买者自负 ...

买者自负 ...








The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
This theorem has the correct spacing, because it's outside the changemargin environment.
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

This theorem has the wrong spacing, becuase it is the first thing in the change margin environment.
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
This theorem has the correct spacing, because it is not the first thing in the changemargin environment.
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.


一种解决方法是为定理创建一个宏,仅当它是 changemargin 环境中的第一件事时才使用。我想知道是否有更好的方法。或者,也许您可​​以建议一种更好的方法来临时更改边距(list我想不是使用),这样就不会导致此问题。




The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.




通过 LaTeX 内核提供的默认功能定义的“类定理”环境以完全正确的方式与列表交互,如以下示例所示:

% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.

% \usepackage{amsthm}

        \setlength\leftmargin {#1}%



``Theorem-like'' environments defined by means of the default facilities
provided by the \LaTeX\ kernel interact correctly with lists.

A theorem at the outer level:

    The ducks in dutch quack quaveringly on the docks.

Now inside a list: first making up an item by itself\ldots
            The ducks in dutch quack quaveringly on the docks.

        \ldots and then after some text.
            The ducks in dutch quack quaveringly on the docks.

        A third item follows.

In the same way, their behavior when used by themselves inside a
\texttt{changemargins} environment is absolutely normal:

        The ducks in dutch quack quaveringly on the docks.

Another example, in which the ``theorem-like'' environment follows some text:

    Some text, what suffices to get to the right margin\ldots\space
    Well, perhaps just a little more.
        The ducks in dutch quack quaveringly on the docks.

will break all the above examples, so it looks like the
\textsf{amsthm} package is the real culprit!


如果您取消注释该声明,您将看到“罪魁祸首”实际上是这个包。事实上,各种开关(如、等)\usepackage{amsthm}的机制依赖于以下假设: -type 环境根据以下模式嵌套:\if@newlist\if@inlabellist


换句话说,每个list-type 环境(包括“ trivlist-type”环境!)都应该直接包含一个\item命令,或者一些等效的东西,在任何其他实际内容之前\item,以免返回“缺失”错误。但我们可以看到(文件amsthm.sty,第 186-199 行)amsthm,该包在发出(第 123 行) a 之后\trivlist,并不直接使用\item命令(如 LaTeX 内核提供的相应功能一样),而是使用“等效命令”,尽管它不遵守开关\if@noparitem


% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.



    \if@inlabel \indent \par \fi % eject a section head if one is pending


        \setlength\leftmargin {#1}%



``Theorem-like'' environments defined by means of the default facilities
provided by the \LaTeX\ kernel interact correctly with lists.

A theorem at the outer level:

    The ducks in dutch quack quaveringly on the docks.

Now inside a list: first making up an item by itself\ldots
            The ducks in dutch quack quaveringly on the docks.

        \ldots and then after some text.
            The ducks in dutch quack quaveringly on the docks.

        A third item follows.

In the same way, their behavior when used by themselves inside a
\texttt{changemargins} environment is absolutely normal:

        The ducks in dutch quack quaveringly on the docks.

Another example, in which the ``theorem-like'' environment follows some text:

    Some text, what suffices to get to the right margin\ldots\space
    Well, perhaps just a little more.
        The ducks in dutch quack quaveringly on the docks.




  • 我清楚地知道它为什么有效 ;-) ;

  • 它适用于所有类型的列表环境。

然而,这并不意味着我完全确定它不会破坏任何东西;事实上,第 187 行的注释amsthm.sty表明它可能破坏任何东西。出于这个原因,我还提出了另一种解决方案,将宏的补丁保留amsthmchangemargins环境中:

% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.



      \if@inlabel \indent \par \fi % eject a section head if one is pending


        \setlength\leftmargin {#1}%



``Theorem-like'' environments defined by means of the default facilities
provided by the \LaTeX\ kernel interact correctly with lists.

A theorem at the outer level:

    The ducks in dutch quack quaveringly on the docks.

Now inside a list: first making up an item by itself\ldots
            The ducks in dutch quack quaveringly on the docks.

        \ldots and then after some text.
            The ducks in dutch quack quaveringly on the docks.

        A third item follows.

In the same way, their behavior when used by themselves inside a
\texttt{changemargins} environment is absolutely normal:

        The ducks in dutch quack quaveringly on the docks.

Another example, in which the ``theorem-like'' environment follows some text:

    Some text, what suffices to get to the right margin\ldots\space
    Well, perhaps just a little more.
        The ducks in dutch quack quaveringly on the docks.





买者自负 ...


\NewDocumentEnvironment{changemargin} {O{3cm}D<>{3cm}}


  The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
    The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
  The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.




我重新研究了类定理环境的定义,我认为我找到了尝试使用时导致问题的原因\list。也就是说,latex.ltx 中的第 4559-4566 行构成了定义的一部分\trivlist

  \if@newlist \@noitemerr \fi
  \@topsep \@topsepadd

发生的事情是\list设置了\@inlabeltrue,反过来,这会导致在任何使用的环境的顶部添加额外的空间\trivlist,其中有很多。为了阻止这种情况发生,我们只需禁用它。完成后,问题中的 MWE 会产生:



\usepackage[margin=16mm,showframe]{geometry}% to show the margins

     \bgroup\@inlabelfalse\@newlistfalse}% change flags only in a group



  The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
  The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
    This theorem has the correct spacing, because it's outside the changemargin environment.
  The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

      This theorem has the right spacing and it is the first thing in the change margin environment.
    The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
      The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
    This theorem has the correct spacing, because it is not the first thing in the changemargin environment.
  The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.


\@newlistfalse必要的,因为如果没有 latex 会出现错误,说缺少\item。据我所知,添加这些行不会产生额外的副作用,\@inlabelfalse\@newlistfalse因为它们只会阻止将额外的空间添加到任何使用的环境\trivlist。当然,我可能遗漏了一些东西!

唯一值得一提的是,我已经使用from\changemargin将 OP 的宏更改为环境\NewDocumentEnvironment解析。环境有两个可选参数,可以单独使用,用于设置环境中的边距changemargin。例如,

    Here is the correct spacing.

将左侧边距设置为 ,2cm将右侧边距设置为4cm。两个边距默认均为3mm
