基本上,我有下面的代码,它绘制了我的节点,我只想将标签 delta x 放在节点 1 和 2 之间和上方,将 delta y 放在节点 1 和 5 之间和左侧。我该怎么做?
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1, transform shape]
\tikzstyle{every node} = [circle, fill=black!30]
\node [label={ $\Delta x $}] (a) {1};
\node(b) [right=of a] {2};
\node(c) [right=of b] {3};
\node(d) [right=of c] {4};
\node [label={ $\Delta y $}] (e) [below= of a] {5};
\node(f) [right=of e] {6};
\node(g) [right =of f] {7};
\node(h) [right= of g] {8};
\foreach \from/\to in {a/b, a/e}
\draw [-] (\from) -- (\to);
% load library to position nodes relatively to each other
% use a scope to state the style of the (main) nodes
every node/.append style={
\node (a) {1};
\node (b) [right=of a] {2};
\node (c) [right=of b] {3};
\node (d) [right=of c] {4};
\node (e) [below=of a] {5};
\node (f) [right=of e] {6};
\node (g) [right=of f] {7};
\node (h) [right=of g] {8};
% then you can draw the lines between the nodes you want to
% connect and place nodes on that path
% (because this nodes are outside of the scope,
% they are drawn with the default style)
\draw (a) -- node [above] {$\Delta x$} (b);
\draw (a) -- node [left] {$\Delta y$} (e);