我有几张图表想要通过条形图来表示。最初,我考虑将图表分组在一起(如图 A 所示),但由于我将有几张不同的图表,为了节省空间,我想将它们合并成一张大图表;类似于这里(也显示在图 B 中)。基本上,它应该是一张图表(xy 轴),结合了当前图表中的所有数据;但每个部分应该分开(可能通过垂直轴线)。我不知道该怎么做,可能吗?怎么做?
更多信息:我试图绘制的图表基于一个不太大的数据集。值 20、40、50、60、80 是百分点。图表中的当前条形图在 30%、70% 的值处有间隙,我不希望存在这个间隙。条形图可以像图 B 中显示的条形图一样接近。由于我有 10、20、30、40、50F 的数据(如表格名称所示),如果每个条形图子组在 xticks 下都有一个标签并按此顺序排列,那就太好了。除此之外,任何重新排列/添加都是可以的。 更新:是的,允许重新组织数据文件(无法在评论中发布)。
这Tex 文件。
legend columns=-1,
legend entries={{\color{red}{\tiny Algirthm A}}, {\color{blue}{\tiny Algorithm B}}},
legend to name=CombinedLegendBar,
area legend,
ylabel= {},
xlabel= {},
xtick pos=left,
ytick pos=left,
group style={
%xlabels at=edge bottom,
%ylabels at=edge left,
%xticklabels at=edge bottom,
horizontal sep=50pt,
vertical sep=30pt
\nextgroupplot[title={\scriptsize 10 Flows} ]
\addplot[ybar,draw=red,pattern color=red, pattern=dots] table[x={n}, y={p}] {10FA.dat};
\addplot[ybar,draw=blue,pattern color=blue, pattern=north east lines] table[x={n}, y={p}] {10FB.dat};
\nextgroupplot[title={\scriptsize 20 Flows} ]
\addplot[ybar,draw=red,pattern color=red, pattern=dots] table[x={n}, y={p}] {20FA.dat};
\addplot[ybar,draw=blue,pattern color=blue, pattern=north east lines] table[x={n}, y={p}] {20FB.dat};
\nextgroupplot[title={\scriptsize 30 Flows} ]
\addplot[ybar,draw=red,pattern color=red, pattern=dots] table[x={n}, y={p}] {30FA.dat};
\addplot[ybar,draw=blue, pattern color = blue, pattern=north east lines] table[x={n}, y={p}] {30FB.dat};
\nextgroupplot[title={\scriptsize 40 Flows} ]
\addplot[ybar,draw=red,pattern color=red, pattern=dots] table[x={n}, y={p}] {40FA.dat};
\addplot[ybar, draw=blue, pattern color =blue, pattern=north east lines] table[x={n}, y={p}] {40FB.dat};
\nextgroupplot[title={\scriptsize 50 Flows},
at = { ($ ( $ (group c1r2.south west) + (0,-50pt)$ )!0.5!(group c2r2.south east) $ ) } ]
\addplot[ybar,draw=red,pattern color=red, pattern=dots] table[x={n}, y={p}] {50FA.dat};
\addplot[ybar,draw=blue, pattern color=blue, pattern=north east lines] table[x={n}, y={p}] {50FB.dat};
\node[xshift=-1.2cm] at ($(group c1r1.west)!0.5!(group c1r2.west)$) {\rotatebox{90}{{\Large Y Axis Label}}};
\node[yshift=-1cm] at (group c1r3.south){{\Large X Axis Label}};
\node[yshift=-2cm] at (group c1r3.south){\ref{CombinedLegendBar}};
% restructured data file:
% - 'n' values are sorted ascending
% - added column 'z' to know which data belong to which measurement
% - added a dummy line at the end of each data set to produce an empty entry
% for the separation of the blocks
% - put all data in one file
z n pFA pFB
10 2 6 1
10 4 7 1
10 5 8 4
10 6 9 7
10 8 10 9
20 {} 0 0
20 2 9 4
20 4 12 6
20 5 14 3
20 6 15 8
20 8 18 5
30 {} 0 0
30 2 11 5
30 4 17 5
30 5 19 5
30 6 21 6
30 8 24 8
30 {} 0 0
40 2 13 3
40 4 19 5
40 5 21 18
40 6 24 8
40 8 28 10
40 {} 0 0
50 2 15 4
50 4 21 12
50 5 24 4
50 6 27 9
50 8 30 10
% set the `width' of the plot to the maximum length ...
% ... and use half this length for the `height'
% use `data' for the positioning of the `xticks' ...
% ... and use table data for labeling the `xticks'
xticklabels from table={data.txt}{n},
% add extra ticks "at the empty entries to add the vertical lines
extra x ticks={5,11,17,23},
% this ticks shouldn't be labeled ...
extra x tick labels={},
% ... but grid lines should be drawn without the tick lines
extra x tick style={
major tick length=0pt,
xlabel={X Axis Label},
ylabel={Y Axis Label},
% because of the category labels, shift the `xlabel' a bit down
xlabel style={
legend pos=north west,
legend entries={
{\color{red}{Algorithm A}},
{\color{blue}{Algorithm B}},
area legend,
% adjust `bar width' so it fits your needs ...
bar width=8pt,
% ... and with that you also have to adjust the x limits
enlarge x limits={abs=1},
% set `clip mode' to `individual' so the category labels aren't clipped away
clip mode=individual,
% plot the "red" ybars
\addplot [
pattern color=red,
] table [
% use just the `coordindex' as x coordinate,
% the correct labeling is done with `xticklabels from table'
x expr=\coordindex,
] {data.txt};
% plot the "blue" ybars
\addplot [
pattern color=blue,
pattern=north east lines,
] table [
x expr=\coordindex,
] {data.txt};
% add the category labels
% because the reference point will be the lower axis line the
% labels have to be moved a bit more down to don't overlap with
% the `xticklabels'
every label/.append style={
label distance=2ex,
\node [label=below:10 Flows]
at (axis cs:2,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:20 Flows]
at (axis cs:8,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:30 Flows]
at (axis cs:14,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:40 Flows]
at (axis cs:20,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:50 Flows]
at (axis cs:26,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};