



The following figure should be inserted on an available page (Figure \ref{fig:test}); 
however, that is not the case. The figure is inserted between this text

\includegraphics[width=1.4\textwidth, height = 0.75\textwidth] {Figures/example.jpg}
\caption{Example text}

and this text. Because of that, I end up with pages that have three sentences, 
and the rest is left blank; the figure is placed on the next page.
Other times, only one-third of the page is left blank. Readers
will think that I begin a new chapter.
What can I do about that? I don't want Latex to break the page whenever I use 
a figure in landscape. Btw: the figures need to be large



David Carlisle 的软件包afterpage可能对您有所帮助。命令的主体\afterpage在页面填充后进行处理。MWE:


The following figure should be inserted on an available page (Figure \ref{fig:test}); 
however, that is not the case. The figure is inserted between this text

\includegraphics[draft,width=1.4\textwidth, height=0.75\textwidth]{Figures/example.jpg}%
\caption{Example text}%

and this text. Because of that, I end up with pages that have three sentences, 
and the rest is left blank; the figure is placed on the next page.
Other times, only one-third of the page is left blank. Readers
will think that I begin a new chapter.
What can I do about that? I don't want Latex to break the page whenever I use 
a figure in landscape. Btw: the figures need to be large



