如何在 biblatex-chicago 中打印完整的日期字段?

如何在 biblatex-chicago 中打印完整的日期字段?

我正在尝试让 biblatex-chicago 打印出一些非标准日期格式,因为我在将它们导出到 .bib 文件之前已经在 Zotero 中写好了它们:


2016 年


最初 Zotero 将第一个示例导出为 1971 年,并从后两个示例中删除了日期。因此,我手动在 .bib 文件中重新插入了上述日期,现在所有日期在 pdflatex 中都打印为“nd”

我怎样才能像写的那样简单地打印这些日期?我需要直接从 Zotero 导出格式化的参考书目以供网站和 LaTeX 使用,这就是我按原样写日期的原因。这里是 MWE:

\graphicspath{ {images/} }

% Bibliography

  bibliography = {References}


Some chapters.



和.bib 文件:

    location = {Essex},
    title = {Treatise Handbook},
    pages = {95--134},
    booktitle = {Cornelius Cardew: A Reader},
    publisher = {Copula},
    author = {Cardew, Cornelius},
    editor = {Prévost, Eddie},
    date = {1971 (2006)},
    keywords = {0, ostertag, treatise}

    title = {Anthony Coleman and Survivors Breakfast Explore Treatise},
    volume = {12},
    url = {http://soundamerican.org/sa_archive/sa12/sa12-the-treatise-performances.html},
    journaltitle = {Sound American},
    author = {Wooley, Nate},
    date = {2016a},
    keywords = {treatise}

    title = {Mostly Other People Do The Killing Are Detained By Treatise},
    volume = {12},
    url = {http://soundamerican.org/sa_archive/sa12/sa12-the-treatise-performances.html},
    journaltitle = {Sound American},
    author = {Wooley, Nate},
    date = {2016b},
    keywords = {barrett, treatise}



date中的字段 biblatex应以YYYY-MM-DD格式给出(当然您可以从右到左省略信息,因此YYYY-MMYYYY也可以)。

因此2016a2016b和 都1971 (2006)无法正确解析。

对于前两个,你应该只给出date = {2016}并让其biblatex自动附加字母。如果你坚持两个条目的某种顺序与你从排序方案中获得的顺序相反,你可以使用sortyear = {2016-1}sortyear = {2016-2}

读起来1971 (2006)更像您应该使用的origdate

  location  = {Essex},
  title     = {Treatise Handbook},
  pages     = {95--134},
  booktitle = {Cornelius Cardew: A Reader},
  publisher = {Copula},
  author    = {Cardew, Cornelius},
  editor    = {Prévost, Eddie},
  date      = {2006},
  origdate  = {1971},

使用该选项,cmsdate=both您将获得输出“(1971) 2006”。请注意,通常您阅读/引用的版本的年份应该是相关日期,而不是其他。




  location  = {Essex},
  title     = {Treatise Handbook},
  pages     = {95--134},
  booktitle = {Cornelius Cardew: A Reader},
  publisher = {Copula},
  author    = {Cardew, Cornelius},
  editor    = {Prévost, Eddie},
  date      = {2006},
  origdate  = {1971},

  title        = {Anthony Coleman and Survivors Breakfast Explore Treatise},
  volume       = {12},
  url          = {http://soundamerican.org/sa_archive/sa12/sa12-the-treatise-performances.html},
  journaltitle = {Sound American},
  author       = {Wooley, Nate},
  date         = {2016},

  title        = {Mostly Other People Do The Killing Are Detained By Treatise},
  volume       = {12},
  url          = {http://soundamerican.org/sa_archive/sa12/sa12-the-treatise-performances.html},
  journaltitle = {Sound American},
  author       = {Wooley, Nate},
  date         = {2016},

  bibliography = {References}



或者,您可以使用字段year来代替date。虽然year 应该是整数/年份,biblatex接受非整数输入并按原样打印。

  location  = {Essex},
  title     = {Treatise Handbook},
  pages     = {95--134},
  booktitle = {Cornelius Cardew: A Reader},
  publisher = {Copula},
  author    = {Cardew, Cornelius},
  editor    = {Prévost, Eddie},
  year      = {1971 (2006)},

  title        = {Anthony Coleman and Survivors Breakfast Explore Treatise},
  volume       = {12},
  url          = {http://soundamerican.org/sa_archive/sa12/sa12-the-treatise-performances.html},
  journaltitle = {Sound American},
  author       = {Wooley, Nate},
  year         = {2016a},

  title        = {Mostly Other People Do The Killing Are Detained By Treatise},
  volume       = {12},
  url          = {http://soundamerican.org/sa_archive/sa12/sa12-the-treatise-performances.html},
  journaltitle = {Sound American},
  author       = {Wooley, Nate},
  year         = {2016b},

