仅在覆盖区域. 例如,它可以用于\transglitter
\begin{block}{Transition in block}
This is the first text, which is to be covered}
\only<2>{This is a new text that covers the previous
\begin{block}{Transition in block}
This is the first text, which is to be covered}
\only<2>{This is a new text that covers the previous
MWE 可能看起来像这样:
\frametitle{Transition 1}
\begin{block}{Transition in block}
This is the first text, which is to be covered}
\only<2>{This is a new text that covers the previous
%works inside overlayarea
\frametitle{Transition 2}
\begin{block}{Transition in block}
This is the first text, which is to be covered}
\only<2>{This is a new text that covers the previous
%works with whole slide
\frametitle{Transition 1}
\only<1>{some text outside}
\only<2>{other text}
\begin{block}{Transition in block}
\only<1>{ This is the first text, which is to be covered}
\only<2>{This is a new text that covers the previous \transglitter<2>[duration=1]} %works inside overlayarea
据我所知,覆盖动画也是来自 pdf 格式(与查看器交互)本身的东西,所以乳胶不会产生影响,页面的哪些部分在过渡中是动画,它始终是整个页面。