


更新 - 2016 年 11 月 9 日







答案应由人类或精神编写的 TeX 代码创建,并且可以使用任何类型的 TeX 引擎和格式。向那些在 Knuth 时代之前去世的人致歉 - 我希望你们仍然会热情地投票选出你最喜欢的贡献。



  cauldron filler/.style={draw=black, outer color=black, inner color=black!50, postaction={fill=black, fill opacity=.5}},
  legs/.style={draw=black, fill=black, rounded corners=2pt, isosceles triangle, minimum size=.25, scale={max(1,#1)}},
  cauldron glow/.style={circular glow={fill=#1}},
  rim filler/.style={inner color=black!50, outer color=black, draw=black},
  liquid/.style={inner color=#1, outer color=#1!75!black},
  pics/cauldron/.style n args=3{
      \path (-130:1.15*#1 and .8*#1) node [rotate=-130, legs=#1] {};
      \path (-50:1.15*#1 and .8*#1) node [rotate=-50, legs=#1] {};
      \path [cauldron filler] (0,0) circle (1.25*#1 and .9*#1);
      \path [rim filler] (0,0.75*#1) ellipse (.975*#1 and 0.255*#1);
      \path [cauldron glow=#2] (0,.75*#1) circle (.75*#1 and .18*#1);
      \path [liquid=#3] (0,0.75*#1) ellipse (0.825*#1 and 0.1725*#1);
  \pic at (50mm,0) {cath eistedd={enw=Cath Nos Galan Gaeaf 1, lliw=blue, llenwi=black, stripiau=black, llygaid mewnol=Gold, llygaid allanol=DarkOrange, trwyn=darkgray, llygaid amlinellol=DarkOrange, coesau/.style={draw=darkgray!30!black}, clustiau/.style={draw=darkgray}, wisgers/.style={preaction={line width=1.1\pgflinewidth, draw=darkgray}}, trwyn amlinellol=darkgray!50!black, ceg=darkgray!30!black}};
  \pic [xscale=-1] at (-50mm,0) {cath eistedd={enw=Cath Nos Galan Gaeaf 2, lliw=blue, llenwi=black, stripiau=black, llygaid mewnol=Lime, llygaid allanol=LimeGreen, trwyn=darkgray, llygaid amlinellol=LimeGreen, coesau/.style={draw=darkgray!30!black}, clustiau/.style={draw=darkgray}, wisgers/.style={preaction={line width=1.1\pgflinewidth, draw=darkgray}}, trwyn amlinellol=darkgray!50!black, ceg=darkgray!30!black}};
  \scoped[on foreground layer]{
    \pic at ($($(Cath Nos Galan Gaeaf 1.west)!1/2!(Cath Nos Galan Gaeaf 2.east)$)-(0,40mm)$)  {cauldron={3}{Silver}{Turquoise}};
  \begin{scope}[on background layer]
    \node [bottom color=black, top color=darkgray, middle color=red, fit=(Cath Nos Galan Gaeaf 1) (Cath Nos Galan Gaeaf 2), inner xsep=10mm, inner ysep=25mm] {};
    \path [circular glow={opacity=.15, inner color=Silver, outer color=darkgray}] ($($(Cath Nos Galan Gaeaf 1.west)!1/2!(Cath Nos Galan Gaeaf 2.east)$)-(0,60mm)$) circle (70mm and 15mm);



遗憾的是,TeX SE 的设计似乎并没有考虑到每年只能上网一晚的用户的需求。

您可以从以下问题的答案中找到更多灵感2014 年的问题



现在,我原来的答案已经成为现实,让我们试着通过思考来放松心情@cfr 关于猫的评论。我被迫添加另一个答案,因为 30,000 个字符的限制不允许我修改我以前的


其他变化包括将当前数学版本的测试切换为 LaTeX 样式的条件并纠正一些误导性的评论。


  • 稍大一点的猫(小尺寸时更显眼);

  • 调整(加宽)命令中扫帚的最小尺寸 \overrightbroom

  • 修正了代码中的错误注释和错误行缩进。


% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.

% \usepackage{amsfonts}
% \usepackage{amssymb}

% Old uncle Gustavo prefers to stick to the "picture" environment:



% Drawing the larger witch:
    \setlength\unitlength{\fontdimen 22 #1\tw@}%
    \vrule \@width\z@ \@height 5\unitlength \@depth\thr@@\unitlength
        \Line(.2,2.8)(.6,3)% the witch's eye

% Drawing the smaller witch:
    \Line(.1,1.4)(.3,1.5)% the witch's eye
    \setlength\unitlength{\fontdimen 22 #1\tw@}%
    \vrule \@width\z@ \@height\z@ \@depth\@ne\unitlength

% Drawing the smaller cat:

% Helper macros for "\overrightbroom":
    % A version of "\mathpalette" adapted to our needs, in which
    % the macro passed in #1 must take six arguments, as follows:
    %     #1 := style selection for main style
    %     #2 := style selection for "relative-script" style
    %     #3 := font family selector (e.g., "\scriptfont")
    %     #4 := 1st user-defined parameter
    %     #5 := 2nd user-defined parameter
    %     #6 := main argument
    % Below, we'll use the user-defined parameters to pass the line
    % thicknesses for the face of the witch and the tail of the cat.
    % The parameters for a call to _this_ macro are the following:
    % #1 := target macro
    % #2 := value of 1st user-defined parameter for text/display style
    % #3 := value of 1st user-defined parameter for script style
    % #4 := value of 1st user-defined parameter for scripscript style
    % #5 := value of 2nd user-defined parameter for text/display style
    % #6 := value of 2nd user-defined parameter for script style
    % #7 := value of 2nd user-defined parameter for scripscript style
    % #8 := main argument of target macro
        {#1\displaystyle      \scriptstyle       \scriptfont       {#2}{#5}{#8}}%
        {#1\textstyle         \scriptstyle       \scriptfont       {#2}{#5}{#8}}%
        {#1\scriptstyle       \scriptscriptstyle \scriptscriptfont {#3}{#6}{#8}}%
        {#1\scriptscriptstyle \scriptscriptstyle \scriptscriptfont {#4}{#7}{#8}}%
    % #1 := stretchable covering arrow
    % #2 := base style
    % #3 := style for covering arrow
    % #4 := font family selector (e.g., "\scriptfont")
    % #5 := line thickness for the witch
    % #6 := line thickness for the cat
    % #7 := base symbol
        % the cat:
            \hskip \z@ \@plus \thr@@ fil
        % the centered witch:
        \hfil\@MWi@Small@witch@wo@broom #4{#5}\hfil\crcr
        % the covering broom:
        % the covered subformula:
        $\m@th\hfil #2#7\hfil$\crcr

% Drawing the small witch w/o the broom:
    \setlength\unitlength{\fontdimen 22 #1\tw@}%

% Drawing the cat on a horizontal broomstick:
    \setlength\unitlength{\fontdimen 22 #1\tw@}%

% Extensible broom (stub):
% \DeclareMathSymbol{\@MWi@left@broom@tail} {\mathrel}{AMSa}{"4B}
% \DeclareMathSymbol{\@MWi@right@broom@tail}{\mathrel}{AMSa}{"4C}
            % \smash % another possibility
                % {\Rrightarrow}% another possibility
                % {\@MWi@left@broom@tail}% yet another possibility

% Checking the math version:

% User-level commands:
        {\@MWi@cat@true  \@MWi@mathwitch}%
        {\@MWi@cat@false \@MWi@mathwitch}%
                \@MWi@Large@witch \textfont {.6}{1.2}{.15}%
                \@MWi@Small@witch \textfont {.4}{}%
                \@MWi@Small@witch \scriptfont {.3}{.6}%
                \@MWi@Small@witch \scriptscriptfont {.15}{.4}%
                \@MWi@Large@witch \textfont {.3}{.8}{.1}%
                \@MWi@Small@witch \textfont {.2}{.5}%
                \@MWi@Small@witch \scriptfont {.15}{.3}%
                \@MWi@Small@witch \scriptscriptfont {.1}{.2}%
    }% \displaylimits % as per default
\newcommand*\overrightbroom{% RETHINK: not enough general!
        {\@MWi@cat@true  \@MWi@overrightbroom}%
        {\@MWi@cat@false \@MWi@overrightbroom}%
            {.3}{.15}{.15}% line thicknesses for the face
            {.6}{.4}{.4}%   line thicknesses for the tail
            {.15}{.1}{.1}%  line thicknesses for the face
            {.3}{.2}{.2}%   line thicknesses for the tail



A reduction my students are likely to make:
\[\mathwitch \frac{\sin x}{s} = x\,\mathrm{in}\]
The same reduction as an in-line formula:
\(\mathwitch \frac{\sin x}{s} = x\,\mathrm{in}\).

Test for ``operator-like'' behavior: $\mathwitch x$ versus 
$\mathwitch(x)$---does anybody note the difference?
Let us also check that our $\mathwitch$~symbol does not make the lines further 
apart than usual.  Here it is again:\nobreak\space $\mathwitch* b$.
A few more words to have enough plain lines in the paragraph to make it possible
to compare the leading.  Was that enough?  No, it wasn't: we'd like to get at
least one line further.

Now with limits:
    \mathwitch_{i=1}^{n} \frac
        {\text{$i$-th magic term}}
        {\text{$2^{i}$-th wizardry}}
And repeated in-line: \( \mathwitch_{i=1}^{n} x_{i}y_{i} \).

Test for other math styles: subscript~$F_{\!\mathwitch\alpha}$,
in-line fraction \( \frac{\mathwitch m}{\mathwitch* n} \),
double superscript \( 2^{2^{\mathwitch* \aleph_{0}}} \)
(this one looks really awkward!).

    Look at the details of the display-style version:
                {\text{something terribly}}{\text{complicated}}
        = 0
    Please note the beard\ldots~:-)\par
Now we've also got the \texttt{bold} math version:\mathversion{bold}
            {\textbf{something terribly}}{\textbf{complicated}}
    = 0
Compare it with \texttt{normal} math\mathversion{normal}:
            {\text{something terribly}}{\text{complicated}}
    = 0
In-line math comparison:
{\boldmath $\mathwitch* f(x)$} versus $\mathwitch* f(x)$.

The \verb|\overrightbroom| command, both in-line
\( \overrightbroom{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} \)
and displayed:
    \overrightbroom{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} &= 0 &
    \overrightbroom*{f(x+y)} &= \overrightbroom{h(z)}+\overrightbroom{g(z)}

    \bfseries \mathversion{bold}

    Again in bold: in-line
    \( \overrightbroom{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} \)
    and displayed:
        \overrightbroom{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} &= 0 &
        \overrightbroom*{f(x+y)} &= \overrightbroom{h(z)}+\overrightbroom{g(z)}

Text style \( \overrightbroom*{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \)
versus script style \( P_{\overrightbroom*{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}} \).
Minimal size:\nobreak\space $\overrightbroom*{}$.






halloweenmath包裹现在可在 CTAN 上使用!这样只需让它们调用这个新包即可重写所有以前的答案。这是另一个示例,它实际上是随包本身提供的示例输入文件(请注意,这相当于答案的第五个版本!):

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % not necessary, but recommended

\title{Sample Halloween Math}
\date{January~6, 2017}



A reduction my students are likely to make:
\[\mathwitch \frac{\sin x}{s} = x\,\mathrm{in}\]
The same reduction as an in-line formula:
\(\mathwitch \frac{\sin x}{s} = x\,\mathrm{in}\).

Now with limits:
    \mathwitch_{i=1}^{n} \frac
        {\text{$i$-th magic term}}
        {\text{$2^{i}$-th wizardry}}
And repeated in-line: \( \mathwitch_{i=1}^{n} x_{i}y_{i} \).
The \texttt{bold} math version is honored:\mathversion{bold}
            {\textbf{something terribly}}{\textbf{complicated}}
    = 0
Compare it with \texttt{normal} math\mathversion{normal}:
            {\text{something terribly}}{\text{complicated}}
    = 0
In-line math comparison:
{\boldmath $\mathwitch* f(x)$} versus $\mathwitch* f(x)$.

There is also a left-facing witch:
\[\reversemathwitch \frac{\sin x}{s} = x\,\mathrm{in}\]
And here is the in-line version:
\(\reversemathwitch \frac{\sin x}{s} = x\,\mathrm{in}\).

Test for \verb|\dots|:
    \mathwitch_{i_{1}=1}^{n_{1}} \dots \mathwitch_{i_{p}=1}^{n_{p}}
        {\text{$i_{1}$-th magic factor}}
        {\text{$2^{i_{1}}$-th wizardry}}
        {\text{$i_{p}$-th magic factor}}
        {\text{$2^{i_{p}}$-th wizardry}}
And repeated in-line: \( \mathwitch\dots\mathwitch_{i=1}^{n} x_{i}y_{i} \).


Now the pumpkins.  First the \texttt{bold} math version:\mathversion{bold}:
\[ \bigoplus_{h=1}^{m}\bigpumpkin_{k=1}^{n} P_{h,k} \]
Then the \texttt{normal} one\mathversion{normal}:
\[ \bigoplus_{h=1}^{m}\bigpumpkin_{k=1}^{n} P_{h,k} \]
In-line math comparison:
{\boldmath \( \bigpumpkin_{i=1}^{n} P_{i} \neq \bigoplus_{i=1}^{n} P_{i} \)}
versus \( \bigpumpkin_{i=1}^{n} P_{i} \neq \bigoplus_{i=1}^{n} P_{i} \).

Close test: {\boldmath $\bigoplus$}$\bigoplus$.
And against the pumpkins:
{\boldmath $\bigpumpkin$}$\bigpumpkin\bigoplus${\boldmath $\bigoplus$}.

In-line, but with \verb|\limits|:
\( \bigoplus\limits_{h=1}^{m}\bigpumpkin\limits_{k=1}^{n} P_{h,k} \).

Binary: \( x\pumpkin y \neq x\oplus y \).  And in display:
\[ a\pumpkin\frac{x\pumpkin y}{x\oplus y}\otimes b \]
Close test: {\boldmath $\oplus$}$\oplus$.
And with the pumpkins too:
{\boldmath $\pumpkin$}$\pumpkin\oplus${\boldmath $\oplus$}.

In general,
\[ \bigpumpkin_{i=1}^{n} P_{i} = P_{1}\pumpkin\dots\pumpkin P_{n} \]



The same in bold:
\[ \bigpumpkin_{i=1}^{n} P_{i} = P_{1}\pumpkin\dots\pumpkin P_{n} \]


Other styles: \( \frac{x\pumpkin y}{2} \), exponent~$Z^{\pumpkin}$, 
subscript~$W_{\!x\pumpkin y}$, double script \( 2^{t_{x\pumpkin y}} \).


Clouds.  A hypothetical identity:
\( \frac{\sin^{2}x + \cos^{2}x}{\cos^{2}x} = \mathcloud \).
Now the same identity set in display:
\[ \frac{\sin^{2}x + \cos^{2}x}{\cos^{2}x} = \mathcloud \]
Now in smaller size: \( \frac{\sin x+\cos x}{\mathcloud} = 1 \).

Specular clouds, \texttt{bold}\ldots\mathversion{bold}
\[ \reversemathcloud \longleftrightarrow \mathcloud \]
\ldots and in \texttt{normal} math.\mathversion{normal}
\[ \reversemathcloud \longleftrightarrow \mathcloud \]
In-line math comparison:
{\boldmath \( \reversemathcloud \leftrightarrow \mathcloud \)}
versus \( \reversemathcloud \leftrightarrow \mathcloud \).
Abutting: {\boldmath $\mathcloud$}$\mathcloud$.


Ghosts: \( \mathleftghost \mathghost \mathrightghost \mathghost \mathleftghost
\mathghost \mathrightghost \).  Now with letters: \( H \mathghost H \mathghost h
\mathghost ab \mathghost f \mathghost wxy \mathghost \), and also \(
2\mathghost^{3} + 5\mathleftghost^{\!2}-3\mathrightghost_{i} =
12\mathrightghost_{j}^{4} \).  Then, what about~$x^{2\mathghost}$ and \(
z_{\!\mathrightghost+1} = z_{\!\mathrightghost}^{2} + z_{\mathghost} \)?

In subscripts:
    F_{\mathghost+2} &= F_{\mathghost+1} + F_{\mathghost} \\
    F_{\!\mathrightghost+2} &= F_{\!\mathrightghost+1} + F_{\!\mathrightghost}
Another test: \( \mathghost | \mathrightghost | \mathghost | \mathleftghost |
\mathghost | \mathrightghost | \mathghost | \mathleftghost | \mathghost \).  We
should also try this: \( \mathrightghost \mathleftghost \mathrightghost
\mathleftghost \).

Extensible arrows:
    A \xrightwitchonbroom[a\star f(t)]{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} B
        \xrightwitchonbroom{x+z} C \xrightwitchonbroom{} D  \\
    A \xrightwitchonbroom*[a\star f(t)]{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} B
        \xrightwitchonbroom*{x+z} C \xrightwitchonbroom*{} D  \\
    A \xleftwitchonbroom*[a\star f(t)]{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} B
        \xleftwitchonbroom*{x+z} C \xleftwitchonbroom*{} D  \\
    A \xleftwitchonbroom[a\star f(t)]{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} B
        \xleftwitchonbroom{x+z} C \xleftwitchonbroom{} D
And \( \overrightwitchonbroom*{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \) versus \(
\overrightwitchonbroom{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \); or \(
\overleftwitchonbroom*{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \) versus \(
\overleftwitchonbroom{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \).

Hovering ghosts: \( \overrightswishingghost{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \).  You might
wonder whether there is enough space left for the swishing ghost; let's try
again: \( \overrightswishingghost{(x_{1}+\dots+x_{n})y}=0 \).  As you can see,
there is enough room.  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci elit.
And \( \overrightswishingghost{\mathstrut} \) too.
    A \xrightswishingghost[a\star f(t)]{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} B
        \xrightswishingghost{x+z} C \xrightswishingghost{} D  \\
    A \xleftswishingghost[a\star f(t)]{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}} B
        \xleftswishingghost{x+z} C \xleftswishingghost{} D
Another hovering ghost: \( \overleftswishingghost{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \)..
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisci elit.  Ulla rutrum, vel sivi sit
anismus oret, rubi sitiunt silvae.  Let's see how it looks like when the ghost
hovers on a taller formula, as in \(
\overrightswishingghost{H_{1}\oplus\dots\oplus H_{k}} \).  Mmmh, it's
suboptimal, to say the least.\footnote{We'd better try \(
\underleftswishingghost{y_{1}+\dots+y_{n}} \), too; well, this one looks good!}

Under ``arrow-like'' symbols: \( \underleftswishingghost{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \)
and \( \underrightswishingghost{x+y+z} \).  There are \(
\underleftwitchonbroom*{x_{1}+\dots+x_{n}}=0 \) and \(
\underrightwitchonbroom*{x+y+z} \) as well.


A comparison between the ``standard'' and the ``script-style'' over\slash under
extensible arrows:
        &\neq\overscriptrightarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}}  \\
        &\neq\overscriptleftarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}}  \\
        &\neq\overscriptleftrightarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}}  \\
        &\neq\underscriptrightarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}}  \\
        &\neq\underscriptleftarrow{f_{1}+\dots+f_{n}}  \\



第 1 页 第2页 第 3 页 第 4 页

如果您发现此软件包中有任何不令人满意的地方,请责怪它的作者;但是如果它有任何您喜欢的东西,请感谢@cfr 的挑战,如果没有她的挑战,可能这个软件包就永远不会被编写出来!




\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=cyan!70!blue}
Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. 
We're just collecting some error info, and then 
we'll restart for you (0\% complete)\par
If you'd like to know more, you can search online 
later for this error: WRONG\_OPERATING\_SYSTEM


好了,现在是时候用 Linux 来吓唬 TeX Live 用户了。被超自然现象吓到了吗?与神秘内核崩溃。对于任何理解它的人来说都是糖果!


EIP is at journal_unfile_buffer+0x15/0x57 [jbd] 
edg: d83cdf83 ard: e035e200 poe: 00000f16 poe: f58ec7bc 
esi: f6223e08 pit: 00000004 pen: e035e200 esp: dff6af3c 
ds: 007b es: 007b ss: 0069 
Process kjournald (pid: 314d, tic=dff6a000 tac=dffa8aa0 toe=dff6a000) 
Stack: 49276d20 6a757374 20737461 72746564 2c20646f 206e6f74 2070616e 69632079
       65742c20 49206861 7665206e 6f742065 76656e20 62656775 6e20746f 20627572
       6e20796f 75722062 7261696e 2c20736f 206c6574 20746865 206d6f75 73652071
       75696574 2e
Call Trace: 
 [<f8473817>] journal_commit_transilvanus+0x907/Oxf60 [jbd] 
 [<c042f2fd>] lock_timer_base+Ox15/0x2f 
 [<c042f37c>] try_to_del_timer_sync+0x65/0x6c 
 [<18676d38>] kjournald+0xa1/0x1c2 [jbd] 
 [<c04381f3>] autoremove_walking_dead+0x0/0x2d 
 [<18876c97>] kjournald+8x0/0x1c2 [jbd] 
 [<c043812e>] kthreat+you/0xee 
 [<c048306e>] kthreat+8x0/0xee 
 [<c0405c87>] kernel_thread_trick+Ox7/0x10 
Code: 48 61 70 70 79 20 48 61 6c 6c 6f 77 65 65 6e 20 74 6f 20 61 6c 6c 20 75
73 65 72 73 20 6f 66 20 54 65 58 20 2d 20 4c 61 54 65 58 20 53 74 61 63 6b 20 
45 78 63 68 61 6e 67 65
EIP: [<f8872ceb>] journal_unfile_buffer+8x15/0x57 [jbd] SS:ESP 8868:dfe6af2c 
<0> Kernel panic - not treating: Attempted to kill init!








