有人能帮我处理报告中的引文吗?当 Latex 编译时,会出现错误消息“没有文件 pmrep.bbl”,并且引文在 PDF 查看器中显示为“?”。
author = "Blackboard",
title = "Blackboard Collaborate"
note ="http://www.blackboard.com/online-collaborative-learning/blackboard-collaborate.aspx",
urldate = "2016-10-28",
year = "2016"
author = "Lauren Clarke",
organization = "Concrete",
title = "Is the UEA campus becoming unrecognisable? - concrete",
note = "http://www.concrete-online.co.uk/uea-campus-unrecognisable/",
urldate = "2016-10-27",
year = "2016",
month = "06",
day = "14"
author = "Jessica Frank-Keyes",
organization = "Concrete",
title = "UEA plans to recruit 20\% more students by 2030 - concrete",
note = "http://www.concrete-online.co.uk/uea-plans-to-recruit-20-more- students-by-2030/",
urldate = "2016-10-27",
year = "2015",
month = "11",
day = "30"
author = " UEA",
title = "Archived annual facts and figures booklets Archived annual facts and figures booklets",
note = "https://portal.uea.ac.uk/planningoffice/biu/planning-and-management/facts-and-figures",
urldate = "2016-10-27",
year = "2016"
我的 tex 文件(pmreport):
\section{Blackboard Collaborate Report}
The University is currently struggling to fulfill the needs of teaching staff who require rooms to conduct their seminars, lectures, labs and workshops. With over 14,000 students currently enrolled in the university you can begin to understand, with a further 3,000 expected in the next few years \citep{uea2016, frankkeyes2015}. Likewise, in the UEA 2030 vision programme there are plans to demolish older buildings on campus which include; CD Annex, Blackdale and Congregation Hall \citep{clarke2016}. As a result teaching staff have voiced there concerns with one particular statement coming from the School of Biology who stated "it is putting a huge strain on teaching resources within the school' \citep{clarke2016}.
The new technology that has been implemented is Blackboard Collaborate a simple, convenient and reliable online virtual classroom solution \citep{blackboard2016}. It allows organization such as UEA to deliver engagement to their students even though they are not in the same room \citep{blackboard2016}. This new technology enables seminar groups to be delivered with students distributed in various areas such as; home, work or even in another country as long as they have internet connectivity. Currently the technology is not widely understood by the university teaching staff. Our project team was assembled to define, design, plan and deliver a Global Showcase Event that will powerfully demonstrate the new technology to the university teaching staff. Additionally, recruit staff ambassadors that will enable promotion within their respected university school. The reason behind the project team being formed was that ITCS currently have a heavy workload and cannot fully commit to promoting the technology this academic year.
document 类,而不是nbsreport
是最古老的书目样式之一。因此,它无法识别(更不用说处理)诸如 之类的字段urldate
。您还应该将 URL 字符串括在\url
指令中,以便让 LaTeX 找到(更多)合适的换行符(如果需要)。还要修复语法错误,例如缺少逗号。另外,请将字段中出现的“UAE”实例括在title
author = "Blackboard",
title = "Blackboard Collaborate",
note ="\url{http://www.blackboard.com/online-collaborative-learning/blackboard-collaborate.aspx}, last checked on 2016-10-28",
year = "2016"
author = "Lauren Clarke",
organization = "Concrete",
title = "Is the {UEA} campus becoming unrecognisable?--- concrete",
note = "\url{http://www.concrete-online.co.uk/uea-campus-unrecognisable/}, last checked on 2016-10-27",
year = "2016",
month = "June",
day = "14"
author = "Jessica Frank-Keyes",
organization = "Concrete",
title = "{UEA} plans to recruit 20\% more students by 2030---concrete",
url = "\url{http://www.concrete-online.co.uk/uea-plans-to-recruit-20-more-students-by-2030/}, last checked on 2016-10-27",
year = "2015",
month = "November",
day = "30"
author = "UEA",
title = "Archived annual facts and figures booklets",
note = "\url{https://portal.uea.ac.uk/planningoffice/biu/planning-and-management/facts-and-figures}, last checked on 2016-10-27",
year = "2016"
\documentclass[final]{article} % I don't have access to 'nbsreport'
\usepackage[colorlinks,allcolors=blue]{hyperref} % choose your preferred color(s)
\citep{uea2016, frankkeyes2015}