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author = {"Rajeev Kumar and Abhaya Indrayan"},
title = {"Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve for Medical Researchers"},
journal = {"INDIAN PEDIATRICS"},
year = {"2011"},
OPTvolume = {"48"},
OPTpages = {"277-287"},
OPTmonth = {"April"}

author = {Fisher, R. A.},
title = {The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problem},
journal = {Ann Eugen},
year = {1936},
OPTnumber = {7},
OPTpages = {179-188}
author = {Gareth James and Daniela Witten and Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani},
title = {An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2013}
author = {William Cooley and Paul Lohnes},
title = {Multivariate Data Analysis},
publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, LTD},
year = {1971}

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author  = "Rajeev Kumar and Abhaya Indrayan",
title   = "Receiver Operating Characteristic ({ROC}) Curve for Medical Researchers",
journal = "Indian Pediatrics",
year    = "2011",
volume  = "48",
pages   = "277-287",
month   = "April",
author  = {Fisher, Ronald A.},
title   = {The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problem},
journal = {Ann. Eugen},
year    = {1936},
number  = {7},
pages   = {179-188}
author    = {Gareth James and Daniela Witten and Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani},
title     = {An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in~R},
publisher = {Springer},
year      = {2013}
author    = {William Cooley and Paul Lohnes},
title     = {Multivariate Data Analysis},
publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.},
year      = {1971}


