编译 latex 时出现 natbib 错误

编译 latex 时出现 natbib 错误

我正在尝试发送一篇用 latex 编写的文章,但 natbib 出现了问题。除了它不喜欢我的设置外,它还会将引用设置为:

Ustun 和 Abbak 2010。Ustun A 和 Abbak RA(2010)关于全球重力势模型的全球和区域谱评估。J Geophys Eng,7,4,369-379。




\documentclass[smallcondensed]{svjour3}     % onecolumn (ditto)
\smartqed  % flush right qed marks, e.g. at end of proof

% Insert the name of "your journal" with
 \journalname{Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica}

TTTTtext \cite{ustun} blabla

\bibliographystyle{spbasic}      % basic style, author-year citations

%\bibliographystyle{spmpsci}      % mathematics and physical sciences
%\bibliographystyle{spphys}       % APS-like style for physics
%\bibliography{}   % name your BibTeX data base

% Non-BibTeX users please use
\bibitem[Ustun and Abbak 2010]{ustun}
Ustun A and Abbak RA (2010) On global and regional spectral evaluation of global geopotential models. J Geophys Eng, 7, 4, 369\-379.

% and use \bibitem to create references. Consult the Instructions
% for authors for reference list style.
% etc




dalief 是对的。如果您仍想保留\bibitem[...],则可以使用以下命令(从文件中借用.bbl):

\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Ustun and Abbak}{Ustun and Abbak}{2010}]{ustun}
Ustun A and Abbak RA (2010) On global and regional spectral evaluation of 
global geopotential models. J Geophys Eng, 7, 4, 369--379.

我会将bibtex其用作 dalief 注释。(另请注意页面部分。\-用于可选连字符。)
