an equal sign (viz,
\verb+===+) and comments that use a simple dash (i.e.,
\verb+---+). The former is indicates---in a very general sense---a
bigger `division' in the document compared to the latter. I find it
less jarring that a solid line of \verb+%%%+.