我还展示了 IMNSHO 更好的布局。它仍然使用booktabs
\usepackage[margin=1in,letterpaper]{geometry} % text block parameters
\newcommand\mX[1]{\multicolumn{1}{X}{#1}} % handy shortcut macros
\caption{Trying to recreate all questionable layout choices\dots}
S[table-format=3.3,table-number-alignment = left]
*{5}{S[table-format=3.2,table-number-alignment = left]}}
& \mcl{\textbf{No policy}}
& \mcl{\textbf{Credit policy}}
& \mcl{\textbf{Macroprudential policy} ($\tau^2=0.0061$)}\\
\cmidrule(lr){2-3} \cmidrule(lr){4-5} \cmidrule(l){6-7}
& \mX{Low risk} & \mX{High risk} & \mX{Low risk}
& \mX{High risk} & \mX{Low risk} & \mX{High risk} \\
Output & 23.821 & 23.53 & 24.18 & 23.85 & 24.04 & 23.83\\
$\vdots$ \\
$K$ & 209.52 & 206.16 & 214.23 & 210.46 & 212.48 & 210.41\\
SD output growth (\%) & 1.09 & 2.53 & 0.81 & 2.43 & 0.80 & 2.29 \\
\setlength\tabcolsep{0pt} % make LaTeX figure out the intercolumn whitespace
\caption{A (hopefully) superior layout\dots}
S[table-format=3.3] *{5}{S[table-format=3.2]}@{}}
& \mcc{\textbf{No policy}}
& \mcc{\textbf{Credit policy}}
& \mcc{\textbf{Macropru policy}}\\
& && && \mcc{($\tau^2=0.0061$)}\\
\cmidrule{2-3} \cmidrule{4-5} \cmidrule{6-7}
& {Low risk} & {High risk} & {Low risk}
& {High risk} & {Low risk} & {High risk} \\
Output & 23.821 & 23.53 & 24.18 & 23.85 & 24.04 & 23.83\\
$\vdots$ \\
$K$ & 209.52 & 206.16 & 214.23 & 210.46 & 212.48 & 210.41\\
SD output growth (\%) & 1.09 & 2.53 & 0.81 & 2.43 & 0.80 & 2.29 \\
使用 ConTeXt MKIV 的部分解决方案。我光学字符识别 (OCR)从图片中删除了数字,因此我不能保证它们是正确的。
\startsetups table:numbers
\NC \NC[nx=2] No policy \NC[nx=2] Credit policy \NC[nx=2] Macroprudential policy {\tf($\tau^s = 0.0061$)} \NC\NR
\NC \NC Low risk \NC High risk \NC Low risk \NC High risk \NC Low risk \NC High risk \NC\NR
\NC Output \NC 23.821 \NC 23.53 \NC 24.18 \NC 23.85 \NC 24.04 \NC 23.83 \NC\NR
\NC $C$ \NC 18.58 \NC 18.37 \NC 18.82 \NC 18.58 \NC 18.73 \NC 18.57 \NC\NR
\NC $L$ \NC 8.16 \NC 8.08 \NC 8.26 \NC 8.16 \NC 8.22 \NC 8.15 \NC\NR
\NC $K$ \NC 209.52 \NC 206.16 \NC 214.34 \NC 210.46 \NC 212.48 \NC 210.41 \NC\NR
\NC $N$ \NC 31.77 \NC 38.02 \NC 30.05 \NC 37.11 \NC 30.85 \NC 37.72 \NC\NR
\NC Risk free rate (\%) \NC 4.08 \NC 3.72 \NC 4.06 \NC 3.68 \NC 4.05 \NC 3.56 \NC\NR
\NC Spread (\%) \NC 0.99 \NC 1.46 \NC 0.89 \NC 1.38 \NC 0.94 \NC 1.48 \NC\NR
\NC $x$ (\%) \NC 10.12 \NC 15.16 \NC 9.63 \NC 13.35 \NC 18.77 \NC 21.98 \NC\NR
\NC $\nu$ \NC 1.63 \NC 1.38 \NC 1.76 \NC 1.42 \NC 1.81 \NC 1.54 \NC\NR
\NC $\mu_e$ \NC 0.05 \NC 0.15 \NC 0.03 \NC 0.12 \NC 0.03 \NC 0.08 \NC\NR
\NC $\mu_s$ \NC 0.29 \NC 0.16 \NC 0.33 \NC 0.19 \NC 0.37 \NC 0.27 \NC\NR
\NC $\phi$ \NC 6.59 \NC 5.42 \NC 7.13 \NC 5.67 \NC 6.89 \NC 5.58 \NC\NR
\NC $QK/*N+xQK)$ \NC 3.95 \NC 2.98 \NC 4.23 \NC 3.23 \NC 3.00 \NC 2.51 \NC\NR
\NC $N/xQK$ \NC 1.50 \NC 1.22 \NC 1.46 \NC 1.32 \NC 0.77 \NC 0.82 \NC\NR
\NC SD shock (\%) \NC 0.69 \NC 2.07 \NC 0.69 \NC 2.07 \NC 0.69 \NC 2.07 \NC\NR
\NC SD output growth (\%) \NC 1.09 \NC 2.53 \NC 0.81 \NC 2.43 \NC 0.80 \NC 2.29 \NC\NR