获取文档结束前的 .idx 文件快照

获取文档结束前的 .idx 文件快照

对于索引和词汇表之间交叉引用的一些技巧,我想获取.idx大型文档(书籍)中某个特定点的文件快照 - 准确地说,是在正文之后,但在词汇表之前。我尝试了几种可能的解决方案,但都没有成功。

  1. 打开第二个.idx文件(例如\jobname.idx2)并修补\@wrindex以写入两个文件。我尝试使用xpatch\pretocmd但它抱怨:


analyzing '\@wrindex'
++ control sequence is defined
++ control sequence is a macro
++ control sequence is a macro with parameters
-- nested patching command and parameters in patch
-> the patching command seems to be nested in the
   argument to some other command
-> the patch text seems to contain # characters
-> either avoid nesting or use # characters with
   category code 12 in the patch text
-> simply doubling the # characters will not work

更新:这是 MWE








\chapter{Were the moon landings faked?}



但事实证明,如果我这样做xpretocmd 外部,它\AtBeginDocument确实有效:

[debug] tracing \pretocmd on input line 13
[debug] analyzing '\@wrindex'
[debug] ++ control sequence is defined
[debug] ++ control sequence is a macro
[debug] ++ control sequence is a macro with parameters
[debug] ++ macro can be retokenized cleanly
[debug] == retokenizing macro now

并且文件确实被写入,因此修补的宏似乎可以工作。我曾使用 来\AtBeginDocument确保修补程序将应用于 重新定义的宏hyperref,但我当然可以手动确保这一点。

因此,感谢您提出制作 MWE 的建议。








\chapter{Were the moon landings faked?}



