强制浮动元素进入合理位置的命令。但是,放置此类命令后,浮动元素页面后会出现一些空白。我曾经\vspace{-<some number>\baselineskip}
- 随着文档的多次修改,空白处也随之变化。因此,负空间可能不够,也可能造成内容的重叠。
- 参考文献是使用 自动生成的
\usepackage[svgnames, x11names]{xcolor}
\newcolumntype{C}{ >{ \arraybackslash \Centering } X }
% Table options
% Caption
\caption{Top five weak combinations of PoIs at different voltage levels identified using the exhaustive search method}
% Center the table
\begin{tabularx}{1\textwidth}{c ||C C C C C |C}
& \multicolumn{5}{c|}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c}{
\Shortunderstack{{Reference} {PoI}}
} \hspace{\fill} \bfseries Combinations of PoIs \hspace{\fill} } &
\Shortunderstack{{Min} {SDSCR}}
\multirow{5}{0.3cm}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c, center}{$69$ KV}} & \bfseries 80 & \bfseries 84 & \bfseries 76 & \bfseries 81 & \bfseries 78 & \bfseries 1.77
& 52 & 35 & 86 & 70 & 22 & 1.79
& 40 & 45 & 80 & 90 & 10 & 1.80
& 14 & 11 & 50 & 30 & 20 & 1.83
& 18 & 88 & 32 & 02 & 01 & 1.85
\multirow{5}{0.3cm}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c, center}{$34.5$ KV}} & \bfseries 1008 & \bfseries 926 & \bfseries 925 & \bfseries 885 & \bfseries 884 & \bfseries 2.65
& 56 & 900 & 200 & 800 & 400 & 2.68
& 450 & 500 & 400 & 300 & 250 & 2.76
& 750 & 30 & 100 & 20 & 10 & 30
& 40 & 80 & 30 & 180 & 120 & 3.06
\multirow{5}{0.3cm}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c, center}{$13.8$ KV}} & \bfseries 969 & \bfseries 998 & \bfseries 1001 & \bfseries 1003 & \bfseries 1000 & \bfseries 1.20
& 60 & 20 & 2000 & 1500 & 200 & 1.22
& 40 & 30 & 450 & 50 & 30 & 1.42
& 95 & 550 & 1400 & 14 & 1700 & 1.60
& 200 & 900 & 1017 & 1222 & 3333 & 1.82
\multicolumn{4}{c}{\bfseries \color{DeepSkyBlue2} Time Consumed} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\bfseries \color{DeepSkyBlue2} 8 hours}
% Table options
% Caption
\caption{Top five weak combinations of PoIs at different voltage levels identified using the exhaustive search method}
% Center the table
\begin{tabularx}{1\textwidth}{c ||C C C C C |C}
& \multicolumn{5}{c|}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c}{
\Shortunderstack{{Reference} {PoI}}
} \hspace{\fill} \bfseries Combinations of PoIs \hspace{\fill} } &
\Shortunderstack{{Min} {SDSCR}}
\multirow{5}{0.3cm}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c, center}{$69$ KV}} & \bfseries 80 & \bfseries 84 & \bfseries 76 & \bfseries 81 & \bfseries 78 & \bfseries 1.77
& 52 & 35 & 86 & 70 & 22 & 1.79
& 40 & 45 & 80 & 90 & 10 & 1.80
& 14 & 11 & 50 & 30 & 20 & 1.83
& 18 & 88 & 32 & 02 & 01 & 1.85
\multirow{5}{0.3cm}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c, center}{$34.5$ KV}} & \bfseries 1008 & \bfseries 926 & \bfseries 925 & \bfseries 885 & \bfseries 884 & \bfseries 2.65
& 56 & 900 & 200 & 800 & 400 & 2.68
& 450 & 500 & 400 & 300 & 250 & 2.76
& 750 & 30 & 100 & 20 & 10 & 30
& 40 & 80 & 30 & 180 & 120 & 3.06
\multirow{5}{0.3cm}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c, center}{$13.8$ KV}} & \bfseries 969 & \bfseries 998 & \bfseries 1001 & \bfseries 1003 & \bfseries 1000 & \bfseries 1.20
& 60 & 20 & 2000 & 1500 & 200 & 1.22
& 40 & 30 & 450 & 50 & 30 & 1.42
& 95 & 550 & 1400 & 14 & 1700 & 1.60
& 200 & 900 & 1017 & 1222 & 3333 & 1.82
\multicolumn{4}{c}{\bfseries \color{DeepSkyBlue2} Time Consumed} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\bfseries \color{DeepSkyBlue2} 8 hours}
这与 2 列浮动元素不能使用 h 或 b 相同\begin{table*}[t]
\usepackage[svgnames, x11names]{xcolor}
\newcolumntype{C}{ >{ \arraybackslash \Centering } X }
% Table options
% Caption
\caption{Top five weak combinations of PoIs at different voltage levels identified using the exhaustive search method}
% Center the table
\begin{tabularx}{1\textwidth}{c ||C C C C C |C}
& \multicolumn{5}{c|}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c}{
\Shortunderstack{{Reference} {PoI}}
} \hspace{\fill} \bfseries Combinations of PoIs \hspace{\fill} } &
\Shortunderstack{{Min} {SDSCR}}
\multirow{5}{0.3cm}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c, center}{$69$ KV}} & \bfseries 80 & \bfseries 84 & \bfseries 76 & \bfseries 81 & \bfseries 78 & \bfseries 1.77
& 52 & 35 & 86 & 70 & 22 & 1.79
& 40 & 45 & 80 & 90 & 10 & 1.80
& 14 & 11 & 50 & 30 & 20 & 1.83
& 18 & 88 & 32 & 02 & 01 & 1.85
\multirow{5}{0.3cm}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c, center}{$34.5$ KV}} & \bfseries 1008 & \bfseries 926 & \bfseries 925 & \bfseries 885 & \bfseries 884 & \bfseries 2.65
& 56 & 900 & 200 & 800 & 400 & 2.68
& 450 & 500 & 400 & 300 & 250 & 2.76
& 750 & 30 & 100 & 20 & 10 & 30
& 40 & 80 & 30 & 180 & 120 & 3.06
\multirow{5}{0.3cm}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c, center}{$13.8$ KV}} & \bfseries 969 & \bfseries 998 & \bfseries 1001 & \bfseries 1003 & \bfseries 1000 & \bfseries 1.20
& 60 & 20 & 2000 & 1500 & 200 & 1.22
& 40 & 30 & 450 & 50 & 30 & 1.42
& 95 & 550 & 1400 & 14 & 1700 & 1.60
& 200 & 900 & 1017 & 1222 & 3333 & 1.82
\multicolumn{4}{c}{\bfseries \color{DeepSkyBlue2} Time Consumed} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\bfseries \color{DeepSkyBlue2} 8 hours}
% Table options
% Caption
\caption{Top five weak combinations of PoIs at different voltage levels identified using the exhaustive search method}
% Center the table
\begin{tabularx}{1\textwidth}{c ||C C C C C |C}
& \multicolumn{5}{c|}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c}{
\Shortunderstack{{Reference} {PoI}}
} \hspace{\fill} \bfseries Combinations of PoIs \hspace{\fill} } &
\Shortunderstack{{Min} {SDSCR}}
\multirow{5}{0.3cm}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c, center}{$69$ KV}} & \bfseries 80 & \bfseries 84 & \bfseries 76 & \bfseries 81 & \bfseries 78 & \bfseries 1.77
& 52 & 35 & 86 & 70 & 22 & 1.79
& 40 & 45 & 80 & 90 & 10 & 1.80
& 14 & 11 & 50 & 30 & 20 & 1.83
& 18 & 88 & 32 & 02 & 01 & 1.85
\multirow{5}{0.3cm}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c, center}{$34.5$ KV}} & \bfseries 1008 & \bfseries 926 & \bfseries 925 & \bfseries 885 & \bfseries 884 & \bfseries 2.65
& 56 & 900 & 200 & 800 & 400 & 2.68
& 450 & 500 & 400 & 300 & 250 & 2.76
& 750 & 30 & 100 & 20 & 10 & 30
& 40 & 80 & 30 & 180 & 120 & 3.06
\multirow{5}{0.3cm}{\adjustbox{rotate=90, valign=c, center}{$13.8$ KV}} & \bfseries 969 & \bfseries 998 & \bfseries 1001 & \bfseries 1003 & \bfseries 1000 & \bfseries 1.20
& 60 & 20 & 2000 & 1500 & 200 & 1.22
& 40 & 30 & 450 & 50 & 30 & 1.42
& 95 & 550 & 1400 & 14 & 1700 & 1.60
& 200 & 900 & 1017 & 1222 & 3333 & 1.82
\multicolumn{4}{c}{\bfseries \color{DeepSkyBlue2} Time Consumed} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\bfseries \color{DeepSkyBlue2} 8 hours}
我在使用 IEEE 期刊模板时也遇到了同样的问题。我尝试替换 by,\clearpage