Latex 格式方面的担忧

Latex 格式方面的担忧

我曾使用 latex 尝试完成简历。我使用了一种在线可用的格式并尝试进行编辑。我遇到的唯一问题是,由于上一页空间不足,“就业”部分现在从新页面开始。我想尝试将此部分的一部分放入第一页,并让它继续到下一页。换句话说,我想将表格形式的部分拆分到两页之间。



%A Few Useful Packages
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        \usepackage{xunicode,xltxtra,url,parskip}   %other packages for formatting
         \usepackage[big]{layaureo}                 %better formatting of the A4 page
% an alternative to Layaureo can be ** \usepackage{fullpage} **
        \usepackage{supertabular}               %for Grades
        \usepackage{titlesec}                   %custom \section

%Setup hyperref package, and colours for links
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%%% modified for Karol Kozioł for ShareLaTeX use
        SmallCapsFont = Fontin-SmallCaps.otf,
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        ItalicFont = Fontin-Italic.otf

%CV Sections inspired by: 
%Tweak a bit the top margin

%Italian hyphenation for the word: ''corporations''

%-------------WATERMARK TEST [**not part of a CV**]---------------


%--------------------BEGIN DOCUMENT----------------------

%WATERMARK TEST [**not part of a CV**]---------------
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%           Typeset by Alessandro Plasmati with \XeTeX\  \today\ for 
%           {\wmweb \href{}{}}
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         \pagestyle{empty} % non-numbered pages

         \font\fb=''[cmr10]'' %for use with \LaTeX command

        {\Huge ALaan \textsc{Moses}

%Section: Personal Details
\section{Personal Details}

             \textsc{Address:}   & 27 Munster Avenue, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW45BG \\
        \textsc{Mobile No.:}     & 07539341262\\
            \textsc{email:}     & \href{mailto:alan******[email protected]}{alan******[email protected]}

%Section: Work Experience at the top

%Section: Education
         \textsc{2012}-Present&  \textbf{University of Surrey}, Guildford\\

         &MEng (Hons) \textsc{Chemical Engineering}: Predicted 2.1 \\\\
         &Modules include: Advanced Chemical and Biological Reaction Engineering,\\
         &Engineering Management and Corporate Sustainability, Energy and \\
         &Industrial Systems, Mass and Energy Balances, Heat Transfer and Applied\\
         &Thermodynamics, Process Operation and Management, and Separation\\
         &  Processes.\\\\

         \textsc{2005}-2012& \textbf{St.Mark's Catholic School}, Hounslow\\ 
         &\textsc{A-Levels}: A A B\\
         &\textsc{AS-Levels}: A A A B\\
         &\textsc{GCSEs}: 11 A*-C grades
         \section{Relevant Work Experience}
         \textsc{April 2016} & Shift leader and worker at \textsc{The Hess Rig},       
\        emph{University of Surrey}\\&\footnotesize{Led and worked as a team in a large group of 30 to produce saline solution of a specific concentration over the duration of a week. This was done using a whole chemical process pilot.}\\\\

          \emph{Current} & Customer Service Assistant at 
           \textsc{Tesco}, Feltham \\\textsc{}&\emph{University of Surrey} Open day helper and Tour guide\\
           &\footnotesize{Since July 2016, both roles have been undertaken and carried forward into the Masters year. This entails:}
              \item Working flexible hours including evenings and weekends.
              \item Using initiative to work with little or no supervision.
              \item Responding to deadlines in a rational and amicable way.
              \item Demonstrating excellent team-working and leadership skills.
              \item Offering advice to customers and prospective students.
              \item Dealing with customer complaints and problems in a calm manner.
             \item Developing interpersonal and problem solving skills.

        \textsc{April 2016} & Shift leader and worker at \textsc{The Hess Rig},         \        emph{University of Surrey}\\&\footnotesize{Led and worked as a team in a large group of 30 to produce saline solution of a specific concentration over the duration of a week. This was done using a whole chemical process pilot.}\\\\
        \textsc{June-December 2010} & Helper at Oaklands School, \textsc{Isleworth} \\
&\footnotesize{Assisted the teaching of students with learning difficulties:}
             \item Communicated and integrated effectively with people who had visual impairments, physical disabilities and those who were emotionally challenged.
     \item The role provided an outlet to expand upon creativity.
     \item Became more effective in planning and organising.
     \item Managed classes with challenging behaviour.

     \textsc{July 2009-September 2015} & Sales Assistant at \textsc{HMV, Boots, WHSmith} \\
     \item Actively enticed customers into purchasing optional insurance and products in order to maximise revenue.
     \item Gained a profound knowledge of products and was able to clearly convey complex details and benefits to customers.
     \item Was motivated and determined to succeed in a pressurised sales driven environment.

\section{Computer Skills}
 Basic Knowledge:&  \textsc{PYTHON}, \textsc{GAMS}, \textsc{MATLAB},   \textsc{CHEMCAD}, \textsc{HYSYS} \\

Intermediate Knowledge:& Endnote, Excel, Word, PowerPoint\\

\section{Interests and Activities}
Technology, Programming, Science Fiction, Reading\\
Cooking, Table Tennis, Football, Travelling

        \emph{Available on Request}









    April 2006
    \begin{tabular}[t]{c} June - \\ December 2010 \end{tabular}
    \begin{tabular}[t]{c} July 2009 - \\ September 2015 \end{tabular}
    \begin{tabular}[t]{c} August 2003 - \\ June 2009 \end{tabular}


