\@ifnextchar 扩展时插入额外的括号

\@ifnextchar 扩展时插入额外的括号

我正在尝试编写一个在数学模式下工作的宏,如下所示:\mymacro^3 str产生与相同的结果\pi^3 str,而\mymacro{str1}{str2}{str3}产生与相同的结果\pi str1 \pi str2 \pi str3。换句话说,如果紧随其后的字符是^,它只会打印π;否则它会吸收一个参数(字符串),打印π和参数,并继续吸收参数,直到下一个字符不是{。


  \pi #1




! Display math should end with $$.<to be read again> $
! Missing $ inserted.<inserted text>$


  \pi #1

这不再会产生警告,但当像 那样使用时\mymacro{x}{y},即没有前导^,它会产生与 相同的结果\pi \pi x \pi y,无论是在显示模式还是在内联模式下。我看到沃纳的回答,但根据他的线索,我发现似乎插入了一个额外的 {。有什么解释吗?如何修复?


这确实违反了所有的 latex 语法准则(没有标准的 latex 命令会采用可变数量的{}参数),但是





$\mymacro aaa$

$\mymacro^3 aaa$

$\mymacro{111}{222}{333} aaa$




以下方法既不\mymacro执行任何赋值(\@ifnextchar不使用 → ),也不执行\if.... \else..\fi构造方面的任何分支。
不需要像 eTeX 这样的扩展\mymacro
(但\testsuite用于测试/展示 行为的 -macro\mymacro使用 eTeX' \scantokens。)




%% Paraphernalia:
%%    \UD@firstoftwo, \UD@secondoftwo, \UD@Exchange, \UD@removespace
%%    \UD@CheckWhetherNull, \UD@CheckWhetherBrace, \UD@Loopcall
\newcommand\UD@removespace{}\UD@firstoftwo{\def\UD@removespace}{} {}%
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
%% (\romannumeral expansion was introduced in order to overcome the
%% concerns and worries about improperly balanced \if..\else..\fi constructs.)
  \UD@secondoftwo\string}\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}%
  \UD@secondoftwo}{\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}\UD@firstoftwo}%
%% Check whether argument's first token is a catcode-1-character
%% \UD@CheckWhetherBrace{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                      {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                        which is to be checked has leading
%%                        catcode-1-token>}%
%%                      {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                        which is to be checked has no leading
%%                        catcode-1-token>}%
  \UD@secondoftwo\string}\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}%
  \UD@firstoftwo}{\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}\UD@secondoftwo}%
%% Check whether brace-balanced argument starts with a space-token
%% \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingSpace{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                             {<Tokens to be delivered in case <argument
%%                               which is to be checked>'s 1st token is a
%%                               space-token>}%
%%                             {<Tokens to be delivered in case <argument
%%                               which is to be checked>'s 1st token is not
%%                               a space-token>}%
  {\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}\UD@secondoftwo}%
  {\expandafter\UD@secondoftwo\string{\UD@CheckWhetherLeadingSpaceB.#1 }{}}%
\long\def\UD@CheckWhetherLeadingSpaceB#1 {%
  {\UD@Exchange{ }{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
%% Expandable Loop:
%% \UD@Loopcall{<action>}%
%%          {<action if list empty>}%
%%          {<preset>}%
%%          {{<e_k>}{<e_(k+1)>}..{e_n}}% <- this is the list
%% If list is empty: <action if list empty>
%% Else:
%% <action>{<e_k>}<preset> \UD@Loopcall{<action>}%
%%                                  {<action if list empty>}%
%%                                  {<preset>}{{<e_(k+1)>}..{e_n}}
%% <action> can be defined to mesh into the iteration-process, e.g.,
%% (ex)changing arguments like the <action if list empty>-argument
%% for the next \UD@Loopcall-iteration, e.g., terminating iteration
%% prematurely under some circumstances.
%% Space tokens between elements will be ignored.
%% Macros for the user, defined by means of the paraphernalia:

%% Macros for the testsuite that is used for testing the behavior of the 
%% macros for the user:



\parindent=0ex %


\testsuite{^3 str}


\testsuite{ str}


\testsuite{{^2 str1}{^5 str2}{^{11} str3}}

\testsuite{ {^2 str1} {^5 str2} {^{11} str3} }



\verb*|$\mymacro{^3 str}$|: 
$\mymacro{^3 str}$


\verb*|$\mymacro{ str}$|: 
$\mymacro{ str}$


\verb*|$\mymacro{{^2 str1}{^5 str2}{^{11} str3}}$|: 
$\mymacro{{^2 str1}{^5 str2}{^{11} str3}}$

\verb*|$\mymacro{   {^2 str1}  {^5 str2}  {^{11} str3}  }$|: 
$\mymacro{   {^2 str1}  {^5 str2}  {^{11} str3}  }$



