这些图纸遵循一些规则。如上所示,有一页列出了编号为两个轴的字段。每个字段都是一个单独的\begin{tikzpicture}\blank ... \connectlogically\end{tikzpicture}
(A)每个字段都有水平箭头。每个箭头由宏\pointX #1,#2|#3|#4|#5
(黑色) 或\pointK #1,#2|#3|#4|#5
(灰色) 绘制。这将绘制一个箭头,该箭头从坐标 开始(#1,#2)
长度为 个单位(此数字也标记在箭头上方,居中),下方或上方有一个坐标为 的点(#1 + 0.5*#3 ,#4)
箭头尖端右侧有一个标签。此类命令的定义示例位于 MWE 上。
和。这些命令需要 4 个参数,而不是 5 个参数。它们使用由最后发出的 定义的箭头尖端的 x 坐标加上最后发出的 箭头尖端标签上的数字作为其自身。这相当于一个坐标,其中参数是从最后发出的 检索的,并且是 的第一个参数。\pointKo
x coord
(#1+#3+#5,<y coord>)
<y coord>
(c) 主要问题:假设
在 y 位置有一支箭头yKi
,其尾部位于 ,xKi-1
,结构相同。现在,这些箭头应通过垂直线连接到满足min(abs(yKi - yKj))
以下条件的垂直较近箭头 ( )。xKi-1 <= xKj-1 < xKi-2
箭头尾部和箭头头之间,则最接近 的箭头i
(四)理想情况下,您还应该能够手动指示 LaTeX 在相同颜色的线段之间绘制连接,方法是给出要连接的一对台阶的起始节点坐标。但是,这会通过一条弯曲的线连接它们的中心。
* 如果最容易实现,所有长度和位置都可以是离散的。那么只需要 1/8 的整数倍,例如 4 3/4 或 -2 1/8。
下面是一个 MWE,其中包含宏的定义\pointX
\tikzset{dot/.style={circle, fill, minimum size=.4em, outer sep=0pt, inner sep=0pt}}
\def\pointX #1,#2|#3|#4|#5.{%
\draw[black, ->] (#1,#2) -- node[above]{#3} (#1+#3,#2) node[right]{#5} (#1+#3/2,#2+#4) node[dot]{};
\def\pointK #1,#2|#3|#4|#5.{%
\draw[gray, ->] (#1,#2) -- node[above]{#3} (#1+#3,#2) node[right]{#5} (#1+#3/2,#2+#4) node[dot]{};
\advance\blankcount by 1
\draw[black!64,->](0,0)--node[left]{$x\atop y$} (0,8);
\draw[black!64,->](0,0)--node[below]{$a\atop b$} (16,0);
\node (x\the\blankcount) at (16,8) {\the\blankcount};
\pointX 1/2,1|3|1|0.
\pointX 7/2,1/2|2|2|-1/2. % This should be \pointXo 1/2|2|2|-1/2.
\pointX 5,2|2|-1|0. % This should be \pointXo 2|2|-1|0.
\pointX 7,3/2|1|3|0. % This should be \pointXo 3/2|1|3|0.
\pointX 1/2,2|5/2|1|19/4.
\pointK 2,4|2|-2|-3/4.
\pointK 13/4,5|1|-4|0. % This should be \pointKo 5|1|-4|0.
\pointX 31/4,3|3|3|3. % This should be \pointXo 3|3|3|3.
%\connectlogically % This should connect everything automatically
编辑:有两个很好的答案;50(ED)和 100(GS)都值得赏金。
Eric 说这是一个算法问题,他说得对。因此,有几种方法可以解决这个问题。在这里,我将介绍一个 Ti钾Z +etoolbox
通用测试功能和Ti钾Z 循环语句。
,循环结束后,只需\draw (Kcloserj-1) |- (Ki-1);
x 坐标作为其自身的输入<x coord>
根据 OP 的要求,箭头由一个名为的宏绘制,\pointK
该宏需要 5 个参数,\pointKo
其中需要 4 个:
\pointK <x coord>,<y coord>|<h lenght>|<over dot v lenght>|<right label>.
\pointKo <y coord>|<h lenght>|<over dot v lenght>|<right label>.
为了将问题推向新的高度,\newpoint{<K>}{tikz style}
\def\blank{\global\advance\blankcount by 1\setcounter{pointX}{-1}\setcounter{pointK}{-1}
\draw[AXEScolor,line cap=round,->](0,0)--node[left]{$a\atop b$}(0,16);
\draw[AXEScolor,line cap=round,->](0,0)--node[below]{${}\atop time$}(32,0);
\node (x\the\blankcount) at (-1/2,-1/2) {\LARGE\textbf{\the\blankcount}};}
\tikzset{dot/.style={circle,fill,minimum size=3pt}, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=2pt}
\newcommand*{\ExtractCoordinate}[1]{\path (#1); \pgfgetlastxy{\xlast}{\ylast}}
\newcommand*{\findcloserj}[1]{% Serves as input for second autoconnect loop (finds the closer arrow)
\ifnumequal{\j}{\i}{}% If is \j the same arrow as \i do nothing, else:
\ifboolexpr{test {\ifboolexpr{test {\ifdimcomp{\itail}{>}{\jtail}} or test {\ifdimcomp{\itail}{=}{\jtail}}}}% If itail is after jtail
test {\ifdimcomp{\itail}{<}{\jhead}}% If itail is before jhead
}% If both are true do:
{\ifdimgreater{\yi}{\ylast}% Checks if yj is above or below yi
{\ifdimless{\yi-\ylast}{\minvdist}{\dimgdef\minvdist{\yi-\ylast}\global\let\closerj\j}{}}% If above, checks if yi-yj < minvdist
{\ifdimless{\ylast-\yi}{\minvdist}{\dimgdef\minvdist{\ylast-\yi}\global\let\closerj\j}{}}}% If below, checks if yj-yi < minvdist
{}% If any fails, do nothing
}% end of if i=j
\newcommand{\newpoint}[2]{% Creates new \point#1 commands and its friends (\point#1o and \autoconnect#1)
\newcounter{point#1}\setcounter{point#1}{-1}\tikzset{#1/.style={#2}}% Sets counter and style of the point
\expandafter\def\csname point#1\endcsname ##1,##2|##3|##4|##5.{% Creates the \point#1 command which draws the arrows
\stepcounter{point#1}% Steps point counter
\draw[#1] (##1,##2) coordinate (#1\csname thepoint#1\endcsname-1) % Arrow start position
(##1+##3/2,##4) node[dot]{} % Goes right halfway the arrow lenght (##3/2) and ##4 up, draws the dot
+(##3+##5,0) coordinate (#1\csname thepoint#1\endcsname-node) % Places a coordinate ##5 in front of the arrow
(#1\csname thepoint#1\endcsname-1) -- node[above]{$##3$} coordinate (#1\csname thepoint#1\endcsname) ++(##3,0) node[right]{$##5$} coordinate (#1\csname thepoint#1\endcsname-2); % Draws the arrow
\expandafter\def\csname point#1o\endcsname ##1|##2|##3|##4.{% Creates the variant \point#1o
\ExtractCoordinate{$(#1\csname thepoint#1\endcsname-node)$};% Extract last point#1-node coordinate
\stepcounter{point#1}% Steps the point counter
\draw[#1] (\xlast,##1) coordinate (#1\csname thepoint#1\endcsname-1) % Arrow x start position comes from last point#1-node coordinate
(\xlast+##2/2,##3) node[dot]{} % Goes right halfway the arrow lenght (##2/2) and ##3 up, draws the dot
+(##2+##4,0) coordinate (#1\csname thepoint#1\endcsname-node) % Places a coordinate ##4 in front of the arrow
(#1\csname thepoint#1\endcsname-1) -- node[above]{$##2$} coordinate (#1\csname thepoint#1\endcsname) ++(##2,0) node[right]{$##4$} coordinate (#1\csname thepoint#1\endcsname-2); % Draws the arrow
\expandafter\def\csname autoconnect#1\endcsname{% Sistematically checks for the closest tail above (if any) and connects it
\ifnumgreater{\csname thepoint#1\endcsname}{0}{% Checks if there were more than 1 \point#1 used
\foreach \i in {0,...,\csname thepoint#1\endcsname}{% Loops through all arrows i of kind #1
\ExtractCoordinate{$(#1\i-1)$};% Gets the arrow coordinates
\foreach \j in {0,...,\csname thepoint#1\endcsname}{\findcloserj{#1}};% Loops through all other arrows besides i and retrives the closer one
\ifdefempty{\closerj}{}{\draw[#1] (#1\closerj-1) -| (#1\i-1) -- (#1\i-2);}% Draws the connection if it exists
\gdef\closerj{}% clear the variable for next iteration
};\setcounter{point#1}{-1}\renewcommand*{\closerj}{}% Resets the counter and clear the variable for the next loop
\expandafter\def\csname show#1s\endcsname{%
\foreach \i in {0,...,\csname thepoint#1\endcsname}{\node[above left, font=\tiny, red] at (#1\i-2) {#1\i};};
\newpoint{X}{-latex, black}
\newpoint{K}{-latex, gray}
\pointX 0,2|5|4|1.
\pointX 3,1|5|4|1.
\pointX 1,4|6|4|3.
\pointX 1.5,3.5|4|3|5.
\pointX 4,2.5|4|4|0.
\pointXo 3|2|3|0.
\pointXo 2|2|3|1.
\pointK 2,7|3|-2|1.
\pointK 4,6|3|1|2.
\pointKo 7|2|1|0.
\pointKo 6.5|2|-1|2.
\pointK 6,5|4|2|5.
\pointK 10.5,4|2|-2|1.
\pointXo 2.5|2|3|1.
1) 创建一个列表 L,其中包含一种类型(X 或 K)的所有步骤的起点和终点。2) 首先按 x 的增加对列表进行排序,对于相同的 x,将终点放在起点之前。3) 创建一个空列表 S。3) 对于 L 中的每个点,如果它是终点,则从 S 中删除相应的起点。如果它是起点,a) 遍历 S,找到最近的步骤 b) 将起点连接到此步骤 c) 将起点添加到 S
每次,列表 S 包含尚未完成的步骤的起点。
\newcount\blankcount \blankcount=0
%\def\pointX{\step X{\LARGE.}}
\def\pointX{\step X{$\bullet$}}
\def\pointK{\step K{o}}
% compare two points X = (n,se,x,y) and X' = (n',se',x',y')
% where:
% n is the step number
% se is 1 for a start point, 0 for an end point
% x and y are the coordinates of the points
% X < X' iff x < x' or (x = x' and (se < se' or (se = se' and y < y')))
\ifdim #3pt<#7pt\relax \lessthantrue \else
\ifdim #3pt>#7pt\relax \lessthanfalse \else
% both points have the same x coordinate
% an end point is smaller than a start point with the same x coordinate
\ifnum #2<#6\relax \lessthantrue \else
\ifnum #2>#6\relax \lessthanfalse \else
% both point are either start points or end points
% the smaller one is the one with the smaller y coordinate
\ifdim #4pt<#8pt\relax \lessthantrue
\else \lessthanfalse
% insert the point #2=(n,se,x,y) in the list #1points: #1 = X or K
% we reached the end of the list: insert #1
% the rest is '\relax'.
% the rest of the list is '\do{p}...\do{p}\do.\relax'
\compare #1#2%
% (x,se,y) <_lex (x',se',y')
% insert #1, then #2 and finish
% (x,se,y) >=_lex (x',se',y')
% insert #2 then continue
% finish the insertion by inserting at once the rest of the list
\def\xfinishinsert#1#2\do.\relax{\csedef\lst{\the\lsttoks #2}}
% connect steps
\def\splist{}% list of start points of unfinished steps
% If #1 is a start point, connect it to the nearest overlapping step, if any,
% and add #1 to \splist.
% Otherwise, #1 is an end point: remove the start point from \splist
\def\connectpoint#1{\xconnectpoint#1} % remove the braces around the point
\ifnum#2=1 % start step: connect to other steps and add the starting point to \splist
\iffound \draw[line width=2pt, stepcolor] (#3,#4) -- (#3,\ystep); \fi
\else % end step: remove the starting point from \splist
% Search for a step to connect to
% version for connecting only steps with different starting points
\ifdim#5pt<#2pt % the step #4 starts strictly before the step #1 and ends after #2
\ifdim\newyabsdiff<0pt \newyabsdiff=-\newyabsdiff\fi
\ifdim\newyabsdiff<\yabsdiff \else
% If there are some start points left in \splist, they all have the current x coordinate.
% The corresponding steps cannot overlap the current point.
% We can discard all the remaining points.
% version for connecting steps with identical starting points
% \ifdim#5pt<#2pt % the step #4 starts strictly before the step #1 and ends after #2
\ifdim\newyabsdiff<0pt \newyabsdiff=-\newyabsdiff\fi
\ifdim\newyabsdiff<\yabsdiff \else
% \fi
% If there are some start points left in \splist, they all have the current x coordinate.
% We already found a step to connect to and the new one is further:
% The other ones are even further because we sorted them in increasing y's.
% We can discard all the remaining points.
% discards all remaining points in \splist
\global\advance\blankcount by 1
\clearsteps X%
\clearsteps K%
\draw[black!64,->](0,0)--node[left]{$x\atop y$} (0,8);
\draw[black!64,->](0,0)--node[below]{$a\atop b$} (16,0);
% I didn't understand {$\csname num:\the\blankcount\endcsname$}.
% Is it defined somewhere else?
\node (x\the\blankcount) at (16,8) {\the\blankcount};
% Draw a step and add the start point and the end point to the list #1points
% Note: an additional parameter should be supplied for the textual form of
% the label above the edge.
\def\step #1#2#3,#4|#5|#6|#7.{%
\advance\csuse{#1steps} by 1
\draw [line width = 2pt, ->, #1color]
(#3,#4) node (#1start\stepnum) {}
-- node[above] {$#5$}
++(#5,0) node[right] (#1end\stepnum) {$#7$};
\pgfmathparse{#3+.5*#5} \let\X\pgfmathresult
\pgfmathparse{#4+#6} \let\Y\pgfmathresult
\node at (\X,\Y) {#2};
}% step
\pointX 0,2|5|4|1.
\pointX 3,1|5|4|1.
\pointX 1,4|6|4|3.
\pointX 1.5,3.5|4|3|5.
\pointX 4,2.5|4|4|2.
\pointK 2,7|3|2|1.
\pointK 4,6|3|1|2.
\pointK 6,5|4|2|5.
\connectlogically X
\connectlogically K