% vim: ft=tex
%% e-TeX tools
%% Colours - put this before typography so additional named colours can be defined.
%% Typography Settings
%% Maths typography — re-enable these if we need maths support
%% Main Font list
% The TeX Gyre family of fonts should come preinstalled with TeX Live, but they
% are also available from here:
% http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre/
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% Lua math library
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% % but prefers the .png on inclusion.
% %
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% % adjust it.
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%% Define all TikZ styles here
view top right/.style={
% png export,
\begin{tikzpicture}[view top right]
\coordinate (front-bottom-right) at (0, 0, 0);
\coordinate (front-bottom-left) at (0, 0, 3);
\coordinate (back-bottom-left) at (3, 0, 3);
\coordinate (back-bottom-right) at (3, 0, 0);
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\coordinate (back-top-left) at (3, 1, 3);
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-- (front-top-left)
-- (front-top-right)
-- cycle;
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-- (back-bottom-right)
-- (back-top-right)
-- (front-top-right)
-- cycle;
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-- (front-top-left)
-- (back-top-left)
-- (back-top-right)
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-- (front-bottom-right)
-- (back-bottom-right)
-- (back-top-right)
-- cycle;
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-- (front-top-right)
-- (back-top-right)
-- (front-bottom-right);
\draw [line width=1.5pt] (1.5, 1, 1.5) circle [radius=1];
A很少 较旧 问题似乎提供部分的解决方案,但很多都提到了3d
您实际上不需要任何花哨的东西就可以在坐标平面上绘制圆形(或椭圆形),因为您可以为圆形本身定义一个坐标系。默认情况下,它绘制在 xy 平面中,但您可以在[x={(0,0,1)}]
绘制圆形之前指定将 x 局部替换为 z,然后在 zy 平面中绘制它。
view top right/.style={
\begin{tikzpicture}[view top right]
\coordinate (front-bottom-right) at (0, 0, 0);
\coordinate (front-bottom-left) at (0, 0, 3);
\coordinate (back-bottom-left) at (3, 0, 3);
\coordinate (back-bottom-right) at (3, 0, 0);
\coordinate (front-top-right) at (0, 1, 0);
\coordinate (front-top-left) at (0, 1, 3);
\coordinate (back-top-right) at (3, 1, 0);
\coordinate (back-top-left) at (3, 1, 3);
\fill [steel!50!white]
(front-bottom-right) -- (front-bottom-left)
-- (front-top-left) -- (front-top-right)
-- cycle;
\fill [steel!62.5!white]
(front-bottom-right) -- (back-bottom-right)
-- (back-top-right) -- (front-top-right)
-- cycle;
\fill [steel!37.5!white]
(front-top-right) -- (front-top-left)
-- (back-top-left) -- (back-top-right)
-- cycle;
\draw [steel!75!black]
(back-top-left) -- (front-top-left) -- (front-bottom-left)
-- (front-bottom-right) -- (back-bottom-right) -- (back-top-right)
-- cycle;
\draw [steel!20!white]
(front-top-left) -- (front-top-right) -- (back-top-right)
(front-top-right) -- (front-bottom-right);
\draw[thick] (1.5,.5,0) circle (1.5 and .5);
\draw[thick, red] (1.5, 1, 1.5) [y={(0,0,1)}] circle (1.5);
\draw[thick, blue] (0,.5,1.5) [x={(0,0,1)}] circle (1.5 and .5);