更新(2019 年 12 月 12 日)

更新(2019 年 12 月 12 日)



B = {T_f = {t | t 属于 T_f 的条件} | t_f 属于 B 的条件}

这是正确的符号吗?读起来很混乱 - 有更好的方法吗?我目前使用的 latex 看起来像这样

${B = \{T_f = \{t | t \text{ condition of t in T_f}\} | \text{ condition of T_f in B } b\}}$ 



  • 使用\Set\SET命令,这样您就不会忘记括号,并且格式一致。两者都采用两个参数,其中\Set在数学模式和\SET文本模式下排版第二个参数。

  • 将定义拆分为两行。它将要T_f一旦插入了适当的条件,阅读起来就会变得困难。在 的定义中定义 尤其令人困惑B

  • B口头解释和的含义T_f


The boundary, $B$, is the collection of trust sets for all green functions:
B  &\coloneqq \Set{T_f}{\operatorname{color}(f)=\operatorname{green}}\\
T_f&\coloneqq \SET{t}{$t$ satisfies some condition depending on $f$}
is the set of trustworthy points of function~$f$.



与@gernot 的想法相同,但遵循包手册第 3.6 节中给出的指导原则mathtools

\usepackage{amssymb} % only because one of the examples uses "\mathbb"

% The portion between "\makeatletter" and "\makeatoyher" defines the abstract 
% command "\Set", together with some other ancillary commands (cf. the manual 
% of the `mathtools' package, p. 27).

    % \nobreak % superfluous inside "\left... ... \right..."
\DeclarePairedDelimiterX \Set [2] {\lbrace}{\rbrace}
    {\nonscript\,#1\@SetSuchThat #2\nonscript\,}
\reDeclarePairedDelimiterInnerWrapper \Set {star} {%
    #1#2\aftergroup\egroup #3
\reDeclarePairedDelimiterInnerWrapper \Set {nostar} {%



Let us define:
    B = \Set % three arguments, the first is optional
            [\Big] % size specification for the delimiters
            {% typical set element; we nest onther "\Set" here
                T_{\!f} = \Set
                    % no optional argument: use ordinary-size delimiters
                    {t} % typical set element...
                    {\text{condition of $t$ in $T_{\!f}$}} % ...and its description
            {\text{condition of $T_{\!f}$ in $B$}} % description for outer set
In a in-line formula, though, I'd use smaller delimiters (\verb|\big| instead of
\verb|\Big|) for the outer set:
    B = \Set % three arguments, the first is optional
            [\big] % size specification for the delimiters
            {% typical set element; we nest onther "\Set" here
                T_{\!f} = \Set
                    % no optional argument: use ordinary-size delimiters
                    {t} % typical set element...
                    {\text{condition of $t$ in $T_{\!f}$}} % ...and its description
            {\text{condition of $T_{\!f}$ in $B$}} % description for outer set
As you can see, however, the output is awful in any case!~(;-)

You can also replace the optional argument of the \verb|\Set| command with a
star~(\texttt{*}) for auto-sizing delimiters (that is,
\verb|\left\{|\,\ldots\verb+\middle|+\,\ldots\verb|\right\}|).  Example:
    A = \Set*




您应该更好地理解@gernot 的第二个建议的价值,即将定义分成两个独立的部分!:-)


\Set{x}{\text{condition on $x$}}


\Set{x \given \text{condition on $x$}}


更新(2019 年 12 月 12 日)


\usepackage{amssymb} % only because one of the examples uses "\mathbb"

% The portion between "\makeatletter" and "\makeatoyher" defines the abstract 
% command "\Set", together with some other ancillary commands (cf. the manual 
% of the `mathtools' package, p. 27).

    % \nobreak % superfluous inside "\left... ... \right..."
\DeclarePairedDelimiterX \Set [2] {\lbrace}{\rbrace}
    {\nonscript\,#1\@SetSuchThat #2\nonscript\,}
\reDeclarePairedDelimiterInnerWrapper \Set {star} {%
    #1#2\aftergroup\egroup #3
\reDeclarePairedDelimiterInnerWrapper \Set {nostarnonscaled} {%
\reDeclarePairedDelimiterInnerWrapper \Set {nostarscaled} {%



Let us define:
    B = \Set % three arguments, the first is optional
            [\Big] % size specification for the delimiters
            {% typical set element; we nest onther "\Set" here
                T_{\!f} = \Set
                    % no optional argument: use ordinary-size delimiters
                    {t} % typical set element...
                    {\text{condition of $t$ in $T_{\!f}$}} % ...and its description
            {\text{condition of $T_{\!f}$ in $B$}} % description for outer set
In a in-line formula, though, I'd use smaller delimiters (\verb|\big| instead of
\verb|\Big|) for the outer set:
    B = \Set % three arguments, the first is optional
            [\big] % size specification for the delimiters
            {% typical set element; we nest onther "\Set" here
                T_{\!f} = \Set
                    % no optional argument: use ordinary-size delimiters
                    {t} % typical set element...
                    {\text{condition of $t$ in $T_{\!f}$}} % ...and its description
            {\text{condition of $T_{\!f}$ in $B$}} % description for outer set
As you can see, however, the output is awful in any case!~(;-)

You can also replace the optional argument of the \verb|\Set| command with a
star~(\texttt{*}) for auto-sizing delimiters (that is,
\verb|\left\{|\,\ldots\verb+\middle|+\,\ldots\verb|\right\}|).  Example:
    A = \Set*



