解析 JSON 以获取 Dropbox 路径

解析 JSON 以获取 Dropbox 路径

我将所有 tex 文件保存在 Dropbox 目录中,但不同的计算机(所有基于 Windows 的计算机)都有不同的用户名,因此我想在模板中定义一个命令,即 Dropbox 路径,我可以将以下命令的路径附加到该路径中,例如


Dropbox 网站我发现 Dropbox 路径可以从 JSON 文件中读取


所以我想解析该文件(我的文件只包含一个个人账户,但如果 .json 文件包含其他账户,则可能需要指定这一点)并定义一个新命令

\newcommand{\Dropbox}{%path from the json%}

关于在 LaTeX 中解析 JSON 的先前问题是关于打印内容,我不知道如何使其适应我的用例。

如果有必要,我会通过 latexmk 使用 lualatex。


可以使用 Lua 来完成。准备一个名为 的文件,dropboxpath.lua其中包含以下代码:

json = dofile("json.lua")

function get_dropbox_folder(filename)
   -- The folder is different in windows and unix/osx
   if filename == nil then
       filename = os.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA")
   if filename == nil then
       filename = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.dropbox/info.json"
       filename = filename .. "/Dropbox/info.json"
   jsonfile = io.open(filename)
   config = jsonfile:read("*all")
   return (json.parse(config)["personal"]["path"])




The Dropbox folder in this machine is \Dropbox.



免责声明我在 Linux 和 OSX 上测试了此代码,在这两种情况下都可以正常工作。我没有在 Windows 上测试过,我不确定在这种情况下路径是否应该使用\而不是。/

附件. 代碼json.lua

--[[ json.lua

A compact pure-Lua JSON library.
The main functions are: json.stringify, json.parse.

## json.stringify:

This expects the following to be true of any tables being encoded:
 * They only have string or number keys. Number keys must be represented as
   strings in json; this is part of the json spec.
 * They are not recursive. Such a structure cannot be specified in json.

A Lua table is considered to be an array if and only if its set of keys is a
consecutive sequence of positive integers starting at 1. Arrays are encoded like
so: `[2, 3, false, "hi"]`. Any other type of Lua table is encoded as a json
object, encoded like so: `{"key1": 2, "key2": false}`.

Because the Lua nil value cannot be a key, and as a table value is considerd
equivalent to a missing key, there is no way to express the json "null" value in
a Lua table. The only way this will output "null" is if your entire input obj is
nil itself.

An empty Lua table, {}, could be considered either a json object or array -
it's an ambiguous edge case. We choose to treat this as an object as it is the
more general type.

To be clear, none of the above considerations is a limitation of this code.
Rather, it is what we get when we completely observe the json specification for
as arbitrary a Lua object as json is capable of expressing.

## json.parse:

This function parses json, with the exception that it does not pay attention to
\u-escaped unicode code points in strings.

It is difficult for Lua to return null as a value. In order to prevent the loss
of keys with a null value in a json string, this function uses the one-off
table value json.null (which is just an empty table) to indicate null values.
This way you can check if a value is null with the conditional
`val == json.null`.

If you have control over the data and are using Lua, I would recommend just
avoiding null values in your data to begin with.


local json = {}

-- Internal functions.

local function kind_of(obj)
  if type(obj) ~= 'table' then return type(obj) end
  local i = 1
  for _ in pairs(obj) do
    if obj[i] ~= nil then i = i + 1 else return 'table' end
  if i == 1 then return 'table' else return 'array' end

local function escape_str(s)
  local in_char  = {'\\', '"', '/', '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t'}
  local out_char = {'\\', '"', '/',  'b',  'f',  'n',  'r',  't'}
  for i, c in ipairs(in_char) do
    s = s:gsub(c, '\\' .. out_char[i])
  return s

-- Returns pos, did_find; there are two cases:
-- 1. Delimiter found: pos = pos after leading space + delim; did_find = true.
-- 2. Delimiter not found: pos = pos after leading space;     did_find = false.
-- This throws an error if err_if_missing is true and the delim is not found.
local function skip_delim(str, pos, delim, err_if_missing)
  pos = pos + #str:match('^%s*', pos)
  if str:sub(pos, pos) ~= delim then
    if err_if_missing then
      error('Expected ' .. delim .. ' near position ' .. pos)
    return pos, false
  return pos + 1, true

-- Expects the given pos to be the first character after the opening quote.
-- Returns val, pos; the returned pos is after the closing quote character.
local function parse_str_val(str, pos, val)
  val = val or ''
  local early_end_error = 'End of input found while parsing string.'
  if pos > #str then error(early_end_error) end
  local c = str:sub(pos, pos)
  if c == '"'  then return val, pos + 1 end
  if c ~= '\\' then return parse_str_val(str, pos + 1, val .. c) end
  -- We must have a \ character.
  local esc_map = {b = '\b', f = '\f', n = '\n', r = '\r', t = '\t'}
  local nextc = str:sub(pos + 1, pos + 1)
  if not nextc then error(early_end_error) end
  return parse_str_val(str, pos + 2, val .. (esc_map[nextc] or nextc))

-- Returns val, pos; the returned pos is after the number's final character.
local function parse_num_val(str, pos)
  local num_str = str:match('^-?%d+%.?%d*[eE]?[+-]?%d*', pos)
  local val = tonumber(num_str)
  if not val then error('Error parsing number at position ' .. pos .. '.') end
  return val, pos + #num_str

-- Public values and functions.

function json.stringify(obj, as_key)
  local s = {}  -- We'll build the string as an array of strings to be concatenated.
  local kind = kind_of(obj)  -- This is 'array' if it's an array or type(obj) otherwise.
  if kind == 'array' then
    if as_key then error('Can\'t encode array as key.') end
    s[#s + 1] = '['
    for i, val in ipairs(obj) do
      if i > 1 then s[#s + 1] = ', ' end
      s[#s + 1] = json.stringify(val)
    s[#s + 1] = ']'
  elseif kind == 'table' then
    if as_key then error('Can\'t encode table as key.') end
    s[#s + 1] = '{'
    for k, v in pairs(obj) do
      if #s > 1 then s[#s + 1] = ', ' end
      s[#s + 1] = json.stringify(k, true)
      s[#s + 1] = ':'
      s[#s + 1] = json.stringify(v)
    s[#s + 1] = '}'
  elseif kind == 'string' then
    return '"' .. escape_str(obj) .. '"'
  elseif kind == 'number' then
    if as_key then return '"' .. tostring(obj) .. '"' end
    return tostring(obj)
  elseif kind == 'boolean' then
    return tostring(obj)
  elseif kind == 'nil' then
    return 'null'
    error('Unjsonifiable type: ' .. kind .. '.')
  return table.concat(s)

json.null = {}  -- This is a one-off table to represent the null value.

function json.parse(str, pos, end_delim)
  pos = pos or 1
  if pos > #str then error('Reached unexpected end of input.') end
  local pos = pos + #str:match('^%s*', pos)  -- Skip whitespace.
  local first = str:sub(pos, pos)
  if first == '{' then  -- Parse an object.
    local obj, key, delim_found = {}, true, true
    pos = pos + 1
    while true do
      key, pos = json.parse(str, pos, '}')
      if key == nil then return obj, pos end
      if not delim_found then error('Comma missing between object items.') end
      pos = skip_delim(str, pos, ':', true)  -- true -> error if missing.
      obj[key], pos = json.parse(str, pos)
      pos, delim_found = skip_delim(str, pos, ',')
  elseif first == '[' then  -- Parse an array.
    local arr, val, delim_found = {}, true, true
    pos = pos + 1
    while true do
      val, pos = json.parse(str, pos, ']')
      if val == nil then return arr, pos end
      if not delim_found then error('Comma missing between array items.') end
      arr[#arr + 1] = val
      pos, delim_found = skip_delim(str, pos, ',')
  elseif first == '"' then  -- Parse a string.
    return parse_str_val(str, pos + 1)
  elseif first == '-' or first:match('%d') then  -- Parse a number.
    return parse_num_val(str, pos)
  elseif first == end_delim then  -- End of an object or array.
    return nil, pos + 1
  else  -- Parse true, false, or null.
    local literals = {['true'] = true, ['false'] = false, ['null'] = json.null}
    for lit_str, lit_val in pairs(literals) do
      local lit_end = pos + #lit_str - 1
      if str:sub(pos, lit_end) == lit_str then return lit_val, lit_end + 1 end
    local pos_info_str = 'position ' .. pos .. ': ' .. str:sub(pos, pos + 10)
    error('Invalid json syntax starting at ' .. pos_info_str)

return json





-- This is dropboxpath.lua
json = dofile(kpse.find_file("json.lua"))

function get_dropbox_folder(filename)
   if filename == nil then
       filename = os.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA")
   if filename == nil then
       filename = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.dropbox/info.json"
       filename = filename .. "/Dropbox/info.json"
   jsonfile = io.open(filename)
   config = jsonfile:read("*all")
   path = json.parse(config)["personal"]["path"]
   path = string.gsub(path, "\\", "/")
   return (path)


% This is dropboxpath.sty


% This is dropboxtest.tex
The Dropbox folder in this machine is \Dropbox.
