更改字体大小或使用带有 abc 包的音乐比例盒

更改字体大小或使用带有 abc 包的音乐比例盒

我正在尝试使用 abc 包排版一些音乐(见下文)。有没有办法增加歌曲文本的字体大小,或者(甚至更好)将整个音乐缩放到更大?我尝试使用 scalebox,但收到错误“\verbatim@ 的参数有一个额外的 }。”感谢您的帮助!

\usepackage[left=2.3cm,right=2.3cm,top=2.5cm,bottom=2cm,footskip=0cm {geometry}

X: 1 % start of header
K: A % scale: C major
M:4/4 %Meter 
A2  c2      d2 |    (e8 | e2)   A2 c2   d2 |    (e8 | e2)   
w:  Oh, when    the     saints _    go mar- ching    in   _  \ 
A2 c2   d2 |    e4      c4 |  A4   c4 |   (B8 | B2)
w:  oh when the     saints  go    mar- ching  in _ \
c2  c2   B2 | A6 A2 | c4   e4 | e2   (d6 | d2) 
w:  I   want to   be a-   mong the  num- ber _  \
d2 c2   d2 | e4      c4 |    A4      B4 | (A8 | A2) |]
w:  oh when the  Saints  go      march-  ing  in _ \

Some text.


编辑:我使用 Windows,因此为了运行整个程序,我在命令提示符中写入以下内容: latex --shell-escape abc3 abcm2ps -E saints saints

然后我将 saints001.eps 重命名为 saints.eps

latex --shell-escape abc3 dvips -o abc3.ps abc3.dvi ps2pdf abc3.ps pdflatex --shell-escape --interaction=errorstopmode --synctex=-1 abc3





X: 1 % start of header
K: A % scale: C major
M:4/4 %Meter 
A2  c2      d2 |    (e8 | e2)   A2 c2   d2 |    (e8 | e2)   
w:  Oh, when    the     saints _    go mar- ching    in   _  \ 
A2 c2   d2 |    e4      c4 |  A4   c4 |   (B8 | B2)
w:  oh when the     saints  go    mar- ching  in _ \
c2  c2   B2 | A6 A2 | c4   e4 | e2   (d6 | d2) 
w:  I   want to   be a-   mong the  num- ber _  \
d2 c2   d2 | e4      c4 |    A4      B4 | (A8 | A2) |]
w:  oh when the  Saints  go      march-  ing  in _ \

Some text.

\begin{abc}[name=saints2,options={-O= -c -s 1.2}]
X: 1 % start of header
K: A % scale: C major
M:4/4 %Meter 
A2  c2      d2 |    (e8 | e2)   A2 c2   d2 |    (e8 | e2)   
w:  Oh, when    the     saints _    go mar- ching    in   _  \ 
A2 c2   d2 |    e4      c4 |  A4   c4 |   (B8 | B2)
w:  oh when the     saints  go    mar- ching  in _ \
c2  c2   B2 | A6 A2 | c4   e4 | e2   (d6 | d2) 
w:  I   want to   be a-   mong the  num- ber _  \
d2 c2   d2 | e4      c4 |    A4      B4 | (A8 | A2) |]
w:  oh when the  Saints  go      march-  ing  in _ \

Some text.


