PDF 中的章节显示顺序不正确

PDF 中的章节显示顺序不正确

我刚开始学习 LaTex,并决定用它写我的论文。

我已经构建了 main.tex 文件的基本结构并创建了相应的章节 tex 文件,并使用 /input 将它们添加到主文件中。但是,在我开始编写第 3 章后,它在编译的 PDF 中一直显示为第 4 章。然后我开始在其相应的文件中编写第 4 章,现在 PDF 甚至不再编译。我收到以下错误消息:

编译 PDF 时出错


*编辑: 感谢您迄今为止的帮助!我修复了第 4 章中的拼写错误,现在可以再次生成 PDF,还修复了 fancyheadr 问题。但是,章节问题仍然存在……现在第 3 章显示为第 4 章,第 4 章显示为第 6 章!我在每个章节文件的开头添加了 \chapter,然后在 {} 之间添加了章节标题。还在每个章节文件的顶部添加了此行:%!TEX root=main.tex


   \documentclass[12pt, twoside]{report}
  \usepackage[a4paper,width=150mm,top=25mm,bottom=25mm, bindingoffset=6mm]{geometry}
  \graphicspath{ {Images/} }

  \fancyhead[RO,LE]{thesis title}
  \fancyfoot[LO,CE]{Chapter \thechapter}

      {\large institute}\\
      {\includegraphics{}} %insert logo uni later
  \date{Day Month Year} %insert date











  \chapter{Chapter Two Title}

  \chapter{Brazilian context and the 2013 and 2014 protests in Fortaleza}

  \chapter{Literature review on media practices}

  \chapter{Chapter Five Title}

  \chapter{Chapter Six Title}

  \chapter{Chapter Seven Title}




这是两章(第 3 章和第 4 章)的代码:

    %!TEX root=main.tex

    \chapter{Brazilian context and the 2013 and 2014 protests in Fortaleza}

    \section{Why were people taking to the streets?} %this is an item for broader, structural contextualization

    \section{Who were the protesters in 2013 and 2014?} %this is an item for contextualization of the movements themselves and changes between both years through their lenses, which take into account the sociopolitical changes

    \section{The Brazilian media landscape}%ver também docs com citações para meu MA e outros artigos que tratam do assunto, mas não pegar os textos em si

    \section{Internet use and digital inclusion}

    \section{Alternative media: past and present}%ver também docs com citações para meu MA e outros artigos que tratam do assunto, mas não pegar os textos em si

    \section{Nigéria, Na Rua and the people around them}%ver o que posso aproveitar do exposé na descrição geral, principalmente dos dois coletivos

    \section{Interim summary}


    %!TEX root=main.tex

    \chapter{Literature review on media practices}

    \section{Practice theory}
    *origins of the concept, canon literature

    \section{Practice Theory in the Context of Media Studies}
    \section{Media practices in protest movements}
    \section{Adaption of media practices}
    \subsection{Policitization of everyday media practices}
    \subsection{Activismization of professional journalistic practices}
    \subsection{Modification/creation of media practices as a reaction to changes in conjuncture}
    \section{Interim summary}





\section{Activismization of professional journalistic practices



  • 如果geometry使用包,则添加选项:

  • 手动(也许可以修复其他垂直布局长度):



章节编号问题需要进一步分析:将文件章节信息.log与输出和 TeX 源进行比较。如果问题无法解决,您应该能够缩小问题范围并发布一些相关代码。
