
\multirow{3}{*}{Parameters} &
\multicolumn{4}{c}{Controllers} \\\cmidrule{2-5}

  &dsPIC33FJ64MC204  & dsPIC33EV64GM104 & S32K & XMC1402  \\
 & (Microchip) & (Microchip) & (NXP) & (Infineon) \\

Architecture & 16 bit & 16bit & 32bit & 32 bit \\
Temperature Range & -40{\,\celsius } to +125{\,\celsius}  & -40{\,\celsius} to +150{\,\celsius} & -40{\,\celsius}  to +125{\,\celsius}& -40{\,\celsius}to +125{\,\celsius}\\
    Voltage range & 3.0V to 3.6V & 4.5V to 5.5V & 2.7V to 5.5V & 2.0V to 5.5V\\
    CPU speed &40MHz & 40MHz & upto 112MHz & 48MHz\\
    \multirow{2}{*}{}CPU performance&-40{\,\celsius} to +125{\,\celsius} & -40{\,\celsius} to +150{\,\celsius} & & \\
     for high temperature &= 40MIPS &= 40MIPS & &\\
    \multirow{3}{*}{I/O pins} & 35pins out of 44pins &  35pins out of 44pins & & 34pins out of 48pins \\
    & & 53pins out of 64 pins & & 48pins out of 64pins\\
    \multirow{2}{*}{Comparators}&upto 2 analog&upto 4 analog & & upto 4 analog\\
    &comparators&comparators& & compatators\\
    PWM resolution & 25ns&7.14ns & & \\
    \multirow{4}{*}{}communication &2 UART &2 UART & communication &4 interface \\
       Interfaces&modules supports &modules supports & protocol  &  channels usable\\
        & LIN 2.0& LIN 2.0&emmulation for &  as UART \\
        & protocol& protocol&more LIN&and LIN\\
    Typical MIPS/MHz &1MIPS/MHz& &1.25DMIPS/MHz&0.84DMIPS/MHz \\
    \multirow{3}{*}{} Price for & & & & \\
    QFN-44 & &100= 2.55\euro& &5k=1.46\euro\\
    QFN-64 & 100= 3.86\euro & 100=3.51\euro & &5k=1.92\euro\\

\caption{Controller Comparison Table-1}


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        \multirow{3}{*}{Parameters} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Controllers} \\
        & dsPIC33FJ64MC204  & dsPIC33EV64GM104 & S32K & XMC1402  \\
        & (Microchip) & (Microchip) & (NXP) & (Infineon) \\     
        Architecture in \si{\bit} & $16$ & $16$ & $32$ & $32$ \\
        Temperature Range in \si{\celsius} & \numrange{-40}{125} & \numrange{-40}{150} & \numrange{-40}{125} & \numrange{-40}{125} \\
        Voltage range in \si{\volt} & \numrange{3.0}{3.6} & \numrange{4.5}{5.5} & \numrange{2.7}{5.5} & \numrange{2.0}{5.5} \\
        CPU speed in \si{\mega\hertz} &$40$ & $40$ & upto $112$ & $48$\\
        CPU performance in \si{\celsius} & \numrange{-40}{125} & \numrange{-40}{150} & & \\
        for high temperature & $= \SI{40}{MIPS}$ & $= \SI{40}{MIPS}$ & &\\
        \multirow{3}{*}{I/O pins} & 35 pins out of 44 pins &  35 pins out of 44 pins & & 34 pins out of 48 pins \\
        & & 53 pins out of 64 pins & & 48 pins out of 64 pins\\
        \multirow{2}{*}{Comparators}&upto 2 analog&upto 4 analog & & upto 4 analog\\
        & comparators & comparators & & compatators\\
        PWM resolution in \si{\nano\second} & $25$ & $7.14$ & & \\
        communication &2 UART &2 UART & communication &4 interface \\
        Interfaces&modules supports &modules supports & protocol  &  channels usable\\
        & LIN 2.0& LIN 2.0&emmulation for &  as UART \\
        & protocol& protocol&more LIN&and LIN\\
        Typical in \si{MIPS\per\mega\hertz} & $1$ & $1.25$  & $0.84$ \\
        Price for & & & & \\
        QFN-44 & & $100 = \SI{2.55}{\EUR}$ & & $5\text{k} = \SI{1.46}{\EUR}$ \\
        QFN-64 &  $100 = \SI{3.86}{\EUR}$ &  $100 = \SI{3.51}{\EUR}$ & & $5\text{k} = \SI{1.92}{\EUR}$ \\
    \caption{Controller Comparison}



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\multirow{3}{*}{Parameters} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Controllers}       \\
    &   \makecell[l]{dsPIC33FJ64MC204\\ (Microchip)}      
            &   \makecell[l]{dsPIC33EV64GM104\\ (Microchip)}
                    &   \makecell[l]{S32K\\ (NXP)}
                            &   \makecell[l]{XMC1402\\  (Infineon)}                 \\
Architecture in \si{\bit}   
    &   16  &   16  &   32  &   32                                                  \\
Temperature Range in \si{\celsius}  
    &   \numrange{-40}{125}   
            &   \numrange{-40}{150}
                    &   \numrange{-40}{125} 
                            &   \numrange{-40}{125}                                 \\
Voltage range in \si{\volt}         
    &   \numrange{3.0}{3.6} 
            &   \numrange{4.5}{5.5} 
                    &   \numrange{2.7}{5.5} 
                            &   \numrange{2.0}{5.5}                                 \\
CPU speed in \si{\mega\hertz}       
    &   40  &   40  &   upto 112    &   48                                          \\
\makecell[lt]{CPU performance in \si{\celsius}\\ for high temperature} 
    &   $\numrange{-40}{125}= \SI{40}{MIPS}$ 
            &   $\numrange{-40}{150} = \SI{40}{MIPS}$       &   &                   \\
I/O pins    
    &   35 pins out of 44 pins 
            &  \makecell[lt]{35 pins out of 44 pins\\ 53 pins out of 64 pins}
                    &       &   \makecell[lt]{35pins out of 48 pins\\ 
                                              48 pins out of 64 pins}               \\
    &   \makecell[lt]{up to 2 analog\\ comparators}
            &   \makecell[lt]{up to 4 analog\\ comparators}
                    &       &   \makecell[lt]{upto 4 analog\\ comparators}          \\
PWM resolution in \si{\nano\second} 
    &   25  &   7.14&       &                                                       \\
\makecell[lt]{Communication\\ Interfaces} 
    &   \makecell[lt]{2 UART modules\\ supports LIN 2.0\\ protocol} 
            &   \makecell[lt]{2 UART modules\\ supports LIN 2.0\\ protocol}
                    &   \makecell[lt]{communication\\ protocol emulation\\ for more LIN} 
                            &   \makecell[lt]{4 interface chanels\\ 
                                              usable as UART\\ and LIN}\\
Typical \si{MIPS\per\mega\hertz} 
    &   1   & 1.25  & 0.84   &                                                      \\
Price for QFN-44 
    &       &   $100 = \SI{2.55}{\EUR}$ 
                    &       &   $5\text{k} = \SI{1.46}{\EUR}$                       \\
\phantom{Price for} QFN-64 
    & $100 = \SI{3.86}{\EUR}$ 
            &  $100 = \SI{3.51}{\EUR}$ 
                    &       &   $5\text{k} = \SI{1.92}{\EUR}$                       \\
\caption{Controller Comparison}

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