




A Chapter One of Appendix
  A.1 Section One
  A.2 Section Two
B Chapter Two of Appendix
  A.1 Section One
  A.2 Section Two


%% This passes any other options on to the 'report' class.
 \typeout{Unknown option: passing ``\CurrentOption"
  option on to the standard LaTeX report class.}}
% This command tells LaTeX to simply process the class options.
%% This control structure calls the standard LaTeX report.cls class.
%% The base font size should be 10pt unless using the submit option.



\newcommand*{\frntpg}{ %
 % Check the number of columns.
 % Regular headers and footers

%% ---- TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------------------------------------
% This sets the formatting for chapter entries in the table of contents.
\renewcommand*\l@chapter[2]{ %
 % First add some vertical space.
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 % Format the spacing and use dots between title and number.
 \@dottedtocline{1}{0em}{1.0em} %
 % This sets the formatting for the chapter name and page number.
 {\textbf{#1}}{\textbf{#2}} %
 % Add some space below, too.
 \vskip 1ex}

% These lines set the spacing for other table of contents entries.

% Number of section layers to show in table of contents
% Number of subsection layers to allow in document

% This sets the formatting of the table of contents.
 % Move to new page.
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 % Add a pdf anchor.
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 % Add a bookmark manually for the table of contents.
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 % Use front page styling.
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 % Larger upper margin for first page of table
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 % Add the title
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 % Add some space after the title.
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 % Start the automatic table of contents features.
 \begin{singlespace} %
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%% ---- LIST OF APPENDICES ---------------------------------------------
% This sets the formatting for appendices in the list.

% This sets the formatting of the list of appendices page.
 % Move to new page.
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 % Add this page to the table of contents.
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 % Anchor for pdf
 \phantomsection %
 % Use front page styling.
 \frntpg %
 % Larger upper margin for first page of table (thesis only)
  \begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \vspace{1in} \end{minipage} \\ %
 % Add the title
 \centerline{\large\bf LIST OF APPENDICES} %
 % Add some space after the title.
 \vspace{1ex} %
 % Start the automatic table of contents features.
 \begin{singlespace} %
  \@starttoc{loa}\if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi %
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% Renew the command that starts the appendices.
\renewcommand{\appendix}{ %
 % Move to new page.
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 % Renew the counters.
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 % Start over the chapter counter.
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 % Add a pdf anchor.
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 % Add the page to the table of contents.
 % Stop adding sections to the table of contents.
 \addtocontents{toc}{\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}} %
 % Header for appendices.
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 % Renew the chapter and section labels.
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% Make a special chapter command for appendices.
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 % Increase the chapter letter.
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 % Print a line to the .log file.
 \typeout{\@chapapp\space\thechapter.} %
 % Hopefully this works.
 \phantomsection %
 % Add a bookmark manually.
 \pdfbookmark[0]{#1}{#2} %
 % Add to the list of appendices rather than toc.
 \addcontentsline{loa}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{\thechapter}#1} %
 % Save the chapter number.
 \chaptermark{#1} %

%% ---- LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------
% This loads a package that allows extra colors for links.

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%% ---- INITIALIZATION -------------------------------------------------
% Commands to be placed after \begin{document}
\AtBeginDocument{ %
 % Insert the table of contents.
 \tableofcontents %
 % Insert the list of appendices.
 \newpage %




\chapter{First Chapter}   

\chapter{Second Chapter}   

\section{First Section}

\section{Second Section}

\subsection{First Subsection}

\subsection{Second Subsection}

\subsection{Third Subsection}  

\subsection{Fourth Subsection}   

\subsection{Fifth Subsection}

\section{Third Section}

\subsection{First Subsection}

\subsection{Second Subsection}

\subsection{Third Subsection}

\subsection{Fourth Subsection}

\chapter{Third Chapter}

\section{First Section}

\section{Second Section}

\chapter{First Chapter of Appendices}  

\section{First Section of Appendices}

\section{Second Section of Appendices}

\chapter{Second Chapter of Appendices}    

\section{First Section of Appendices}

\section{Second Section of Appendices}

\chapter{Third Chapter of Appendices} 



后续问题:我按照@Werner 提供的说明修改了代码。谢谢!如果我有参考书目,它现在也会出现在 LoA 中。此外,附录中的图表也会出现在 LoA 中,我希望它们分别出现在 LoF 和 LoT 中。



%% This passes any other options on to the 'report' class.
 \typeout{Unknown option: passing ``\CurrentOption"
  option on to the standard LaTeX report class.}}
% This command tells LaTeX to simply process the class options.
%% This control structure calls the standard LaTeX report.cls class.
%% The base font size should be 10pt unless using the submit option.



\newcommand*{\frntpg}{ %
 % Check the number of columns.
 % Regular headers and footers

%% ---- TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------------------------------------
% This sets the formatting for chapter entries in the table of contents.
\renewcommand*\l@chapter[2]{ %
 % First add some vertical space.
 \vskip 1ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
 % Format the spacing and use dots between title and number.
 \@dottedtocline{1}{0em}{1.0em} %
 % This sets the formatting for the chapter name and page number.
 {\textbf{#1}}{\textbf{#2}} %
 % Add some space below, too.
 \vskip 1ex}

% These lines set the spacing for other table of contents entries.

% Number of section layers to show in table of contents
% Number of subsection layers to allow in document

% This sets the formatting of the table of contents.
 % Move to new page.
 \newpage %
 % Add a pdf anchor.
 \phantomsection %
 % Add a bookmark manually for the table of contents.
 \pdfbookmark[0]{Table of Contents}{\thepage} %
 % Use front page styling.
 \frntpg %
 % Larger upper margin for first page of table
  \begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \vspace{1in} \end{minipage} \\ %
 % Add the title
 \centerline{\large\bf TABLE OF CONTENTS} %
 % Add some space after the title.
 \vspace{2ex} %
 % Start the automatic table of contents features.
 \begin{singlespace} %
  \@starttoc{toc}\if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi %
 \end{singlespace} %

%% ---- LIST OF APPENDICES ---------------------------------------------
% This sets the formatting for appendices in the list.

% This sets the formatting of the list of appendices page.
 % Move to new page.
 \newpage %
 % Add this page to the table of contents.
 \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Appendices} %
 % Anchor for pdf
 \phantomsection %
 % Use front page styling.
 \frntpg %
 % Larger upper margin for first page of table (thesis only)
  \begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \vspace{1in} \end{minipage} \\ %
 % Add the title
 \centerline{\large\bf LIST OF APPENDICES} %
 % Add some space after the title.
 \vspace{1ex} %
 % Start the automatic table of contents features.
 \begin{singlespace} %
  \@starttoc{loa}\if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi %
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% Renew the command that starts the appendices.
\renewcommand{\appendix}{ %
 % Move to new page.
 \clearpage %
 % Renew the counters.
 \renewcommand*{\thechapter}{\Alph{chapter}} %
 % Start over the chapter counter.
 \setcounter{chapter}{0} %
 % Add a pdf anchor.
 \phantomsection %
 % Add the page to the table of contents.
 % Stop adding sections to the table of contents.
 %\addtocontents{toc}{\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}} %
 % Header for appendices.
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 % Renew the chapter and section labels.
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 \let\oldaddcontentsline\addcontentsline% Copy \addcontentsline
 % Force \addcontentsline to ALWAYS add to List of Appendices

% Make a special chapter command for appendices.
\def\@chapter@appendix[#1]#2{ %
 % Increase the chapter letter.
 \refstepcounter{chapter} %
 % Print a line to the .log file.
 \typeout{\@chapapp\space\thechapter.} %
 % Hopefully this works.
 \phantomsection %
 % Add a bookmark manually.
 \pdfbookmark[0]{#1}{#2} %
 % Add to the list of appendices rather than toc.
 \addcontentsline{loa}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{\thechapter}#1} %
 % Save the chapter number.
 \chaptermark{#1} %

%% ---- LIST OF TABLES -------------------------------------------------
% This sets the format for the table entries.

% This sets the formatting of the list of tables page.
 % Move to new page.
 \newpage %
 % Add this page to the table of contents.
 \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables} %
 % Use front page styling.
 \frntpg %
 % Larger upper margin for first page of table
  \begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \vspace{1in} \end{minipage} \\ %
 % Add the title
 \centerline{\large\bf LIST OF TABLES} %
 % Add some space after the title.
 \vspace{1ex} %
 % Start the automatic table of contents features.
 \begin{singlespace} %
  \@starttoc{lot}\if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi %
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%% ---- BIBLIOGRAPHY ---------------------------------------------------
% Save the original bibliography command.

% Change the bibliography header.
\renewcommand*{\bibname}{\centerline{\large BIBLIOGRAPHY}}

% Create a new command for the bibliography.
\renewcommand*{\bibliography}[1]{ %
  % Switch to single spacing
  \singlespacing %
 % Move to new page.
 \clearpage %
 % Create a pdf anchor.
 \phantomsection %
 % Add to table of contents.
 \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography} %
 % Load the bibliography.
 \@tex@bibliography{#1} %
%% ---- LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------
% This loads a package that allows extra colors for links.
  colorlinks=true, %
  pdfstartview={FitH}, %
  citecolor=DarkGreen, %
  linkcolor=Black, %
  urlcolor=Blue %

%% ---- INITIALIZATION -------------------------------------------------
% Commands to be placed after \begin{document}
\AtBeginDocument{ %
 % Insert the table of contents.
 \tableofcontents %
 % Insert the list of appendices.
 \newpage %




\chapter{First Chapter}

\chapter{Second Chapter}

\section{First Section}

\section{Second Section}

\subsection{First Subsection}

\subsection{Second Subsection}

\subsection{Third Subsection}

\subsection{Fourth Subsection}

\subsection{Fifth Subsection}

\section{Third Section}

\subsection{First Subsection}

\subsection{Second Subsection}

\subsection{Third Subsection}

\subsection{Fourth Subsection}

\chapter{Third Chapter}

    Length & 152.4 mm \\
    Width &  12.7 mm\\
    Thickness &  3.0 mm\\

\section{First Section}

\section{Second Section}

\chapter{First Chapter of Appendices}

\section{First Section of Appendices}

\section{Second Section of Appendices}

\chapter{Second Chapter of Appendices}

\section{First Section of Appendices}

\section{Second Section of Appendices}

    Length & 152.4 mm \\
    Width &  12.7 mm\\
    Thickness &  3.0 mm\\

\chapter{Third Chapter of Appendices}

    Length & 152.4 mm \\
    Width &  12.7 mm\\
    Thickness &  3.0 mm\\

% Give this command the relative path to the .bib file.



% Stop adding sections to the table of contents.
\addtocontents{toc}{\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}} %




.tex 文件的 MWE 示例将会提供更多帮助。






\chapter{Appendix 1}
\section{Appendix 1 Section 1}
\subsection{Appendix 1 Subsection 1}

\section{Appendix 2 Section 2}
\subsection{Appendix 2 Subsection 1}





在 的定义结束时\appendix,我们想改变元素写入目录的方式。事实上,我们希望将它们写入 ToC,而不是写入 LoA(附录列表)。我们可以通过在当前定义末尾添加这段代码来强制执行此操作:

\let\oldaddcontentsline\addcontentsline% Copy \addcontentsline
% Force \addcontentsline to ALWAYS add to List of Appendices

以上代码复制了 的原始定义\addcontentsline并将其覆盖为类似于\addcontentsline{loa},无论您使用\addcontentsline{toc}还是其他方式调用它。这确保了通常会出现在 ToC 中的所有内容现在都会出现在 LoA 中。


% Stop adding sections to the table of contents.

因为它现在是多余的。上面的代码实际上改变了节级及以下的所有 ToC 相关条目,使其从 ToC 相关内容中排除。因此保留它必然会避免\section在 LoA 中打印 s。

\listofappendices以下是针对和 的更新说明\appendix

% This sets the formatting of the list of appendices page.
 % Move to new page.
 \newpage %
 % Add this page to the table of contents.
 \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Appendices} %
 % Anchor for pdf
 \phantomsection %
 % Use front page styling.
 \frntpg %
 % Larger upper margin for first page of table (thesis only)
  \begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \vspace{1in} \end{minipage} \\ %
 % Add the title
 \centerline{\large\bf LIST OF APPENDICES} %
 % Add some space after the title.
 \vspace{1ex} %
 % Start the automatic table of contents features.
 \begin{singlespace} %
  \@starttoc{loa}\if@restonecol\twocolumn\fi %
 \end{singlespace} %

% Renew the command that starts the appendices.
\renewcommand{\appendix}{ %
 % Move to new page.
 \clearpage %
 % Renew the counters.
 \renewcommand*{\thechapter}{\Alph{chapter}} %
 % Start over the chapter counter.
 \setcounter{chapter}{0} %
 % Add a pdf anchor.
 \phantomsection %
 % Add the page to the table of contents.
 % Header for appendices.
 \renewcommand{\@chapapp}{APPENDIX} %
 % Renew the chapter and section labels.
 \let\@chapter\@chapter@appendix %
 \let\oldaddcontentsline\addcontentsline% Copy \addcontentsline
 % Force \addcontentsline to ALWAYS add to List of Appendices


