如何在 moderncv 顶部添加附加文本?

如何在 moderncv 顶部添加附加文本?

一份申请要求我上传简历,并在文件顶部注明我申请的部门。我可以知道如何使用 moderncv 做到这一点吗?我尝试了以下解决方案:将框架文本置于页面顶部但对于简历类型的文档则不行,而且失败了。下面的代码给了我这个。我无法将文本放在页面顶部。




\fancyfoot[RE,LO]{\footnotesize }

% personal datas
\address{Bukit Batok West Ave 6}{Block 189 \#15-27}
%\email{ha\_haziq\[email protected]} 
\extrainfo{ha\_haziq\[email protected]\\

pdfborder = {0 0 1}

\nopagenumbers{} % uncomment to suppress automatic page numbering for CVs longer than one page


%                                     EDUCATION


\node[draw] at (0,0) {some text};
\node[draw,align=left] at (3,0) {some text\\ spanning three lines\\ with manual line breaks};
\node[draw,text width=4cm] at (2,-2) {some text spanning three lines with automatic line breaks};


\cventry{2013 -- 2016}{Nanyang Technological University}{}{}{}{\normalsize{B.Eng. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1st Class Honours} \newline{}}

%                                     EXPERIENCE

\section{Relevant Experience} 
\cventry{Aug 2016 -- Aug 2017}{%\href{http://www.ipal.cnrs.fr/}
{Image \& Pervasive Access Lab - National University of Singapore}}{\textnormal{Research Engineer}}{\textit{Object Detection \& Recognition in RGBD images} \vspace{2mm}}{}{
\item Proposed and implemented an object proposal pipeline for 3D point clouds that exploits intervoxel statistics from training data \vspace{5mm}
\item Currently experimenting with various modifications to the Fast-RCNN architecture to include said statistics and features that represent prior knowledge. Planning for submission to ICIP

\cventry{May 2016 -- Jul 2016}{%\href{http://www.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/department/vc/index.html}
{Institute for Infocomm Research}}{\textnormal{Intern}}{\textit{Object Detection \& Recognition for Mobility Safety Applications} \vspace{2mm}}{}{
\item Conducted a survey of Deep Learning methods and developed an end-to-end CNN for pedestrian detection in RGB-Thermal images \vspace{5mm} 

\cventry{Aug 2015 -- Apr 2016}{%\href{http://adsc.illinois.edu/}
{Advanced Digital Sciences Centre}}{\textnormal{Junior Research Assistant}}{\textit{Real Time Automated Analysis of Soccer Videos}\vspace{2mm}}{}{
\item Designed algorithms that enhanced the ball tracker by utilizing the rules and \textit{a-priori} knowledge of soccer and implemented height estimation techniques based on the epipolar geometry of stereo vision \vspace{5mm}
\item Designed an algorithm for unsupervised learning of player-team based on k-means clustering and improved the kalman-filtering based player tracker with an occlusion handler that employed an adaptive template  \vspace{5mm}
\item Worked on camera calibration and homography for the mapping of objects onto a common coordinate system for object fusion and analysis in world coordinates \vspace{5mm}

\cventry{Jan 2015 -- May 2015}{Nanyang Technological University}{}{\textit{Face Recognition - Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program} \vspace{2mm}}{}{ 
\item Conducted a detailed survey of existing techniques on 2D Face Recognition and implemented PCA and LDA on Matlab for performance evaluation \vspace{5mm}

%                                       AWARDS


\cventry{2014  -- 2016}{\mdseries{Yayasan Mendaki - Institution of Engineers (Singapore) Scholarship}}{}{}{}{\footnotesize{The scholarship is awarded to \normalsize{\textbf{one Malay student}} per year across all engineering disciplines by nomination from NUS/NTU/SIT/SUTD\newline{}}}

%                                   COMPUTER SKILLS

\section{Relevant Skills \normalsize\color{black}(Proficient, \color{gray}Basic)}
\cvitem{Languages}{C++, Matlab, \color{gray} Python}
\cvitem{Libraries}{OpenCV, Point Cloud Library, OpenMP, MatConvNet, \color{gray} Caffe\newline{}}

%                                      SERVICE



\cventry{}{Dr. Nizar Ouarti}{}{}{}{\normalsize{Associate Professor}\newline Image and Pervasive Access Lab / Université Pierre et Marie Curie \newline [email protected] \newline}

\cventry{}{Dr. Lu Shijian}{}{}{}{\normalsize{Scientist II / Adjunct Assistant Professor}\newline Institute for Infocomm Research / Nanyang Technological University \newline [email protected] \newline}

\cventry{}{Dr. Stefan Winkler}{}{}{}{\normalsize{Principal Research Scientist}\newline Advanced Digital Sciences Center / U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign \newline [email protected] \newline}

\closesection{}                   % needed to renewcommands



\maketitle打印标题,然后,为了将图像放置在标题上方,只需将相关的 TeX 代码放在\maketitleie之前

\node[draw] at (0,0) {some text};
\node[draw,align=left] at (3,0) {some text\\ spanning three lines\\ with manual line breaks};
\node[draw,text width=4cm] at (2,-2) {some text spanning three lines with automatic line breaks};



